Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2014
Generated 01-Dec-2014 03:03 EST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2014
Total Hits 44935
Total Files 35417
Total Pages 27752
Total Visits 18222
Total KBytes 1048587
Total Unique Sites 2772
Total Unique URLs 569
Total Unique Referrers 528
Total Unique User Agents 1052
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 62 496
Hits per Day 1497 2368
Files per Day 1180 1821
Pages per Day 925 1760
Sites per Day 92 359
Visits per Day 607 893
KBytes per Day 34953 61539
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 78.82% 35417
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.10% 47
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.90% 405
Code 304 - Not Modified 7.52% 3378
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.10% 43
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.01% 6
Code 404 - Not Found 12.54% 5634
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.01% 5

Daily usage for November 2014

Daily Statistics for November 2014
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 918 2.04% 650 1.84% 527 1.90% 428 2.35% 309 11.15% 20339 1.94%
2 1637 3.64% 1182 3.34% 1102 3.97% 501 2.75% 315 11.36% 33355 3.18%
3 1103 2.45% 696 1.97% 583 2.10% 464 2.55% 307 11.08% 36967 3.53%
4 1248 2.78% 841 2.37% 590 2.13% 451 2.48% 295 10.64% 37399 3.57%
5 1364 3.04% 954 2.69% 680 2.45% 475 2.61% 322 11.62% 29771 2.84%
6 1287 2.86% 983 2.78% 714 2.57% 460 2.52% 301 10.86% 34818 3.32%
7 1605 3.57% 1325 3.74% 991 3.57% 386 2.12% 259 9.34% 27860 2.66%
8 1039 2.31% 774 2.19% 494 1.78% 394 2.16% 257 9.27% 26685 2.54%
9 1033 2.30% 748 2.11% 531 1.91% 428 2.35% 277 9.99% 24450 2.33%
10 1349 3.00% 1060 2.99% 790 2.85% 525 2.88% 303 10.93% 33890 3.23%
11 1167 2.60% 915 2.58% 656 2.36% 565 3.10% 301 10.86% 30640 2.92%
12 1307 2.91% 969 2.74% 748 2.70% 612 3.36% 317 11.44% 23180 2.21%
13 1687 3.75% 1316 3.72% 983 3.54% 564 3.10% 320 11.54% 61539 5.87%
14 1342 2.99% 1049 2.96% 777 2.80% 643 3.53% 324 11.69% 47763 4.56%
15 1887 4.20% 1532 4.33% 1283 4.62% 647 3.55% 333 12.01% 41565 3.96%
16 1771 3.94% 1364 3.85% 1256 4.53% 653 3.58% 322 11.62% 37716 3.60%
17 1333 2.97% 1082 3.06% 828 2.98% 521 2.86% 313 11.29% 26231 2.50%
18 1347 3.00% 1137 3.21% 663 2.39% 557 3.06% 334 12.05% 33108 3.16%
19 1236 2.75% 1020 2.88% 752 2.71% 563 3.09% 326 11.76% 47030 4.49%
20 1384 3.08% 1115 3.15% 726 2.62% 591 3.24% 324 11.69% 32153 3.07%
21 1833 4.08% 1555 4.39% 1041 3.75% 643 3.53% 346 12.48% 30874 2.94%
22 1766 3.93% 1508 4.26% 1174 4.23% 757 4.15% 352 12.70% 28875 2.75%
23 2368 5.27% 1821 5.14% 1760 6.34% 808 4.43% 349 12.59% 34842 3.32%
24 1777 3.95% 1475 4.16% 1233 4.44% 832 4.57% 337 12.16% 30190 2.88%
25 1914 4.26% 1547 4.37% 1259 4.54% 811 4.45% 343 12.37% 44100 4.21%
26 1897 4.22% 1607 4.54% 1285 4.63% 893 4.90% 333 12.01% 35279 3.36%
27 1841 4.10% 1505 4.25% 1157 4.17% 864 4.74% 359 12.95% 43349 4.13%
28 1402 3.12% 1149 3.24% 1040 3.75% 769 4.22% 330 11.90% 33570 3.20%
29 1331 2.96% 1065 3.01% 877 3.16% 664 3.64% 332 11.98% 39470 3.76%
30 1762 3.92% 1473 4.16% 1252 4.51% 775 4.25% 325 11.72% 41577 3.97%

