Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2015
Generated 01-Mar-2015 05:18 EST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2015
Total Hits 40879
Total Files 32899
Total Pages 29124
Total Visits 16094
Total KBytes 1022788
Total Unique Sites 2783
Total Unique URLs 612
Total Unique Referrers 505
Total Unique User Agents 1012
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 60 477
Hits per Day 1459 2859
Files per Day 1174 2634
Pages per Day 1040 2381
Sites per Day 99 375
Visits per Day 574 729
KBytes per Day 36528 53477
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 80.48% 32899
Code 206 - Partial Content 1.91% 780
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.56% 227
Code 304 - Not Modified 7.65% 3128
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.10% 41
Code 404 - Not Found 9.29% 3796
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.02% 7
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.00% 1

Daily usage for February 2015

Daily Statistics for February 2015
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1267 3.10% 1031 3.13% 643 2.21% 540 3.36% 341 12.25% 39914 3.90%
2 1650 4.04% 1293 3.93% 871 2.99% 544 3.38% 302 10.85% 34359 3.36%
3 1039 2.54% 763 2.32% 566 1.94% 469 2.91% 289 10.38% 30614 2.99%
4 1070 2.62% 852 2.59% 610 2.09% 454 2.82% 321 11.53% 31817 3.11%
5 984 2.41% 792 2.41% 556 1.91% 474 2.95% 308 11.07% 44763 4.38%
6 1057 2.59% 854 2.60% 565 1.94% 486 3.02% 307 11.03% 19107 1.87%
7 1123 2.75% 716 2.18% 601 2.06% 493 3.06% 302 10.85% 18424 1.80%
8 1133 2.77% 901 2.74% 748 2.57% 555 3.45% 335 12.04% 39668 3.88%
9 1676 4.10% 1097 3.33% 1125 3.86% 576 3.58% 340 12.22% 35764 3.50%
10 2170 5.31% 1896 5.76% 1640 5.63% 621 3.86% 375 13.47% 48058 4.70%
11 2563 6.27% 2337 7.10% 2216 7.61% 485 3.01% 307 11.03% 42812 4.19%
12 2859 6.99% 2634 8.01% 2381 8.18% 503 3.13% 328 11.79% 42556 4.16%
13 2595 6.35% 2369 7.20% 2208 7.58% 588 3.65% 329 11.82% 40657 3.98%
14 2252 5.51% 2029 6.17% 1974 6.78% 565 3.51% 336 12.07% 42480 4.15%
15 1163 2.84% 939 2.85% 737 2.53% 531 3.30% 318 11.43% 35047 3.43%
16 964 2.36% 757 2.30% 659 2.26% 510 3.17% 316 11.35% 34678 3.39%
17 1094 2.68% 691 2.10% 630 2.16% 496 3.08% 283 10.17% 32650 3.19%
18 1270 3.11% 870 2.64% 816 2.80% 592 3.68% 288 10.35% 44947 4.39%
19 1212 2.96% 911 2.77% 864 2.97% 592 3.68% 340 12.22% 53477 5.23%
20 1268 3.10% 999 3.04% 887 3.05% 611 3.80% 337 12.11% 27367 2.68%
21 1149 2.81% 884 2.69% 901 3.09% 648 4.03% 327 11.75% 30861 3.02%
22 1179 2.88% 965 2.93% 798 2.74% 697 4.33% 358 12.86% 24905 2.43%
23 1418 3.47% 893 2.71% 1079 3.70% 680 4.23% 335 12.04% 40985 4.01%
24 1289 3.15% 925 2.81% 968 3.32% 640 3.98% 325 11.68% 37057 3.62%
25 1255 3.07% 978 2.97% 998 3.43% 714 4.44% 332 11.93% 22113 2.16%
26 1305 3.19% 1036 3.15% 911 3.13% 711 4.42% 348 12.50% 35994 3.52%
27 1466 3.59% 1278 3.88% 1129 3.88% 729 4.53% 354 12.72% 42338 4.14%
28 1409 3.45% 1209 3.67% 1043 3.58% 653 4.06% 340 12.22% 49375 4.83%

