Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2015
Generated 01-Feb-2015 04:38 EST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2015
Total Hits 46725
Total Files 36366
Total Pages 26252
Total Visits 17607
Total KBytes 1118884
Total Unique Sites 3295
Total Unique URLs 601
Total Unique Referrers 515
Total Unique User Agents 1159
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 62 433
Hits per Day 1507 2185
Files per Day 1173 1699
Pages per Day 846 1326
Sites per Day 106 371
Visits per Day 567 702
KBytes per Day 36093 52593
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 77.83% 36366
Code 206 - Partial Content 1.53% 715
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.58% 272
Code 304 - Not Modified 8.50% 3971
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.05% 24
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 10
Code 404 - Not Found 11.44% 5346
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.03% 16
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.01% 5

Daily usage for January 2015

Daily Statistics for January 2015
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1351 2.89% 1018 2.80% 622 2.37% 480 2.73% 298 9.04% 38379 3.43%
2 1369 2.93% 1033 2.84% 706 2.69% 506 2.87% 334 10.14% 33612 3.00%
3 1753 3.75% 1403 3.86% 1190 4.53% 530 3.01% 334 10.14% 37707 3.37%
4 1266 2.71% 993 2.73% 664 2.53% 540 3.07% 337 10.23% 37032 3.31%
5 2185 4.68% 1688 4.64% 908 3.46% 542 3.08% 353 10.71% 36760 3.29%
6 1351 2.89% 1167 3.21% 691 2.63% 553 3.14% 345 10.47% 52593 4.70%
7 1524 3.26% 1308 3.60% 847 3.23% 496 2.82% 311 9.44% 41495 3.71%
8 1191 2.55% 1028 2.83% 650 2.48% 531 3.02% 334 10.14% 38281 3.42%
9 1021 2.19% 837 2.30% 608 2.32% 503 2.86% 312 9.47% 25377 2.27%
10 1136 2.43% 910 2.50% 708 2.70% 494 2.81% 319 9.68% 28553 2.55%
11 1549 3.32% 1242 3.42% 912 3.47% 605 3.44% 336 10.20% 35126 3.14%
12 1773 3.79% 1411 3.88% 887 3.38% 680 3.86% 367 11.14% 36149 3.23%
13 1329 2.84% 910 2.50% 814 3.10% 544 3.09% 328 9.95% 31763 2.84%
14 1292 2.77% 1049 2.88% 730 2.78% 551 3.13% 340 10.32% 31394 2.81%
15 1556 3.33% 1308 3.60% 978 3.73% 581 3.30% 345 10.47% 38479 3.44%
16 1216 2.60% 921 2.53% 626 2.38% 526 2.99% 336 10.20% 38876 3.47%
17 1430 3.06% 1148 3.16% 887 3.38% 544 3.09% 328 9.95% 28584 2.55%
18 1387 2.97% 1125 3.09% 715 2.72% 547 3.11% 315 9.56% 21000 1.88%
19 1239 2.65% 958 2.63% 659 2.51% 530 3.01% 314 9.53% 28801 2.57%
20 2038 4.36% 1699 4.67% 1315 5.01% 663 3.77% 368 11.17% 41606 3.72%
21 1543 3.30% 1199 3.30% 803 3.06% 633 3.60% 366 11.11% 45852 4.10%
22 1703 3.64% 1281 3.52% 887 3.38% 634 3.60% 339 10.29% 44603 3.99%
23 1640 3.51% 1315 3.62% 1027 3.91% 636 3.61% 347 10.53% 44069 3.94%
24 1927 4.12% 1574 4.33% 1326 5.05% 638 3.62% 323 9.80% 27111 2.42%
25 1379 2.95% 991 2.73% 899 3.42% 702 3.99% 336 10.20% 43834 3.92%
26 1937 4.15% 1126 3.10% 1245 4.74% 672 3.82% 355 10.77% 36023 3.22%
27 1307 2.80% 1069 2.94% 600 2.29% 479 2.72% 299 9.07% 33194 2.97%
28 1785 3.82% 1212 3.33% 936 3.57% 600 3.41% 316 9.59% 34477 3.08%
29 1834 3.93% 1486 4.09% 1052 4.01% 593 3.37% 330 10.02% 51343 4.59%
30 1472 3.15% 1030 2.83% 731 2.78% 568 3.23% 371 11.26% 33811 3.02%
31 1242 2.66% 927 2.55% 629 2.40% 518 2.94% 317 9.62% 22997 2.06%

