Phone # 702-758-3624
I became a Certified Raw Nutrition Specialist to meet the demand for individuals newly coming into personal alignment with their nutritional needs while transitioning to a successful vegan, and continuing to maintain a vibrant vegan lifestyle on a permanent basis. Thus perpetually improving their health and the planet.
This serves to bring greater education in living foods and the art of raw food preparation to new and advanced alike. .
Personalized instruction also offers a greater opportunity for a successful hands-on learning experience. One-on-one or class coaching is designed to train and emphasize the use of whole, organic, non-GMO, unprocessed, earth-based living foods.
Individual private consultations and coaching are available by appointment to assist in specializing in fighting obesity, or other health challenges with a hands on approach to each individual with a personalized plan customized to achieve optimal results. As knowledge and technology changes and advances clients/students have the opportunity to keep abreast of ongoing technology and continuing nutritional education. General one-on-one Certified Raw Chef Consulting fees: General 15 minute consultation/evaluation $ 30 General 30 minute consultation $ 60 1 hour personalized consultation $200
Each one-hour consultation will include a personalized assessment and personal goal development plan uniquely crafted for you.
For a limited time only, each one hour consultation will come with an added 15 minute bonus “Troubleshoot and dissolve your trouble spots.” One-on-one or group training sessions are available. Please contact Pj Carr for group speaking engagements for pricing.