Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: March 2015
Generated 01-Apr-2015 06:12 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2015
Total Hits 33748
Total Files 23806
Total Pages 22409
Total Visits 15648
Total KBytes 1994014
Total Unique Sites 3409
Total Unique URLs 594
Total Unique Referrers 460
Total Unique User Agents 1084
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 45 309
Hits per Day 1088 1572
Files per Day 767 1006
Pages per Day 722 1061
Sites per Day 109 578
Visits per Day 504 643
KBytes per Day 64323 505469
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 70.54% 23806
Code 206 - Partial Content 1.92% 647
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.60% 201
Code 304 - Not Modified 11.82% 3989
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.17% 57
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 6
Code 404 - Not Found 14.89% 5026
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.04% 14
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.01% 2

Daily usage for March 2015

Daily Statistics for March 2015
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 994 2.95% 796 3.34% 706 3.15% 586 3.74% 323 9.47% 24638 1.24%
2 1074 3.18% 813 3.42% 701 3.13% 551 3.52% 333 9.77% 27888 1.40%
3 1031 3.05% 685 2.88% 617 2.75% 519 3.32% 357 10.47% 33369 1.67%
4 1145 3.39% 889 3.73% 765 3.41% 539 3.44% 341 10.00% 26622 1.34%
5 955 2.83% 667 2.80% 680 3.03% 603 3.85% 363 10.65% 32374 1.62%
6 1068 3.16% 748 3.14% 773 3.45% 643 4.11% 343 10.06% 27814 1.39%
7 1110 3.29% 882 3.70% 815 3.64% 531 3.39% 313 9.18% 31648 1.59%
8 949 2.81% 650 2.73% 626 2.79% 517 3.30% 316 9.27% 37350 1.87%
9 1048 3.11% 560 2.35% 641 2.86% 456 2.91% 309 9.06% 26073 1.31%
10 1329 3.94% 896 3.76% 951 4.24% 538 3.44% 343 10.06% 45602 2.29%
11 833 2.47% 583 2.45% 576 2.57% 494 3.16% 300 8.80% 26954 1.35%
12 1218 3.61% 946 3.97% 938 4.19% 499 3.19% 310 9.09% 26688 1.34%
13 1230 3.64% 881 3.70% 640 2.86% 539 3.44% 578 16.96% 505469 25.35%
14 1233 3.65% 810 3.40% 690 3.08% 542 3.46% 480 14.08% 332184 16.66%
15 1119 3.32% 776 3.26% 715 3.19% 548 3.50% 390 11.44% 143936 7.22%
16 1162 3.44% 854 3.59% 690 3.08% 535 3.42% 344 10.09% 92049 4.62%
17 1089 3.23% 770 3.23% 817 3.65% 489 3.12% 319 9.36% 48797 2.45%
18 1102 3.27% 783 3.29% 811 3.62% 533 3.41% 319 9.36% 41816 2.10%
19 1039 3.08% 680 2.86% 657 2.93% 488 3.12% 316 9.27% 31090 1.56%
20 845 2.50% 620 2.60% 564 2.52% 490 3.13% 315 9.24% 30657 1.54%
21 862 2.55% 612 2.57% 618 2.76% 530 3.39% 311 9.12% 36690 1.84%
22 1001 2.97% 709 2.98% 580 2.59% 485 3.10% 318 9.33% 26824 1.35%
23 1572 4.66% 1006 4.23% 1061 4.73% 466 2.98% 353 10.35% 59516 2.98%
24 1175 3.48% 715 3.00% 835 3.73% 461 2.95% 307 9.01% 32356 1.62%
25 1286 3.81% 964 4.05% 898 4.01% 424 2.71% 309 9.06% 37871 1.90%
26 1113 3.30% 713 3.00% 642 2.86% 469 3.00% 324 9.50% 39418 1.98%
27 979 2.90% 797 3.35% 670 2.99% 480 3.07% 321 9.42% 37459 1.88%
28 1089 3.23% 800 3.36% 745 3.32% 422 2.70% 283 8.30% 20976 1.05%
29 1058 3.14% 719 3.02% 615 2.74% 459 2.93% 315 9.24% 38258 1.92%
30 1353 4.01% 1002 4.21% 943 4.21% 459 2.93% 317 9.30% 38962 1.95%
31 687 2.04% 480 2.02% 429 1.91% 367 2.35% 273 8.01% 32668 1.64%