Hourly usage for January 2015

Hourly Statistics for January 2015
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 74 2295 4.91% 60 1881 5.17% 48 1515 5.77% 1740 53937 4.82%
1 46 1456 3.12% 36 1135 3.12% 31 961 3.66% 1643 50922 4.55%
2 68 2128 4.55% 51 1610 4.43% 37 1154 4.40% 1386 42978 3.84%
3 58 1799 3.85% 36 1117 3.07% 38 1196 4.56% 1106 34301 3.07%
4 51 1585 3.39% 40 1243 3.42% 34 1059 4.03% 1121 34740 3.10%
5 55 1734 3.71% 43 1342 3.69% 36 1133 4.32% 1335 41400 3.70%
6 51 1602 3.43% 35 1093 3.01% 34 1084 4.13% 1053 32630 2.92%
7 52 1617 3.46% 40 1254 3.45% 29 904 3.44% 1257 38968 3.48%
8 60 1885 4.03% 46 1444 3.97% 35 1113 4.24% 1685 52226 4.67%
9 56 1750 3.75% 40 1268 3.49% 29 900 3.43% 1662 51513 4.60%
10 59 1856 3.97% 46 1451 3.99% 29 917 3.49% 1932 59881 5.35%
11 63 1983 4.24% 48 1518 4.17% 35 1091 4.16% 1381 42797 3.82%
12 76 2373 5.08% 60 1890 5.20% 41 1292 4.92% 1623 50309 4.50%
13 61 1905 4.08% 49 1531 4.21% 29 916 3.49% 1780 55191 4.93%
14 63 1972 4.22% 46 1438 3.95% 35 1089 4.15% 2185 67725 6.05%
15 62 1932 4.13% 50 1567 4.31% 30 954 3.63% 1287 39900 3.57%
16 69 2158 4.62% 51 1590 4.37% 33 1032 3.93% 1566 48537 4.34%
17 64 1990 4.26% 53 1669 4.59% 34 1082 4.12% 1856 57548 5.14%
18 68 2116 4.53% 56 1752 4.82% 37 1159 4.41% 1142 35417 3.17%
19 59 1850 3.96% 48 1509 4.15% 31 967 3.68% 1482 45946 4.11%
20 64 2011 4.30% 52 1634 4.49% 33 1044 3.98% 1366 42351 3.79%
21 79 2465 5.28% 61 1906 5.24% 41 1279 4.87% 1722 53387 4.77%
22 79 2475 5.30% 66 2050 5.64% 44 1384 5.27% 1630 50538 4.52%
23 57 1788 3.83% 47 1474 4.05% 33 1027 3.91% 1153 35741 3.19%

Top 30 of 601 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 7151 15.30% 128259 11.46% /
2 871 1.86% 21314 1.90% /course.htm
3 665 1.42% 201 0.02% /button3A.gif
4 665 1.42% 222 0.02% /button49.gif
5 663 1.42% 161 0.01% /button3D.gif
6 663 1.42% 168 0.01% /button58.gif
7 661 1.41% 243 0.02% /button43.gif
8 659 1.41% 188 0.02% /button55.gif
9 611 1.31% 153 0.01% /button3E.gif
10 609 1.30% 223 0.02% /button44.gif
11 608 1.30% 185 0.02% /button3B.gif
12 608 1.30% 151 0.01% /button3F.gif
13 608 1.30% 227 0.02% /button45.gif
14 608 1.30% 175 0.02% /button57.gif
15 607 1.30% 203 0.02% /button4A.gif
16 605 1.29% 184 0.02% /button3C.gif
17 605 1.29% 205 0.02% /button4B.gif
18 604 1.29% 171 0.02% /button56.gif
19 603 1.29% 154 0.01% /button59.gif
20 602 1.29% 156 0.01% /button5A.gif
21 467 1.00% 149119 13.33% /members2.htm
22 378 0.81% 23751 2.12% /LogoColorNoText457.jpg
23 338 0.72% 24448 2.19% /events.htm
24 320 0.68% 6648 0.59% /links.htm
25 317 0.68% 19394 1.73% /LogoColorNoText445.jpg
26 316 0.68% 7723 0.69% /default.htm
27 311 0.67% 2976 0.27% /mostly-raw_small.jpg
28 303 0.65% 3709 0.33% /testimonies.htm
29 300 0.64% 18330 1.64% /LogoColorNoText447.jpg
30 287 0.61% 947 0.08% /sm_tested_pci1.gif

