Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2014
Generated 01-Oct-2014 03:13 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2014
Total Hits 42262
Total Files 30787
Total Pages 23127
Total Visits 15707
Total KBytes 809519
Total Unique Sites 2815
Total Unique URLs 600
Total Unique Referrers 497
Total Unique User Agents 983
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 58 475
Hits per Day 1408 1860
Files per Day 1026 1450
Pages per Day 770 1253
Sites per Day 93 378
Visits per Day 523 639
KBytes per Day 26984 42421
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 72.85% 30787
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.28% 118
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.65% 275
Code 304 - Not Modified 12.55% 5304
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.05% 23
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 2
Code 404 - Not Found 13.56% 5732
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.01% 6
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.01% 5
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.02% 10

Daily usage for September 2014

Daily Statistics for September 2014
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1436 3.40% 1166 3.79% 842 3.64% 474 3.02% 302 10.73% 32206 3.98%
2 1274 3.01% 821 2.67% 676 2.92% 552 3.51% 320 11.37% 28862 3.57%
3 1664 3.94% 1325 4.30% 1084 4.69% 576 3.67% 338 12.01% 42421 5.24%
4 1286 3.04% 1002 3.25% 654 2.83% 542 3.45% 308 10.94% 31678 3.91%
5 1207 2.86% 892 2.90% 652 2.82% 562 3.58% 319 11.33% 17561 2.17%
6 1526 3.61% 1187 3.86% 935 4.04% 639 4.07% 323 11.47% 41238 5.09%
7 1460 3.45% 1149 3.73% 951 4.11% 523 3.33% 319 11.33% 29374 3.63%
8 1582 3.74% 1129 3.67% 656 2.84% 508 3.23% 378 13.43% 32462 4.01%
9 1229 2.91% 840 2.73% 621 2.69% 506 3.22% 338 12.01% 27819 3.44%
10 1257 2.97% 911 2.96% 718 3.10% 536 3.41% 326 11.58% 27894 3.45%
11 1515 3.58% 1183 3.84% 835 3.61% 580 3.69% 325 11.55% 33540 4.14%
12 1860 4.40% 1450 4.71% 1219 5.27% 564 3.59% 336 11.94% 29623 3.66%
13 1487 3.52% 1087 3.53% 1025 4.43% 575 3.66% 305 10.83% 19681 2.43%
14 1383 3.27% 1083 3.52% 785 3.39% 572 3.64% 299 10.62% 18835 2.33%
15 1183 2.80% 910 2.96% 649 2.81% 530 3.37% 309 10.98% 24547 3.03%
16 1781 4.21% 1446 4.70% 1253 5.42% 516 3.29% 324 11.51% 19838 2.45%
17 1709 4.04% 1075 3.49% 543 2.35% 439 2.79% 314 11.15% 19661 2.43%
18 1444 3.42% 966 3.14% 607 2.62% 500 3.18% 342 12.15% 27123 3.35%
19 1464 3.46% 837 2.72% 630 2.72% 533 3.39% 332 11.79% 27109 3.35%
20 1211 2.87% 888 2.88% 537 2.32% 452 2.88% 277 9.84% 30127 3.72%
21 1093 2.59% 782 2.54% 676 2.92% 485 3.09% 290 10.30% 20144 2.49%
22 1396 3.30% 991 3.22% 606 2.62% 492 3.13% 326 11.58% 23637 2.92%
23 1065 2.52% 741 2.41% 599 2.59% 524 3.34% 318 11.30% 20883 2.58%
24 1269 3.00% 933 3.03% 694 3.00% 532 3.39% 303 10.76% 24297 3.00%
25 1650 3.90% 939 3.05% 719 3.11% 474 3.02% 322 11.44% 30617 3.78%
26 1457 3.45% 1107 3.60% 956 4.13% 444 2.83% 317 11.26% 22098 2.73%
27 1253 2.96% 913 2.97% 703 3.04% 528 3.36% 293 10.41% 25649 3.17%
28 1378 3.26% 951 3.09% 788 3.41% 534 3.40% 353 12.54% 27513 3.40%
29 1683 3.98% 1319 4.28% 880 3.81% 529 3.37% 324 11.51% 30351 3.75%
30 1060 2.51% 764 2.48% 634 2.74% 495 3.15% 302 10.73% 22729 2.81%

