Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2014
Generated 01-Sep-2014 03:19 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2014
Total Hits 49700
Total Files 40562
Total Pages 30838
Total Visits 21318
Total KBytes 1069244
Total Unique Sites 2874
Total Unique URLs 614
Total Unique Referrers 669
Total Unique User Agents 999
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 66 506
Hits per Day 1603 2378
Files per Day 1308 2079
Pages per Day 994 1733
Sites per Day 92 418
Visits per Day 687 1196
KBytes per Day 34492 59762
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 81.61% 40562
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.49% 244
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.71% 352
Code 304 - Not Modified 4.78% 2378
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.01% 7
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.08% 42
Code 404 - Not Found 12.25% 6086
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.03% 14
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.01% 3
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.02% 12

Daily usage for August 2014

Daily Statistics for August 2014
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1293 2.60% 1091 2.69% 537 1.74% 397 1.86% 314 10.93% 28483 2.66%
2 1692 3.40% 1530 3.77% 1138 3.69% 461 2.16% 297 10.33% 44905 4.20%
3 1737 3.49% 1526 3.76% 981 3.18% 527 2.47% 307 10.68% 33895 3.17%
4 1454 2.93% 1260 3.11% 840 2.72% 512 2.40% 323 11.24% 59762 5.59%
5 1443 2.90% 1197 2.95% 784 2.54% 560 2.63% 351 12.21% 31691 2.96%
6 2003 4.03% 1617 3.99% 1067 3.46% 536 2.51% 357 12.42% 55414 5.18%
7 1317 2.65% 1071 2.64% 815 2.64% 527 2.47% 340 11.83% 34888 3.26%
8 1447 2.91% 1095 2.70% 877 2.84% 623 2.92% 358 12.46% 29931 2.80%
9 1520 3.06% 1311 3.23% 972 3.15% 806 3.78% 380 13.22% 39043 3.65%
10 2017 4.06% 1708 4.21% 1519 4.93% 921 4.32% 330 11.48% 33313 3.12%
11 1832 3.69% 1541 3.80% 1249 4.05% 859 4.03% 356 12.39% 32533 3.04%
12 2195 4.42% 1845 4.55% 1348 4.37% 889 4.17% 369 12.84% 39943 3.74%
13 1740 3.50% 1434 3.54% 989 3.21% 807 3.79% 341 11.86% 31996 2.99%
14 1380 2.78% 1113 2.74% 907 2.94% 743 3.49% 333 11.59% 28846 2.70%
15 1487 2.99% 1236 3.05% 926 3.00% 763 3.58% 324 11.27% 29510 2.76%
16 1825 3.67% 1482 3.65% 1162 3.77% 958 4.49% 363 12.63% 39098 3.66%
17 2251 4.53% 1875 4.62% 1682 5.45% 1196 5.61% 347 12.07% 42262 3.95%
18 2079 4.18% 1809 4.46% 1587 5.15% 1187 5.57% 361 12.56% 37484 3.51%
19 1909 3.84% 1655 4.08% 1279 4.15% 863 4.05% 349 12.14% 42719 4.00%
20 1396 2.81% 1100 2.71% 841 2.73% 678 3.18% 350 12.18% 29741 2.78%
21 2378 4.78% 2079 5.13% 1733 5.62% 745 3.49% 418 14.54% 41810 3.91%
22 1574 3.17% 1309 3.23% 985 3.19% 720 3.38% 345 12.00% 24845 2.32%
23 1306 2.63% 1043 2.57% 821 2.66% 622 2.92% 304 10.58% 24136 2.26%
24 1310 2.64% 1058 2.61% 743 2.41% 570 2.67% 315 10.96% 25816 2.41%
25 1647 3.31% 1332 3.28% 973 3.16% 648 3.04% 321 11.17% 28230 2.64%
26 1256 2.53% 1054 2.60% 783 2.54% 645 3.03% 301 10.47% 25700 2.40%
27 1699 3.42% 943 2.32% 765 2.48% 578 2.71% 315 10.96% 44353 4.15%
28 1130 2.27% 744 1.83% 651 2.11% 541 2.54% 283 9.85% 27739 2.59%
29 1129 2.27% 880 2.17% 635 2.06% 529 2.48% 306 10.65% 33282 3.11%
30 1014 2.04% 737 1.82% 584 1.89% 471 2.21% 283 9.85% 26147 2.45%
31 1240 2.49% 887 2.19% 665 2.16% 458 2.15% 297 10.33% 21728 2.03%