Hourly usage for February 2015

Hourly Statistics for February 2015
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 64 1811 4.43% 53 1498 4.55% 50 1410 4.84% 1731 48474 4.74%
1 60 1703 4.17% 49 1378 4.19% 47 1339 4.60% 1894 53022 5.18%
2 61 1715 4.20% 41 1165 3.54% 49 1394 4.79% 1347 37720 3.69%
3 50 1425 3.49% 38 1086 3.30% 38 1064 3.65% 904 25310 2.47%
4 58 1637 4.00% 50 1402 4.26% 45 1274 4.37% 1367 38290 3.74%
5 47 1321 3.23% 39 1094 3.33% 36 1028 3.53% 1020 28555 2.79%
6 58 1642 4.02% 49 1372 4.17% 42 1186 4.07% 1461 40913 4.00%
7 67 1895 4.64% 56 1573 4.78% 50 1413 4.85% 1020 28566 2.79%
8 61 1722 4.21% 51 1436 4.36% 50 1400 4.81% 1946 54497 5.33%
9 62 1744 4.27% 48 1344 4.09% 40 1146 3.93% 1485 41573 4.06%
10 62 1760 4.31% 50 1400 4.26% 35 992 3.41% 1925 53899 5.27%
11 58 1647 4.03% 49 1376 4.18% 41 1167 4.01% 1644 46021 4.50%
12 65 1839 4.50% 51 1442 4.38% 49 1391 4.78% 2000 55995 5.47%
13 68 1910 4.67% 56 1573 4.78% 40 1139 3.91% 2001 56018 5.48%
14 61 1726 4.22% 51 1446 4.40% 43 1214 4.17% 1251 35039 3.43%
15 67 1898 4.64% 48 1361 4.14% 48 1347 4.63% 1982 55486 5.42%
16 61 1728 4.23% 51 1439 4.37% 42 1176 4.04% 1865 52211 5.10%
17 62 1738 4.25% 49 1378 4.19% 40 1135 3.90% 1424 39859 3.90%
18 66 1869 4.57% 56 1587 4.82% 50 1405 4.82% 1326 37130 3.63%
19 54 1528 3.74% 45 1281 3.89% 35 1001 3.44% 1066 29861 2.92%
20 54 1529 3.74% 42 1191 3.62% 36 1022 3.51% 1476 41327 4.04%
21 65 1825 4.46% 51 1444 4.39% 41 1155 3.97% 1012 28341 2.77%
22 60 1694 4.14% 50 1410 4.29% 45 1277 4.38% 1912 53528 5.23%
23 56 1573 3.85% 43 1223 3.72% 37 1049 3.60% 1470 41153 4.02%

Top 30 of 612 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 11715 28.66% 102126 9.99% /
2 608 1.49% 7208 0.70% /course.htm
3 465 1.14% 138352 13.53% /members2.htm
4 462 1.13% 105 0.01% /button58.gif
5 460 1.13% 3990 0.39% /monica/rawexercise.html
6 420 1.03% 99 0.01% /button59.gif
7 419 1.02% 101 0.01% /button5A.gif
8 410 1.00% 134 0.01% /button43.gif
9 363 0.89% 123 0.01% /button44.gif
10 362 0.89% 125 0.01% /button45.gif
11 359 0.88% 78 0.01% /button3D.gif
12 338 0.83% 79 0.01% /button3E.gif
13 337 0.82% 78 0.01% /button3F.gif
14 297 0.73% 5027 0.49% /links.htm
15 268 0.66% 76 0.01% /button3A.gif
16 257 0.63% 4628 0.45% /default.htm
17 250 0.61% 14768 1.44% /LogoColorNoText457.jpg
18 240 0.59% 70 0.01% /button3B.gif
19 239 0.58% 13757 1.35% /LogoColorNoText445.jpg
20 238 0.58% 69 0.01% /button3C.gif
21 215 0.53% 364436 35.63% /NatashaKufa/Body Shot for 17 magazin.jpg
22 197 0.48% 28628 2.80% /Lavallee/100_4487_edited.JPG
23 183 0.45% 1651 0.16% /mostly-raw_small.jpg
24 178 0.44% 557 0.05% /sm_tested_pci1.gif
25 171 0.42% 10048 0.98% /LogoColorNoText447.jpg
26 168 0.41% 771 0.08% /NatashaKufa/
27 168 0.41% 10589 1.04% /events.htm
28 165 0.40% 179 0.02% /LindaClark/
29 162 0.40% 928 0.09% /lifestyle.htm
30 147 0.36% 1082 0.11% /AprilBromiley/

Top 10 of 612 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 215 0.53% 364436 35.63% /NatashaKufa/Body Shot for 17 magazin.jpg
2 465 1.14% 138352 13.53% /members2.htm
3 11715 28.66% 102126 9.99% /
4 19 0.05% 32284 3.16% /LaneLenhart/IMG_0652.JPG
5 197 0.48% 28628 2.80% /Lavallee/100_4487_edited.JPG
6 14 0.03% 27105 2.65% /LaneLenhart/IMG_1185.JPG
7 87 0.21% 24918 2.44% /MikaGilmer/MPj04069460000[1].jpg
8 13 0.03% 15271 1.49% /LaneLenhart/IMG_0724.JPG
9 250 0.61% 14768 1.44% /LogoColorNoText457.jpg
10 16 0.04% 14286 1.40% /TheRawBodyTwins/klaus sisters-001.jpg