Hourly usage for September 2014

Hourly Statistics for September 2014
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 57 1732 4.10% 41 1243 4.04% 29 885 3.83% 907 27199 3.36%
1 45 1359 3.22% 27 810 2.63% 26 805 3.48% 1290 38692 4.78%
2 48 1464 3.46% 35 1063 3.45% 31 945 4.09% 1008 30246 3.74%
3 59 1795 4.25% 45 1356 4.40% 36 1081 4.67% 1340 40211 4.97%
4 47 1438 3.40% 33 1011 3.28% 27 820 3.55% 1018 30539 3.77%
5 54 1647 3.90% 42 1275 4.14% 33 997 4.31% 823 24695 3.05%
6 44 1338 3.17% 30 907 2.95% 27 836 3.61% 723 21681 2.68%
7 56 1680 3.98% 41 1256 4.08% 35 1078 4.66% 854 25621 3.16%
8 60 1812 4.29% 32 976 3.17% 27 831 3.59% 993 29801 3.68%
9 47 1427 3.38% 30 910 2.96% 23 697 3.01% 1251 37525 4.64%
10 56 1686 3.99% 36 1094 3.55% 24 730 3.16% 1029 30871 3.81%
11 67 2020 4.78% 49 1493 4.85% 35 1070 4.63% 1196 35879 4.43%
12 53 1599 3.78% 37 1121 3.64% 29 896 3.87% 1116 33477 4.14%
13 61 1857 4.39% 45 1368 4.44% 30 915 3.96% 1066 31977 3.95%
14 65 1974 4.67% 52 1562 5.07% 39 1175 5.08% 1241 37218 4.60%
15 75 2261 5.35% 60 1805 5.86% 43 1293 5.59% 1394 41826 5.17%
16 83 2510 5.94% 58 1764 5.73% 36 1101 4.76% 1493 44790 5.53%
17 68 2066 4.89% 55 1675 5.44% 28 850 3.68% 1333 39987 4.94%
18 47 1412 3.34% 33 1003 3.26% 27 838 3.62% 1027 30813 3.81%
19 61 1837 4.35% 47 1413 4.59% 33 1007 4.35% 1021 30636 3.78%
20 53 1596 3.78% 39 1185 3.85% 33 993 4.29% 940 28212 3.49%
21 74 2245 5.31% 59 1793 5.82% 43 1306 5.65% 1315 39437 4.87%
22 50 1522 3.60% 37 1131 3.67% 26 799 3.45% 1410 42298 5.23%
23 66 1985 4.70% 52 1573 5.11% 39 1179 5.10% 1196 35888 4.43%

Top 30 of 600 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 6189 14.64% 102296 12.64% /
2 699 1.65% 17084 2.11% /course.htm
3 625 1.48% 134 0.02% /button3D.gif
4 618 1.46% 182 0.02% /button49.gif
5 616 1.46% 165 0.02% /button3A.gif
6 609 1.44% 198 0.02% /button43.gif
7 608 1.44% 153 0.02% /button55.gif
8 601 1.42% 136 0.02% /button58.gif
9 515 1.22% 182 0.02% /button44.gif
10 513 1.21% 123 0.02% /button3E.gif
11 512 1.21% 184 0.02% /button45.gif
12 512 1.21% 140 0.02% /button56.gif
13 511 1.21% 165 0.02% /button4A.gif
14 510 1.21% 150 0.02% /button3B.gif
15 510 1.21% 122 0.02% /button3F.gif
16 510 1.21% 125 0.02% /button59.gif
17 510 1.21% 127 0.02% /button5A.gif
18 509 1.20% 149 0.02% /button3C.gif
19 509 1.20% 142 0.02% /button57.gif
20 508 1.20% 167 0.02% /button4B.gif
21 482 1.14% 143637 17.74% /members2.htm
22 336 0.80% 23436 2.90% /events.htm
23 332 0.79% 19090 2.36% /LogoColorNoText457.jpg
24 307 0.73% 5736 0.71% /links.htm
25 276 0.65% 2546 0.31% /mostly-raw_small.jpg
26 269 0.64% 16384 2.02% /LogoColorNoText445.jpg
27 259 0.61% 832 0.10% /sm_tested_pci1.gif
28 257 0.61% 6157 0.76% /default.htm
29 254 0.60% 3507 0.43% /productindex.htm
30 253 0.60% 15118 1.87% /LogoColorNoText447.jpg

Top 10 of 600 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 138 0.33% 227867 28.15% /NatashaKufa/Body Shot for 17 magazin.jpg
2 482 1.14% 143637 17.74% /members2.htm
3 6189 14.64% 102296 12.64% /
4 336 0.80% 23436 2.90% /events.htm
5 332 0.79% 19090 2.36% /LogoColorNoText457.jpg
6 699 1.65% 17084 2.11% /course.htm
7 269 0.64% 16384 2.02% /LogoColorNoText445.jpg
8 10 0.02% 15802 1.95% /LaneLenhart/IMG_1185.JPG
9 10 0.02% 15758 1.95% /LaneLenhart/IMG_0652.JPG
10 253 0.60% 15118 1.87% /LogoColorNoText447.jpg