Top 10 of 601 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 214 0.46% 386552 34.55% /NatashaKufa/Body Shot for 17 magazin.jpg
2 467 1.00% 149119 13.33% /members2.htm
3 7151 15.30% 128259 11.46% /
4 218 0.47% 32938 2.94% /Lavallee/100_4487_edited.JPG
5 110 0.24% 29686 2.65% /MikaGilmer/MPj04069460000[1].jpg
6 338 0.72% 24448 2.19% /events.htm
7 378 0.81% 23751 2.12% /LogoColorNoText457.jpg
8 871 1.86% 21314 1.90% /course.htm
9 317 0.68% 19394 1.73% /LogoColorNoText445.jpg
10 13 0.03% 18777 1.68% /LaneLenhart/IMG_0652.JPG

Top 10 of 322 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 7151 15.30% 5889 34.04% /
2 871 1.86% 587 3.39% /course.htm
3 467 1.00% 285 1.65% /members2.htm
4 320 0.68% 201 1.16% /links.htm
5 338 0.72% 185 1.07% /events.htm
6 316 0.68% 151 0.87% /default.htm
7 303 0.65% 137 0.79% /testimonies.htm
8 154 0.33% 123 0.71% /NatashaKufa/
9 257 0.55% 117 0.68% /productindex.htm
10 142 0.30% 113 0.65% /JacquelineBurns/

Top 10 of 326 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 7151 15.30% 5723 33.14% /
2 871 1.86% 605 3.50% /course.htm
3 467 1.00% 319 1.85% /members2.htm
4 320 0.68% 216 1.25% /links.htm
5 338 0.72% 180 1.04% /events.htm
6 316 0.68% 176 1.02% /default.htm
7 303 0.65% 157 0.91% /testimonies.htm
8 257 0.55% 135 0.78% /productindex.htm
9 154 0.33% 121 0.70% /NatashaKufa/
10 142 0.30% 113 0.65% /JacquelineBurns/

Top 30 of 3295 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 758 1.62% 174 0.48% 8516 0.76% 440 2.50%
2 492 1.05% 463 1.27% 3495 0.31% 2 0.01%
3 390 0.83% 368 1.01% 3095 0.28% 2 0.01%
4 369 0.79% 243 0.67% 4924 0.44% 14 0.08%
5 326 0.70% 200 0.55% 10126 0.91% 113 0.64%
6 317 0.68% 294 0.81% 2362 0.21% 1 0.01%
7 311 0.67% 292 0.80% 9550 0.85% 1 0.01%
8 277 0.59% 225 0.62% 1544 0.14% 33 0.19%
9 277 0.59% 259 0.71% 10406 0.93% 1 0.01%
10 276 0.59% 260 0.71% 1734 0.15% 1 0.01%
11 268 0.57% 252 0.69% 3063 0.27% 1 0.01%
12 263 0.56% 248 0.68% 1682 0.15% 1 0.01%
13 256 0.55% 191 0.53% 3430 0.31% 113 0.64%
14 247 0.53% 189 0.52% 17202 1.54% 121 0.69%
15 239 0.51% 143 0.39% 1683 0.15% 110 0.62%
16 218 0.47% 204 0.56% 1473 0.13% 2 0.01%
17 218 0.47% 204 0.56% 1591 0.14% 1 0.01%
18 196 0.42% 181 0.50% 1931 0.17% 7 0.04%
19 190 0.41% 2 0.01% 141 0.01% 1 0.01%
20 174 0.37% 163 0.45% 7461 0.67% 71 0.40%
21 174 0.37% 165 0.45% 2505 0.22% 2 0.01%
22 171 0.37% 163 0.45% 2476 0.22% 1 0.01%
23 168 0.36% 168 0.46% 4211 0.38% 56 0.32%
24 156 0.33% 156 0.43% 3909 0.35% 45 0.26%
25 152 0.33% 92 0.25% 6415 0.57% 55 0.31%
26 146 0.31% 146 0.40% 3445 0.31% 37 0.21%
27 141 0.30% 126 0.35% 7555 0.68% 15 0.09%
28 139 0.30% 132 0.36% 1124 0.10% 1 0.01%
29 138 0.30% 54 0.15% 1016 0.09% 77 0.44%
30 137 0.29% 137 0.38% 3431 0.31% 46 0.26%

Top 10 of 3295 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 247 0.53% 189 0.52% 17202 1.54% 121 0.69%
2 8 0.02% 7 0.02% 11401 1.02% 1 0.01%
3 277 0.59% 259 0.71% 10406 0.93% 1 0.01%
4 326 0.70% 200 0.55% 10126 0.91% 113 0.64%
5 311 0.67% 292 0.80% 9550 0.85% 1 0.01%
6 76 0.16% 68 0.19% 8821 0.79% 17 0.10%
7 758 1.62% 174 0.48% 8516 0.76% 440 2.50%
8 135 0.29% 96 0.26% 7903 0.71% 75 0.43%
9 141 0.30% 126 0.35% 7555 0.68% 15 0.09%
10 174 0.37% 163 0.45% 7461 0.67% 71 0.40%