Hourly usage for August 2014

Hourly Statistics for August 2014
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 64 2003 4.03% 52 1641 4.05% 36 1139 3.69% 995 30850 2.89%
1 56 1739 3.50% 44 1391 3.43% 35 1094 3.55% 1480 45884 4.29%
2 79 2460 4.95% 54 1683 4.15% 44 1387 4.50% 1271 39403 3.69%
3 58 1801 3.62% 47 1487 3.67% 43 1349 4.37% 1186 36767 3.44%
4 70 2187 4.40% 55 1714 4.23% 49 1519 4.93% 1185 36745 3.44%
5 60 1887 3.80% 50 1561 3.85% 45 1415 4.59% 1714 53131 4.97%
6 74 2314 4.66% 61 1913 4.72% 51 1605 5.20% 1760 54570 5.10%
7 74 2313 4.65% 58 1803 4.45% 43 1355 4.39% 1988 61635 5.76%
8 64 1987 4.00% 52 1640 4.04% 44 1375 4.46% 1750 54241 5.07%
9 69 2148 4.32% 56 1759 4.34% 44 1380 4.47% 1560 48355 4.52%
10 54 1681 3.38% 43 1338 3.30% 30 930 3.02% 1377 42674 3.99%
11 72 2232 4.49% 61 1897 4.68% 39 1222 3.96% 1984 61495 5.75%
12 71 2208 4.44% 58 1817 4.48% 45 1403 4.55% 1465 45424 4.25%
13 80 2500 5.03% 66 2062 5.08% 50 1569 5.09% 1740 53932 5.04%
14 73 2285 4.60% 62 1941 4.79% 46 1449 4.70% 1680 52091 4.87%
15 53 1671 3.36% 44 1375 3.39% 36 1135 3.68% 899 27880 2.61%
16 58 1806 3.63% 49 1533 3.78% 36 1139 3.69% 1097 34018 3.18%
17 72 2253 4.53% 60 1889 4.66% 37 1176 3.81% 1617 50136 4.69%
18 76 2376 4.78% 63 1974 4.87% 42 1322 4.29% 1562 48415 4.53%
19 64 2009 4.04% 55 1706 4.21% 40 1269 4.12% 968 30000 2.81%
20 55 1732 3.48% 45 1408 3.47% 35 1110 3.60% 1413 43796 4.10%
21 58 1819 3.66% 46 1453 3.58% 33 1029 3.34% 1306 40490 3.79%
22 71 2220 4.47% 60 1866 4.60% 41 1287 4.17% 1511 46847 4.38%
23 66 2069 4.16% 55 1711 4.22% 38 1180 3.83% 983 30466 2.85%

Top 30 of 614 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 6242 12.56% 116674 10.91% /
2 840 1.69% 63690 5.96% /events.htm
3 688 1.38% 17509 1.64% /course.htm
4 587 1.18% 175429 16.41% /members2.htm
5 585 1.18% 143 0.01% /button3D.gif
6 581 1.17% 176 0.02% /button3A.gif
7 579 1.16% 194 0.02% /button49.gif
8 574 1.15% 164 0.02% /button55.gif
9 572 1.15% 211 0.02% /button43.gif
10 572 1.15% 145 0.01% /button58.gif
11 516 1.04% 158 0.01% /button3B.gif
12 514 1.03% 189 0.02% /button44.gif
13 514 1.03% 193 0.02% /button45.gif
14 513 1.03% 172 0.02% /button4A.gif
15 513 1.03% 149 0.01% /button57.gif
16 512 1.03% 157 0.01% /button3C.gif
17 512 1.03% 129 0.01% /button3E.gif
18 511 1.03% 127 0.01% /button3F.gif
19 511 1.03% 145 0.01% /button56.gif
20 511 1.03% 131 0.01% /button59.gif
21 510 1.03% 174 0.02% /button4B.gif
22 510 1.03% 133 0.01% /button5A.gif
23 337 0.68% 20963 1.96% /LogoColorNoText457.jpg
24 311 0.63% 6206 0.58% /links.htm
25 282 0.57% 6623 0.62% /default.htm
26 278 0.56% 3882 0.36% /productindex.htm
27 240 0.48% 14912 1.39% /LogoColorNoText445.jpg
28 234 0.47% 1397 0.13% /rawinspirations/
29 233 0.47% 2869 0.27% /testimonies.htm
30 230 0.46% 1584 0.15% /CarolineOwhoso/