Top 10 of 325 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 11715 28.66% 5067 31.94% /
2 608 1.49% 438 2.76% /course.htm
3 465 1.14% 316 1.99% /members2.htm
4 297 0.73% 184 1.16% /links.htm
5 460 1.13% 142 0.90% /monica/rawexercise.html
6 168 0.41% 139 0.88% /NatashaKufa/
7 257 0.63% 137 0.86% /default.htm
8 168 0.41% 128 0.81% /events.htm
9 165 0.40% 125 0.79% /LindaClark/
10 147 0.36% 119 0.75% /AprilBromiley/

Top 10 of 328 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 11715 28.66% 4967 31.36% /
2 608 1.49% 433 2.73% /course.htm
3 465 1.14% 332 2.10% /members2.htm
4 297 0.73% 207 1.31% /links.htm
5 257 0.63% 154 0.97% /default.htm
6 460 1.13% 145 0.92% /monica/rawexercise.html
7 168 0.41% 132 0.83% /NatashaKufa/
8 165 0.40% 124 0.78% /LindaClark/
9 168 0.41% 116 0.73% /events.htm
10 147 0.36% 115 0.73% /AprilBromiley/

Top 30 of 2783 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 859 2.10% 532 1.62% 15824 1.55% 20 0.12%
2 727 1.78% 169 0.51% 12173 1.19% 387 2.40%
3 640 1.57% 640 1.95% 2244 0.22% 2 0.01%
4 639 1.56% 639 1.94% 2244 0.22% 1 0.01%
5 630 1.54% 630 1.91% 2204 0.22% 1 0.01%
6 609 1.49% 609 1.85% 2224 0.22% 3 0.02%
7 607 1.48% 607 1.85% 2204 0.22% 6 0.04%
8 606 1.48% 606 1.84% 2184 0.21% 3 0.02%
9 603 1.48% 603 1.83% 2204 0.22% 3 0.02%
10 585 1.43% 585 1.78% 2204 0.22% 16 0.10%
11 580 1.42% 580 1.76% 2204 0.22% 14 0.09%
12 559 1.37% 559 1.70% 2184 0.21% 14 0.09%
13 558 1.37% 413 1.26% 11400 1.11% 273 1.70%
14 548 1.34% 531 1.61% 4338 0.42% 3 0.02%
15 429 1.05% 384 1.17% 18158 1.78% 166 1.03%
16 381 0.93% 355 1.08% 2234 0.22% 1 0.01%
17 314 0.77% 302 0.92% 3498 0.34% 2 0.01%
18 309 0.76% 298 0.91% 3436 0.34% 1 0.01%
19 253 0.62% 44 0.13% 1371 0.13% 4 0.02%
20 249 0.61% 229 0.70% 2724 0.27% 14 0.09%
21 234 0.57% 216 0.66% 10087 0.99% 2 0.01%
22 219 0.54% 211 0.64% 1376 0.13% 1 0.01%
23 196 0.48% 188 0.57% 1276 0.12% 1 0.01%
24 195 0.48% 152 0.46% 8621 0.84% 95 0.59%
25 174 0.43% 148 0.45% 8894 0.87% 39 0.24%
26 164 0.40% 157 0.48% 1078 0.11% 1 0.01%
27 164 0.40% 0 0.00% 2 0.00% 0 0.00%
28 162 0.40% 154 0.47% 1169 0.11% 1 0.01%
29 151 0.37% 131 0.40% 3157 0.31% 42 0.26%
30 145 0.35% 96 0.29% 847 0.08% 39 0.24%

Top 10 of 2783 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 429 1.05% 384 1.17% 18158 1.78% 166 1.03%
2 859 2.10% 532 1.62% 15824 1.55% 20 0.12%
3 120 0.29% 99 0.30% 12487 1.22% 33 0.21%
4 727 1.78% 169 0.51% 12173 1.19% 387 2.40%
5 558 1.37% 413 1.26% 11400 1.11% 273 1.70%
6 234 0.57% 216 0.66% 10087 0.99% 2 0.01%
7 128 0.31% 115 0.35% 9867 0.96% 38 0.24%
8 74 0.18% 33 0.10% 9765 0.95% 2 0.01%
9 174 0.43% 148 0.45% 8894 0.87% 39 0.24%
10 195 0.48% 152 0.46% 8621 0.84% 95 0.59%