Hourly usage for March 2015

Hourly Statistics for March 2015
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 45 1410 4.18% 32 1007 4.23% 34 1075 4.80% 1966 60951 3.06%
1 49 1526 4.52% 32 999 4.20% 36 1122 5.01% 2751 85283 4.28%
2 39 1213 3.59% 27 863 3.63% 24 768 3.43% 1946 60324 3.03%
3 48 1516 4.49% 35 1107 4.65% 35 1103 4.92% 1859 57616 2.89%
4 34 1080 3.20% 24 760 3.19% 25 788 3.52% 1404 43520 2.18%
5 38 1206 3.57% 27 843 3.54% 24 769 3.43% 1410 43710 2.19%
6 46 1441 4.27% 32 1017 4.27% 30 936 4.18% 2155 66819 3.35%
7 38 1207 3.58% 28 875 3.68% 28 891 3.98% 1779 55139 2.77%
8 59 1843 5.46% 37 1167 4.90% 44 1391 6.21% 2416 74897 3.76%
9 51 1592 4.72% 36 1145 4.81% 35 1099 4.90% 2170 67273 3.37%
10 55 1705 5.05% 35 1086 4.56% 38 1188 5.30% 2512 77863 3.90%
11 53 1656 4.91% 36 1139 4.78% 33 1032 4.61% 2297 71206 3.57%
12 36 1121 3.32% 23 732 3.07% 23 724 3.23% 1904 59011 2.96%
13 39 1216 3.60% 26 828 3.48% 22 704 3.14% 1184 36696 1.84%
14 36 1145 3.39% 24 745 3.13% 22 690 3.08% 1937 60045 3.01%
15 39 1218 3.61% 28 880 3.70% 25 790 3.53% 1815 56253 2.82%
16 45 1397 4.14% 33 1039 4.36% 26 835 3.73% 4783 148269 7.44%
17 44 1373 4.07% 32 1001 4.20% 27 863 3.85% 6183 191678 9.61%
18 46 1433 4.25% 34 1081 4.54% 29 923 4.12% 5282 163757 8.21%
19 45 1418 4.20% 33 1032 4.34% 28 869 3.88% 4216 130708 6.56%
20 45 1416 4.20% 33 1023 4.30% 26 835 3.73% 3099 96057 4.82%
21 43 1355 4.02% 34 1059 4.45% 25 801 3.57% 2857 88554 4.44%
22 55 1721 5.10% 41 1290 5.42% 38 1199 5.35% 3517 109032 5.47%
23 49 1540 4.56% 35 1088 4.57% 32 1014 4.52% 2882 89352 4.48%

Top 30 of 594 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5784 17.14% 76662 3.84% /
2 800 2.37% 1406001 70.51% /NatashaKufa/Body Shot for 17 magazin.jpg
3 699 2.07% 6077 0.30% /monica/rawexercise.html
4 460 1.36% 139502 7.00% /members2.htm
5 458 1.36% 3774 0.19% /course.htm
6 355 1.05% 89 0.00% /button58.gif
7 319 0.95% 5575 0.28% /links.htm
8 315 0.93% 81 0.00% /button5A.gif
9 314 0.93% 80 0.00% /button59.gif
10 287 0.85% 105 0.01% /button43.gif
11 252 0.75% 94 0.00% /button45.gif
12 251 0.74% 92 0.00% /button44.gif
13 239 0.71% 795 0.04% /sm_tested_pci1.gif
14 232 0.69% 14336 0.72% /LogoColorNoText445.jpg
15 227 0.67% 14029 0.70% /LogoColorNoText447.jpg
16 226 0.67% 69 0.00% /button3A.gif
17 221 0.65% 2143 0.11% /mostly-raw_small.jpg
18 210 0.62% 50 0.00% /button3D.gif
19 207 0.61% 1167 0.06% /lifestyle.htm
20 200 0.59% 50 0.00% /button3E.gif
21 200 0.59% 49 0.00% /button3F.gif
22 193 0.57% 59 0.00% /button3B.gif
23 193 0.57% 59 0.00% /button3C.gif
24 187 0.55% 28119 1.41% /Lavallee/100_4487_edited.JPG
25 183 0.54% 3485 0.17% /default.htm
26 171 0.51% 1161 0.06% /NatashaKufa/
27 160 0.47% 169 0.01% /LindaClark/
28 145 0.43% 1059 0.05% /AprilBromiley/
29 144 0.43% 9152 0.46% /LogoColorNoText442.jpg
30 140 0.41% 537 0.03% /IlginayGobut/