Top 30 of 515 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 28344 60.66% - (Direct Request)
2 226 0.48%
3 154 0.33%
4 105 0.22%
5 95 0.20%
6 77 0.16%
7 68 0.15%
8 67 0.14%
9 57 0.12%
10 54 0.12%
11 46 0.10%
12 42 0.09%
13 37 0.08%
14 34 0.07%
15 27 0.06%
16 24 0.05%
17 21 0.04%
18 21 0.04%
19 21 0.04%
20 21 0.04%
21 21 0.04%
22 21 0.04%
23 21 0.04%
24 20 0.04%
25 20 0.04%
26 18 0.04%
27 18 0.04%
28 18 0.04%
29 18 0.04%
30 18 0.04%

Top 20 of 39 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 4 8.70% online raw vegan courses
2 2 4.35% how to become a certified vegan chef
3 2 4.35% raw chef toronto certification
4 2 4.35% raw nutrition certification
5 2 4.35% toronto ontario raw food chef courses
6 1 2.17% certified raw food nutrition specialist
7 1 2.17% christy menefee in kentucky
8 1 2.17% diane kuypers
9 1 2.17% evelyn ainlo
10 1 2.17% how to become a raw vegan chef
11 1 2.17% juicing courses live
12 1 2.17% linda bucci in santa cruz
13 1 2.17%
14 1 2.17% natalie campbell toronto
15 1 2.17% natasha kufa
16 1 2.17% natural hygiene suppoet group scottsdale
17 1 2.17% nell maie neufeld
18 1 2.17% patgways wichita falls
19 1 2.17% raleigh nc nude personal trainer
20 1 2.17% raw chef certification

Top 15 of 1159 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 11937 25.55% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +
2 1723 3.69% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
3 1502 3.21% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.143 Safari/537.36
4 1131 2.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
5 1102 2.36% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
6 858 1.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.95 Safari/537.36
7 827 1.77% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
8 710 1.52% Java/1.6.0_04
9 694 1.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.5;
10 539 1.15% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; spbot/4.4.2; + )
11 486 1.04% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:6.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0.2
12 447 0.96% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5
13 444 0.95% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/5.0; +
14 444 0.95% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12B440 Saf
15 424 0.91% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/0.98~bl; +

Usage by Country for January 2015

Top 30 of 72 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 16080 34.41% 12171 33.47% 382405 34.18% Commercial (com)
2 12664 27.10% 9688 26.64% 225935 20.19% Unresolved/Unknown
3 10089 21.59% 8526 23.44% 281557 25.16% Network (net)
4 1186 2.54% 1096 3.01% 36767 3.29% Germany
5 943 2.02% 888 2.44% 11083 0.99% Romania
6 766 1.64% 761 2.09% 11817 1.06% Brazil
7 624 1.34% 356 0.98% 6973 0.62% Russian Federation
8 565 1.21% 491 1.35% 18505 1.65% Canada
9 549 1.17% 516 1.42% 6284 0.56% Australia
10 364 0.78% 190 0.52% 3211 0.29% China
11 300 0.64% 143 0.39% 8180 0.73% Czech Republic
12 285 0.61% 249 0.68% 3287 0.29% European Union
13 240 0.51% 231 0.64% 5899 0.53% Ukraine
14 176 0.38% 169 0.46% 9423 0.84% Italy
15 153 0.33% 132 0.36% 3672 0.33% Singapore
16 115 0.25% 95 0.26% 8383 0.75% Mexico
17 111 0.24% 102 0.28% 1944 0.17% India
18 103 0.22% 65 0.18% 6242 0.56% Non-Profit (org)
19 94 0.20% 88 0.24% 1841 0.16% Estonia
20 91 0.19% 88 0.24% 3431 0.31% Portugal
21 78 0.17% 65 0.18% 8420 0.75% United Kingdom
22 67 0.14% 57 0.16% 5351 0.48% Educational (edu)
23 63 0.13% 50 0.14% 2897 0.26% Turkey
24 59 0.13% 52 0.14% 2814 0.25% France
25 56 0.12% 53 0.15% 591 0.05% Nicaragua
26 56 0.12% 52 0.14% 909 0.08% Norway
27 50 0.11% 46 0.13% 673 0.06% US Government (gov)
28 48 0.10% 27 0.07% 1141 0.10% Thailand
29 47 0.10% 47 0.13% 2648 0.24% Denmark
30 41 0.09% 35 0.10% 203 0.02% Ghana

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20