Top 30 of 505 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 30870 75.52% - (Direct Request)
2 210 0.51%
3 73 0.18%
4 68 0.17%
5 60 0.15%
6 59 0.14%
7 48 0.12%
8 43 0.11%
9 37 0.09%
10 36 0.09%
11 35 0.09%
12 31 0.08%
13 27 0.07%
14 25 0.06%
15 25 0.06%
16 22 0.05%
17 22 0.05%
18 21 0.05%
19 21 0.05%
20 21 0.05%
21 21 0.05%
22 18 0.04%
23 18 0.04%
24 18 0.04%
25 18 0.04%
26 16 0.04%
27 16 0.04%
28 15 0.04%
29 15 0.04%
30 15 0.04%

Top 18 of 18 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 5.56% bridget marie perry
2 1 5.56% bridget perry vancouver
3 1 5.56% gemini baladad naturopath
4 1 5.56% kimberley jenkins rawfood
5 1 5.56% lisa murphy bodywork
6 1 5.56% on line raw vegetarian certification
7 1 5.56% online juicing courses
8 1 5.56% online raw food chef certification
9 1 5.56% personal raw foods chef palm harbor fla
10 1 5.56% raw food chef certification online
11 1 5.56% raw food classes israel
12 1 5.56% raw food online course
13 1 5.56% raw food vegan institute
14 1 5.56% raw nutrition certification
15 1 5.56% raw vegan course
16 1 5.56% raw vegav network
17 1 5.56% storm s raw vegan channel
18 1 5.56% vegan nutrition classes

Top 15 of 1012 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 10666 26.09% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +
2 6058 14.82% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; uptime files - website monitoring service;
3 1639 4.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
4 1064 2.60% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
5 997 2.44% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
6 872 2.13% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
7 700 1.71% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:6.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0.2
8 623 1.52% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.5;
9 590 1.44% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
10 549 1.34% Java/1.6.0_04
11 483 1.18% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/0.98~bl; +
12 474 1.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.143 Safari/537.36
13 415 1.02% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; spbot/4.4.2; + )
14 398 0.97% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/5.0; +
15 381 0.93%

Usage by Country for February 2015

Top 30 of 67 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 16890 41.32% 13678 41.58% 363208 35.51% Commercial (com)
2 13208 32.31% 11484 34.91% 254044 24.84% Unresolved/Unknown
3 6454 15.79% 4974 15.12% 186499 18.23% Network (net)
4 941 2.30% 856 2.60% 43530 4.26% Germany
5 592 1.45% 572 1.74% 4893 0.48% Romania
6 386 0.94% 354 1.08% 4299 0.42% Ukraine
7 264 0.65% 260 0.79% 4058 0.40% Brazil
8 244 0.60% 102 0.31% 35846 3.50% Czech Republic
9 239 0.58% 124 0.38% 7498 0.73% Russian Federation
10 168 0.41% 91 0.28% 1428 0.14% China
11 151 0.37% 127 0.39% 5663 0.55% Australia
12 131 0.32% 101 0.31% 18233 1.78% Canada
13 123 0.30% 72 0.22% 5336 0.52% Non-Profit (org)
14 106 0.26% 98 0.30% 6464 0.63% Italy
15 76 0.19% 65 0.20% 2844 0.28% Hungary
16 70 0.17% 65 0.20% 3653 0.36% Netherlands
17 67 0.16% 52 0.16% 1542 0.15% Estonia
18 55 0.13% 41 0.12% 4424 0.43% Mexico
19 52 0.13% 29 0.09% 497 0.05% European Union
20 51 0.12% 41 0.12% 8427 0.82% India
21 46 0.11% 41 0.12% 3077 0.30% Turkey
22 45 0.11% 42 0.13% 2969 0.29% Educational (edu)
23 33 0.08% 32 0.10% 4399 0.43% Japan
24 30 0.07% 26 0.08% 2279 0.22% Switzerland
25 30 0.07% 29 0.09% 2384 0.23% South Africa
26 28 0.07% 16 0.05% 4671 0.46% Poland
27 27 0.07% 22 0.07% 3897 0.38% Colombia
28 27 0.07% 25 0.08% 258 0.03% Lithuania
29 21 0.05% 21 0.06% 231 0.02% Generic Business (biz)
30 20 0.05% 16 0.05% 632 0.06% Greece

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20