Top 10 of 594 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 800 2.37% 1406001 70.51% /NatashaKufa/Body Shot for 17 magazin.jpg
2 460 1.36% 139502 7.00% /members2.htm
3 5784 17.14% 76662 3.84% /
4 187 0.55% 28119 1.41% /Lavallee/100_4487_edited.JPG
5 16 0.05% 25143 1.26% /LaneLenhart/IMG_0652.JPG
6 11 0.03% 18948 0.95% /LaneLenhart/IMG_1185.JPG
7 25 0.07% 15585 0.78% /TheRawBodyTwins/klaus sisters-001.jpg
8 10 0.03% 14641 0.73% /JodyScholtz/jodyscholtz1.JPG
9 232 0.69% 14336 0.72% /LogoColorNoText445.jpg
10 227 0.67% 14029 0.70% /LogoColorNoText447.jpg

Top 10 of 320 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5784 17.14% 5437 35.24% /
2 460 1.36% 298 1.93% /members2.htm
3 458 1.36% 263 1.70% /course.htm
4 319 0.95% 191 1.24% /links.htm
5 699 2.07% 186 1.21% /monica/rawexercise.html
6 171 0.51% 142 0.92% /NatashaKufa/
7 160 0.47% 126 0.82% /LindaClark/
8 207 0.61% 124 0.80% /lifestyle.htm
9 145 0.43% 119 0.77% /AprilBromiley/
10 138 0.41% 109 0.71% /events.htm

Top 10 of 321 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5784 17.14% 5293 34.30% /
2 460 1.36% 306 1.98% /members2.htm
3 458 1.36% 299 1.94% /course.htm
4 319 0.95% 226 1.46% /links.htm
5 699 2.07% 181 1.17% /monica/rawexercise.html
6 171 0.51% 142 0.92% /NatashaKufa/
7 207 0.61% 137 0.89% /lifestyle.htm
8 183 0.54% 125 0.81% /default.htm
9 160 0.47% 122 0.79% /LindaClark/
10 145 0.43% 120 0.78% /AprilBromiley/

Top 30 of 3409 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 750 2.22% 143 0.60% 5932 0.30% 419 2.68%
2 512 1.52% 325 1.37% 2402 0.12% 196 1.25%
3 468 1.39% 365 1.53% 27712 1.39% 64 0.41%
4 356 1.05% 307 1.29% 1871 0.09% 127 0.81%
5 352 1.04% 337 1.42% 3934 0.20% 2 0.01%
6 321 0.95% 1 0.00% 24 0.00% 2 0.01%
7 236 0.70% 218 0.92% 10097 0.51% 2 0.01%
8 231 0.68% 214 0.90% 10044 0.50% 2 0.01%
9 223 0.66% 216 0.91% 1844 0.09% 1 0.01%
10 221 0.65% 213 0.89% 1387 0.07% 1 0.01%
11 219 0.65% 211 0.89% 1376 0.07% 1 0.01%
12 217 0.64% 210 0.88% 1386 0.07% 1 0.01%
13 209 0.62% 178 0.75% 1304 0.07% 13 0.08%
14 158 0.47% 151 0.63% 14745 0.74% 77 0.49%
15 144 0.43% 144 0.60% 1207 0.06% 24 0.15%
16 141 0.42% 141 0.59% 1195 0.06% 36 0.23%
17 141 0.42% 136 0.57% 11915 0.60% 81 0.52%
18 140 0.41% 51 0.21% 590 0.03% 1 0.01%
19 139 0.41% 135 0.57% 983 0.05% 1 0.01%
20 139 0.41% 123 0.52% 7007 0.35% 57 0.36%
21 138 0.41% 138 0.58% 1168 0.06% 36 0.23%
22 138 0.41% 133 0.56% 2196 0.11% 1 0.01%
23 135 0.40% 57 0.24% 1395 0.07% 2 0.01%
24 132 0.39% 129 0.54% 1002 0.05% 1 0.01%
25 126 0.37% 54 0.23% 895 0.04% 62 0.40%
26 125 0.37% 101 0.42% 942 0.05% 42 0.27%
27 114 0.34% 41 0.17% 1218 0.06% 47 0.30%
28 110 0.33% 91 0.38% 9783 0.49% 5 0.03%
29 109 0.32% 100 0.42% 916 0.05% 4 0.03%
30 104 0.31% 96 0.40% 4191 0.21% 35 0.22%

Top 10 of 3409 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 468 1.39% 365 1.53% 27712 1.39% 64 0.41%
2 158 0.47% 151 0.63% 14745 0.74% 77 0.49%
3 12 0.04% 12 0.05% 13330 0.67% 5 0.03%
4 141 0.42% 136 0.57% 11915 0.60% 81 0.52%
5 11 0.03% 11 0.05% 11432 0.57% 5 0.03%
6 236 0.70% 218 0.92% 10097 0.51% 2 0.01%
7 231 0.68% 214 0.90% 10044 0.50% 2 0.01%
8 110 0.33% 91 0.38% 9783 0.49% 5 0.03%
9 13 0.04% 9 0.04% 9527 0.48% 4 0.03%
10 6 0.02% 6 0.03% 7611 0.38% 1 0.01%