Top 10 of 614 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 178 0.36% 312604 29.24% /NatashaKufa/Body Shot for 17 magazin.jpg
2 587 1.18% 175429 16.41% /members2.htm
3 6242 12.56% 116674 10.91% /
4 840 1.69% 63690 5.96% /events.htm
5 10 0.02% 23704 2.22% /LaneLenhart/IMG_1185.JPG
6 18 0.04% 22511 2.11% /LaneLenhart/IMG_0652.JPG
7 337 0.68% 20963 1.96% /LogoColorNoText457.jpg
8 688 1.38% 17509 1.64% /course.htm
9 240 0.48% 14912 1.39% /LogoColorNoText445.jpg
10 10 0.02% 14503 1.36% /LaneLenhart/IMG_0724.JPG

Top 10 of 314 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6242 12.56% 5265 25.23% /
2 840 1.69% 693 3.32% /events.htm
3 688 1.38% 535 2.56% /course.htm
4 587 1.18% 377 1.81% /members2.htm
5 311 0.63% 198 0.95% /links.htm
6 226 0.45% 176 0.84% /LindaClark/
7 230 0.46% 161 0.77% /CarolineOwhoso/
8 282 0.57% 155 0.74% /default.htm
9 184 0.37% 150 0.72% /NatashaKufa/
10 175 0.35% 149 0.71% /Anandi/

Top 10 of 313 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6242 12.56% 5115 25.10% /
2 688 1.38% 475 2.33% /course.htm
3 587 1.18% 384 1.88% /members2.htm
4 840 1.69% 218 1.07% /events.htm
5 311 0.63% 193 0.95% /links.htm
6 230 0.46% 182 0.89% /CarolineOwhoso/
7 226 0.45% 180 0.88% /LindaClark/
8 278 0.56% 161 0.79% /productindex.htm
9 191 0.38% 152 0.75% /IlginayGobut/
10 282 0.57% 152 0.75% /default.htm

Top 30 of 2874 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 575 1.16% 554 1.37% 4985 0.47% 391 1.83%
2 571 1.15% 532 1.31% 4914 0.46% 370 1.74%
3 557 1.12% 402 0.99% 4176 0.39% 100 0.47%
4 555 1.12% 520 1.28% 3860 0.36% 378 1.77%
5 537 1.08% 443 1.09% 9819 0.92% 408 1.91%
6 517 1.04% 2 0.00% 347 0.03% 1 0.00%
7 418 0.84% 380 0.94% 1875 0.18% 18 0.08%
8 344 0.69% 324 0.80% 2532 0.24% 1 0.00%
9 331 0.67% 304 0.75% 3900 0.36% 179 0.84%
10 322 0.65% 257 0.63% 2269 0.21% 137 0.64%
11 283 0.57% 257 0.63% 10418 0.97% 1 0.00%
12 271 0.55% 256 0.63% 1715 0.16% 1 0.00%
13 266 0.54% 251 0.62% 1689 0.16% 1 0.00%
14 256 0.52% 241 0.59% 1658 0.16% 1 0.00%
15 255 0.51% 205 0.51% 3308 0.31% 98 0.46%
16 251 0.51% 236 0.58% 2056 0.19% 1 0.00%
17 228 0.46% 228 0.56% 1362 0.13% 14 0.07%
18 225 0.45% 222 0.55% 2450 0.23% 11 0.05%
19 225 0.45% 183 0.45% 2567 0.24% 83 0.39%
20 224 0.45% 212 0.52% 1463 0.14% 1 0.00%
21 222 0.45% 215 0.53% 1865 0.17% 2 0.01%
22 219 0.44% 206 0.51% 4090 0.38% 11 0.05%
23 216 0.43% 202 0.50% 1580 0.15% 1 0.00%
24 216 0.43% 202 0.50% 1580 0.15% 1 0.00%
25 207 0.42% 191 0.47% 3930 0.37% 1 0.00%
26 199 0.40% 199 0.49% 4697 0.44% 98 0.46%
27 198 0.40% 193 0.48% 5355 0.50% 2 0.01%
28 184 0.37% 165 0.41% 7056 0.66% 73 0.34%
29 162 0.33% 97 0.24% 6694 0.63% 52 0.24%
30 136 0.27% 105 0.26% 1666 0.16% 5 0.02%

Top 10 of 2874 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 65 0.13% 61 0.15% 15129 1.41% 1 0.00%
2 68 0.14% 56 0.14% 12389 1.16% 4 0.02%
3 283 0.57% 257 0.63% 10418 0.97% 1 0.00%
4 537 1.08% 443 1.09% 9819 0.92% 408 1.91%
5 67 0.13% 63 0.16% 9454 0.88% 4 0.02%
6 7 0.01% 5 0.01% 7604 0.71% 1 0.00%
7 184 0.37% 165 0.41% 7056 0.66% 73 0.34%
8 162 0.33% 97 0.24% 6694 0.63% 52 0.24%
9 62 0.12% 62 0.15% 6662 0.62% 56 0.26%
10 14 0.03% 13 0.03% 6211 0.58% 11 0.05%