Hourly usage for November 2014

Hourly Statistics for November 2014
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 57 1726 3.84% 45 1354 3.82% 40 1206 4.35% 1223 36691 3.50%
1 72 2162 4.81% 57 1729 4.88% 51 1557 5.61% 1606 48188 4.60%
2 74 2226 4.95% 55 1658 4.68% 58 1753 6.32% 2058 61738 5.89%
3 54 1639 3.65% 43 1293 3.65% 36 1090 3.93% 1381 41424 3.95%
4 62 1874 4.17% 50 1508 4.26% 47 1412 5.09% 1121 33627 3.21%
5 50 1501 3.34% 39 1180 3.33% 31 954 3.44% 1172 35149 3.35%
6 57 1724 3.84% 44 1341 3.79% 35 1056 3.81% 1104 33127 3.16%
7 55 1673 3.72% 43 1310 3.70% 31 951 3.43% 1795 53844 5.13%
8 47 1433 3.19% 35 1055 2.98% 30 920 3.32% 1291 38736 3.69%
9 72 2169 4.83% 59 1782 5.03% 43 1319 4.75% 1892 56764 5.41%
10 62 1880 4.18% 48 1463 4.13% 31 957 3.45% 1243 37300 3.56%
11 57 1738 3.87% 47 1432 4.04% 28 842 3.03% 1664 49931 4.76%
12 64 1939 4.32% 52 1565 4.42% 37 1123 4.05% 1527 45797 4.37%
13 67 2039 4.54% 52 1572 4.44% 38 1160 4.18% 1548 46444 4.43%
14 64 1922 4.28% 49 1497 4.23% 38 1147 4.13% 1543 46304 4.42%
15 72 2166 4.82% 58 1763 4.98% 37 1126 4.06% 1917 57518 5.49%
16 69 2087 4.64% 56 1706 4.82% 44 1338 4.82% 1669 50067 4.77%
17 57 1721 3.83% 46 1385 3.91% 32 980 3.53% 1707 51198 4.88%
18 58 1742 3.88% 46 1393 3.93% 31 953 3.43% 1056 31690 3.02%
19 76 2297 5.11% 60 1800 5.08% 39 1190 4.29% 1566 46969 4.48%
20 71 2159 4.80% 57 1723 4.86% 46 1404 5.06% 1322 39657 3.78%
21 64 1922 4.28% 51 1545 4.36% 39 1194 4.30% 1113 33391 3.18%
22 55 1677 3.73% 40 1214 3.43% 41 1230 4.43% 1314 39409 3.76%
23 50 1519 3.38% 38 1149 3.24% 29 890 3.21% 1121 33621 3.21%

Top 30 of 569 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5589 12.44% 114266 10.90% /
2 700 1.56% 6940 0.66% /Wooliever/
3 699 1.56% 17307 1.65% /course.htm
4 543 1.21% 131 0.01% /button3D.gif
5 541 1.20% 162 0.02% /button3A.gif
6 537 1.20% 178 0.02% /button49.gif
7 534 1.19% 195 0.02% /button43.gif
8 530 1.18% 170462 16.26% /members2.htm
9 526 1.17% 132 0.01% /button58.gif
10 525 1.17% 148 0.01% /button55.gif
11 491 1.09% 163 0.02% /button4A.gif
12 490 1.09% 182 0.02% /button45.gif
13 488 1.09% 148 0.01% /button3B.gif
14 487 1.08% 121 0.01% /button3E.gif
15 486 1.08% 177 0.02% /button44.gif
16 484 1.08% 146 0.01% /button3C.gif
17 484 1.08% 119 0.01% /button3F.gif
18 484 1.08% 163 0.02% /button4B.gif
19 483 1.07% 136 0.01% /button56.gif
20 483 1.07% 138 0.01% /button57.gif
21 482 1.07% 122 0.01% /button59.gif
22 482 1.07% 124 0.01% /button5A.gif
23 402 0.89% 9589 0.91% /default.htm
24 382 0.85% 2241 0.21% /shelly/
25 348 0.77% 26239 2.50% /events.htm
26 307 0.68% 6172 0.59% /links.htm
27 269 0.60% 16832 1.61% /LogoColorNoText457.jpg
28 258 0.57% 2516 0.24% /mostly-raw_small.jpg
29 252 0.56% 836 0.08% /sm_tested_pci1.gif
30 248 0.55% 3478 0.33% /productindex.htm

Top 10 of 569 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 182 0.41% 326005 31.09% /NatashaKufa/Body Shot for 17 magazin.jpg
2 530 1.18% 170462 16.26% /members2.htm
3 5589 12.44% 114266 10.90% /
4 348 0.77% 26239 2.50% /events.htm
5 14 0.03% 24763 2.36% /LaneLenhart/IMG_0652.JPG
6 16 0.04% 24172 2.31% /LaneLenhart/IMG_0724.JPG
7 10 0.02% 23704 2.26% /LaneLenhart/IMG_1185.JPG
8 125 0.28% 19110 1.82% /Lavallee/100_4487_edited.JPG
9 699 1.56% 17307 1.65% /course.htm
10 269 0.60% 16832 1.61% /LogoColorNoText457.jpg