Top 30 of 460 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 25704 76.16% - (Direct Request)
2 488 1.45%
3 98 0.29%
4 81 0.24%
5 65 0.19%
6 64 0.19%
7 48 0.14%
8 43 0.13%
9 42 0.12%
10 40 0.12%
11 34 0.10%
12 29 0.09%
13 24 0.07%
14 23 0.07%
15 21 0.06%
16 21 0.06%
17 18 0.05%
18 18 0.05%
19 18 0.05%
20 18 0.05%
21 18 0.05%
22 17 0.05%
23 17 0.05%
24 16 0.05%
25 15 0.04%
26 15 0.04%
27 15 0.04%
28 15 0.04%
29 14 0.04%
30 12 0.04%

Top 20 of 26 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 6 16.22% natasha kufa
2 3 8.11% gilberte marcello dodd st simi valley california
3 2 5.41% laura miller vegan
4 2 5.41% raw vegan diet dr veenu
5 2 5.41% raw vegan network
6 2 5.41% vegan certification course
7 1 2.70% alberta raw foods chef course
8 1 2.70% bridget perry vancouver
9 1 2.70% chef annette st. pierre washington
10 1 2.70% domenico fitness trainer atlanta
11 1 2.70% dying to get well
12 1 2.70% linda clark nutritionist
13 1 2.70% linda fardella florida
14 1 2.70% online certification for raw food chef
15 1 2.70% online raw food certification
16 1 2.70% online raw food schools
17 1 2.70% online raw vegan chef certification
18 1 2.70% raw food chef certification
19 1 2.70% raw foods networks
20 1 2.70% raw healing certicate

Top 15 of 1084 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 9513 28.19% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +
2 2026 6.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:6.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0.2
3 1370 4.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
4 825 2.44% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
5 808 2.39% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
6 798 2.36% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
7 696 2.06% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.143 Safari/537.36
8 534 1.58% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.5;
9 485 1.44% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/5.0; +
10 440 1.30% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; spbot/4.4.2; + )
11 421 1.25% Googlebot-Image/1.0
12 420 1.24% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
13 367 1.09% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
14 350 1.04% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/11.04 Chromium/12.0.742.112 Chrome/12.0.742.112
15 349 1.03% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; 007ac9 Crawler;

Usage by Country for March 2015

Top 30 of 74 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 14162 41.96% 10511 44.15% 585202 29.35% Commercial (com)
2 9511 28.18% 6712 28.19% 361876 18.15% Unresolved/Unknown
3 5765 17.08% 3953 16.61% 657937 33.00% Network (net)
4 908 2.69% 840 3.53% 70541 3.54% Germany
5 357 1.06% 341 1.43% 6112 0.31% Brazil
6 356 1.05% 179 0.75% 17839 0.89% Russian Federation
7 326 0.97% 114 0.48% 1409 0.07% China
8 196 0.58% 161 0.68% 48604 2.44% Canada
9 191 0.57% 174 0.73% 4474 0.22% Italy
10 187 0.55% 70 0.29% 14047 0.70% Czech Republic
11 178 0.53% 124 0.52% 1469 0.07% Ukraine
12 126 0.37% 117 0.49% 9456 0.47% Estonia
13 112 0.33% 86 0.36% 2680 0.13% European Union
14 91 0.27% 84 0.35% 61329 3.08% Japan
15 80 0.24% 70 0.29% 12172 0.61% Australia
16 76 0.23% 46 0.19% 10223 0.51% Mexico
17 68 0.20% 60 0.25% 2136 0.11% South Africa
18 67 0.20% 42 0.18% 3619 0.18% Non-Profit (org)
19 66 0.20% 62 0.26% 5121 0.26% France
20 60 0.18% 52 0.22% 1622 0.08% India
21 59 0.17% 52 0.22% 7237 0.36% United Kingdom
22 57 0.17% 49 0.21% 11162 0.56% Netherlands
23 57 0.17% 56 0.24% 793 0.04% Romania
24 55 0.16% 52 0.22% 17008 0.85% Educational (edu)
25 54 0.16% 50 0.21% 3860 0.19% New Zealand
26 39 0.12% 39 0.16% 10873 0.55% Portugal
27 38 0.11% 32 0.13% 2728 0.14% Argentina
28 37 0.11% 7 0.03% 77 0.00% Singapore
29 33 0.10% 26 0.11% 1275 0.06% Address Routing (arpa)
30 32 0.09% 25 0.11% 4437 0.22% Poland

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20