Top 30 of 669 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 33228 66.86% - (Direct Request)
2 129 0.26%
3 112 0.23%
4 89 0.18%
5 68 0.14%
6 61 0.12%
7 53 0.11%
8 51 0.10%
9 45 0.09%
10 36 0.07%
11 27 0.05%
12 24 0.05%
13 18 0.04%
14 18 0.04%
15 16 0.03%
16 15 0.03%
17 15 0.03%
18 15 0.03%
19 15 0.03%
20 14 0.03%
21 13 0.03%
22 13 0.03%
23 13 0.03%
24 12 0.02%
25 12 0.02%
26 12 0.02%
27 12 0.02%
28 12 0.02%
29 12 0.02%
30 12 0.02%

Top 20 of 56 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 4 6.25% raw vegan courses
2 3 4.69% raw vegan network reviews
3 2 3.12% speedial
4 2 3.12% the raw vegan network reviews
5 2 3.12% explore
6 1 1.56% annette hamid vegan
7 1 1.56% astromenda
8 1 1.56% best raw vegan courses
9 1 1.56% certified raw vegan
10 1 1.56% free certification course raw food coach
11 1 1.56% free online living foods course
12 1 1.56% gemini baladad
13 1 1.56% how to become a raw food chef in pennsylvania
14 1 1.56%
15 1 1.56% laura miller seattle wa new zealand
16 1 1.56% mariannes lifestyle enpowerment
17 1 1.56% mysearchdial
18 1 1.56% nutrition course vegan
19 1 1.56% online raw food certification
20 1 1.56% online raw food course

Top 15 of 999 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 15368 30.92% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +
2 1739 3.50% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; EasouSpider; +
3 1680 3.38% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
4 910 1.83% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
5 893 1.80% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:6.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0.2
6 831 1.67% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.5;
7 804 1.62% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36
8 752 1.51% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11D257 Sa
9 731 1.47% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
10 712 1.43% Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11D257 Safari/9537
11 670 1.35% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
12 585 1.18% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0
13 569 1.14% Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Sa
14 560 1.13% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
15 546 1.10% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +

Usage by Country for August 2014

Top 30 of 72 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 18737 37.70% 15123 37.28% 403072 37.70% Commercial (com)
2 15832 31.86% 13270 32.72% 223223 20.88% Unresolved/Unknown
3 7432 14.95% 6576 16.21% 169674 15.87% Network (net)
4 2059 4.14% 944 2.33% 46723 4.37% China
5 1245 2.51% 1126 2.78% 70476 6.59% Germany
6 504 1.01% 476 1.17% 3964 0.37% Brazil
7 496 1.00% 468 1.15% 8967 0.84% Australia
8 393 0.79% 334 0.82% 8581 0.80% Canada
9 352 0.71% 317 0.78% 6073 0.57% European Union
10 325 0.65% 303 0.75% 2886 0.27% Romania
11 313 0.63% 282 0.70% 14269 1.33% Mexico
12 247 0.50% 154 0.38% 9423 0.88% Czech Republic
13 224 0.45% 164 0.40% 4947 0.46% Non-Profit (org)
14 179 0.36% 123 0.30% 4934 0.46% Russian Federation
15 163 0.33% 120 0.30% 6561 0.61% Sweden
16 135 0.27% 121 0.30% 2964 0.28% Ukraine
17 81 0.16% 70 0.17% 766 0.07% Educational (edu)
18 77 0.15% 72 0.18% 447 0.04% Netherlands
19 68 0.14% 63 0.16% 6052 0.57% Switzerland
20 54 0.11% 51 0.13% 3493 0.33% Japan
21 48 0.10% 44 0.11% 295 0.03% Argentina
22 47 0.09% 45 0.11% 2188 0.20% India
23 47 0.09% 35 0.09% 208 0.02% Jordan
24 44 0.09% 43 0.11% 3715 0.35% Greece
25 40 0.08% 29 0.07% 4072 0.38% Italy
26 39 0.08% 34 0.08% 4904 0.46% United Kingdom
27 36 0.07% 35 0.09% 5918 0.55% Serbia
28 35 0.07% 34 0.08% 715 0.07% Estonia
29 35 0.07% 35 0.09% 5674 0.53% Poland
30 32 0.06% 31 0.08% 265 0.02% Address Routing (arpa)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20