Top 10 of 313 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5589 12.44% 5020 28.26% /
2 699 1.56% 531 2.99% /course.htm
3 530 1.18% 338 1.90% /members2.htm
4 700 1.56% 250 1.41% /Wooliever/
5 402 0.89% 233 1.31% /default.htm
6 348 0.77% 206 1.16% /events.htm
7 307 0.68% 187 1.05% /links.htm
8 216 0.48% 128 0.72% /testimonies.htm
9 163 0.36% 126 0.71% /NatashaKufa/
10 382 0.85% 122 0.69% /shelly/

Top 10 of 315 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5589 12.44% 4920 27.74% /
2 699 1.56% 447 2.52% /course.htm
3 530 1.18% 357 2.01% /members2.htm
4 700 1.56% 267 1.51% /Wooliever/
5 402 0.89% 236 1.33% /default.htm
6 307 0.68% 210 1.18% /links.htm
7 348 0.77% 183 1.03% /events.htm
8 248 0.55% 146 0.82% /productindex.htm
9 216 0.48% 144 0.81% /testimonies.htm
10 163 0.36% 124 0.70% /NatashaKufa/

Top 30 of 2772 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 842 1.87% 458 1.29% 4830 0.46% 6 0.03%
2 735 1.64% 485 1.37% 13098 1.25% 391 2.15%
3 547 1.22% 455 1.28% 9981 0.95% 402 2.21%
4 428 0.95% 428 1.21% 2681 0.26% 15 0.08%
5 414 0.92% 245 0.69% 6142 0.59% 165 0.91%
6 389 0.87% 367 1.04% 3084 0.29% 2 0.01%
7 388 0.86% 366 1.03% 3079 0.29% 2 0.01%
8 375 0.83% 323 0.91% 8839 0.84% 143 0.78%
9 349 0.78% 253 0.71% 8647 0.82% 114 0.63%
10 338 0.75% 252 0.71% 12870 1.23% 121 0.66%
11 301 0.67% 299 0.84% 2763 0.26% 10 0.05%
12 289 0.64% 263 0.74% 10449 1.00% 1 0.01%
13 274 0.61% 258 0.73% 1728 0.16% 1 0.01%
14 274 0.61% 257 0.73% 1675 0.16% 1 0.01%
15 274 0.61% 257 0.73% 1675 0.16% 1 0.01%
16 272 0.61% 257 0.73% 1723 0.16% 1 0.01%
17 267 0.59% 197 0.56% 1579 0.15% 2 0.01%
18 263 0.59% 171 0.48% 4858 0.46% 6 0.03%
19 258 0.57% 243 0.69% 1670 0.16% 1 0.01%
20 255 0.57% 149 0.42% 1701 0.16% 91 0.50%
21 253 0.56% 134 0.38% 1527 0.15% 9 0.05%
22 249 0.55% 239 0.67% 4109 0.39% 202 1.11%
23 249 0.55% 240 0.68% 4585 0.44% 184 1.01%
24 236 0.53% 223 0.63% 4520 0.43% 181 0.99%
25 230 0.51% 144 0.41% 10599 1.01% 71 0.39%
26 225 0.50% 92 0.26% 4262 0.41% 133 0.73%
27 224 0.50% 125 0.35% 1216 0.12% 88 0.48%
28 221 0.49% 89 0.25% 2901 0.28% 140 0.77%
29 218 0.49% 192 0.54% 2383 0.23% 3 0.02%
30 217 0.48% 203 0.57% 1587 0.15% 1 0.01%

Top 10 of 2772 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 735 1.64% 485 1.37% 13098 1.25% 391 2.15%
2 338 0.75% 252 0.71% 12870 1.23% 121 0.66%
3 230 0.51% 144 0.41% 10599 1.01% 71 0.39%
4 289 0.64% 263 0.74% 10449 1.00% 1 0.01%
5 547 1.22% 455 1.28% 9981 0.95% 402 2.21%
6 113 0.25% 104 0.29% 9241 0.88% 29 0.16%
7 49 0.11% 40 0.11% 8887 0.85% 35 0.19%
8 375 0.83% 323 0.91% 8839 0.84% 143 0.78%
9 164 0.36% 104 0.29% 8794 0.84% 76 0.42%
10 349 0.78% 253 0.71% 8647 0.82% 114 0.63%

Top 30 of 528 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 29634 65.95% - (Direct Request)
2 174 0.39%
3 152 0.34%
4 94 0.21%
5 75 0.17%
6 61 0.14%
7 54 0.12%
8 49 0.11%
9 47 0.10%
10 46 0.10%
11 30 0.07%
12 28 0.06%
13 27 0.06%
14 25 0.06%
15 24 0.05%
16 24 0.05%
17 20 0.04%
18 19 0.04%
19 16 0.04%
20 15 0.03%
21 15 0.03%
22 15 0.03%
23 15 0.03%
24 14 0.03%
25 14 0.03%
26 13 0.03%“antitayt”-radikal-bir-olusum-2/
27 13 0.03%
28 12 0.03%
29 12 0.03%
30 12 0.03%

Top 20 of 26 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 7.41% raw vegan network
2 1 3.70% evelyn ainlo
3 1 3.70% gemini baladad
4 1 3.70% gemini baladad resume
5 1 3.70% jessica johnson living in las vegas nevada
6 1 3.70% natasha kufa
7 1 3.70% network raw
8 1 3.70% online raw food chef certification uk
9 1 3.70% raw body
10 1 3.70% raw chef certification melbourne
11 1 3.70% raw food chef qualification online
12 1 3.70% raw food chef training online
13 1 3.70% raw food cooking certification classes on line
14 1 3.70% raw food courses online
15 1 3.70% raw food nutrition courses
16 1 3.70% raw food personal trainer bellingham wa
17 1 3.70% raw vegan chef online certification
18 1 3.70% raw vegan exercise
19 1 3.70%
20 1 3.70% tobbot

Top 15 of 1052 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 11845 26.36% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +
2 2114 4.70% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
3 1737 3.87% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
4 1276 2.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.143 Safari/537.36
5 1072 2.39% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
6 994 2.21% Java/1.6.0_04
7 893 1.99% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:6.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0.2
8 822 1.83% Microsoft URL Control - 6.00.8862
9 815 1.81% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
10 777 1.73% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; EasouSpider; +
11 757 1.68% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.111 Safari/537.36
12 715 1.59% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.5;
13 696 1.55% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
14 676 1.50% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/0.98~bl; +
15 488 1.09% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/5.0; +

Usage by Country for November 2014

Top 30 of 69 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 16154 35.95% 12132 34.25% 404846 38.61% Commercial (com)
2 13973 31.10% 10674 30.14% 222560 21.22% Unresolved/Unknown
3 6709 14.93% 5667 16.00% 198911 18.97% Network (net)
4 1297 2.89% 1187 3.35% 58042 5.54% Germany
5 1039 2.31% 1021 2.88% 12967 1.24% Mexico
6 921 2.05% 913 2.58% 9133 0.87% Brazil
7 750 1.67% 480 1.36% 14087 1.34% China
8 504 1.12% 475 1.34% 3745 0.36% Romania
9 386 0.86% 165 0.47% 5222 0.50% Russian Federation
10 292 0.65% 263 0.74% 4840 0.46% Estonia
11 287 0.64% 285 0.80% 2547 0.24% Ukraine
12 271 0.60% 252 0.71% 6366 0.61% Italy
13 212 0.47% 191 0.54% 15701 1.50% Australia
14 189 0.42% 161 0.45% 1221 0.12% Canada
15 150 0.33% 120 0.34% 5616 0.54% Sweden
16 139 0.31% 102 0.29% 9412 0.90% Czech Republic
17 120 0.27% 100 0.28% 1392 0.13% European Union
18 116 0.26% 97 0.27% 797 0.08% France
19 102 0.23% 96 0.27% 858 0.08% Portugal
20 90 0.20% 77 0.22% 8183 0.78% Turkey
21 87 0.19% 43 0.12% 1861 0.18% Non-Profit (org)
22 68 0.15% 62 0.18% 5836 0.56% Argentina
23 68 0.15% 66 0.19% 4178 0.40% Belgium
24 63 0.14% 47 0.13% 603 0.06% United Kingdom
25 62 0.14% 61 0.17% 448 0.04% Finland
26 56 0.12% 54 0.15% 746 0.07% South Africa
27 55 0.12% 49 0.14% 984 0.09% Educational (edu)
28 55 0.12% 50 0.14% 2530 0.24% Switzerland
29 50 0.11% 49 0.14% 2404 0.23% Greece
30 47 0.10% 44 0.12% 375 0.04% New Zealand

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20