Top 10 of 310 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6189 14.64% 5342 34.69% /
2 699 1.65% 495 3.21% /course.htm
3 482 1.14% 291 1.89% /members2.htm
4 336 0.80% 168 1.09% /events.htm
5 307 0.73% 167 1.08% /links.htm
6 148 0.35% 121 0.79% /JulieSoderblom/
7 139 0.33% 117 0.76% /IlginayGobut/
8 167 0.40% 103 0.67% /CarolineOwhoso/
9 257 0.61% 101 0.66% /default.htm
10 118 0.28% 97 0.63% /DavidBarron/

Top 10 of 310 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6189 14.64% 5148 33.50% /
2 699 1.65% 468 3.05% /course.htm
3 482 1.14% 302 1.96% /members2.htm
4 307 0.73% 171 1.11% /links.htm
5 336 0.80% 168 1.09% /events.htm
6 254 0.60% 128 0.83% /productindex.htm
7 167 0.40% 123 0.80% /CarolineOwhoso/
8 225 0.53% 118 0.77% /testimonies.htm
9 148 0.35% 117 0.76% /JulieSoderblom/
10 139 0.33% 112 0.73% /IlginayGobut/

Top 30 of 2815 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 642 1.52% 157 0.51% 4015 0.50% 103 0.66%
2 616 1.46% 521 1.69% 8347 1.03% 322 2.05%
3 528 1.25% 460 1.49% 9618 1.19% 412 2.62%
4 459 1.09% 433 1.41% 4070 0.50% 336 2.14%
5 441 1.04% 425 1.38% 4431 0.55% 320 2.04%
6 418 0.99% 395 1.28% 3770 0.47% 307 1.95%
7 397 0.94% 387 1.26% 3149 0.39% 2 0.01%
8 387 0.92% 365 1.19% 3069 0.38% 2 0.01%
9 387 0.92% 365 1.19% 3069 0.38% 2 0.01%
10 362 0.86% 62 0.20% 1243 0.15% 1 0.01%
11 342 0.81% 319 1.04% 3542 0.44% 32 0.20%
12 325 0.77% 3 0.01% 254 0.03% 1 0.01%
13 320 0.76% 238 0.77% 2335 0.29% 110 0.70%
14 287 0.68% 261 0.85% 10436 1.29% 10 0.06%
15 277 0.66% 238 0.77% 3564 0.44% 94 0.60%
16 271 0.64% 256 0.83% 1715 0.21% 1 0.01%
17 271 0.64% 256 0.83% 1715 0.21% 1 0.01%
18 257 0.61% 241 0.78% 1658 0.20% 2 0.01%
19 243 0.57% 191 0.62% 317 0.04% 1 0.01%
20 216 0.51% 206 0.67% 3615 0.45% 8 0.05%
21 216 0.51% 202 0.66% 1580 0.20% 1 0.01%
22 216 0.51% 202 0.66% 1580 0.20% 1 0.01%
23 201 0.48% 191 0.62% 1941 0.24% 6 0.04%
24 199 0.47% 39 0.13% 873 0.11% 3 0.02%
25 198 0.47% 129 0.42% 4860 0.60% 61 0.39%
26 183 0.43% 144 0.47% 1214 0.15% 47 0.30%
27 175 0.41% 101 0.33% 948 0.12% 52 0.33%
28 171 0.40% 163 0.53% 1490 0.18% 1 0.01%
29 149 0.35% 149 0.48% 3626 0.45% 45 0.29%
30 146 0.35% 146 0.47% 3553 0.44% 44 0.28%

Top 10 of 2815 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 287 0.68% 261 0.85% 10436 1.29% 10 0.06%
2 528 1.25% 460 1.49% 9618 1.19% 412 2.62%
3 5 0.01% 5 0.02% 9494 1.17% 0 0.00%
4 616 1.46% 521 1.69% 8347 1.03% 322 2.05%
5 5 0.01% 5 0.02% 7507 0.93% 1 0.01%
6 100 0.24% 90 0.29% 5354 0.66% 10 0.06%
7 14 0.03% 13 0.04% 4877 0.60% 9 0.06%
8 198 0.47% 129 0.42% 4860 0.60% 61 0.39%
9 49 0.12% 48 0.16% 4805 0.59% 43 0.27%
10 441 1.04% 425 1.38% 4431 0.55% 320 2.04%

Top 30 of 497 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 26466 62.62% - (Direct Request)
2 324 0.77%
3 144 0.34%
4 105 0.25%
5 102 0.24%
6 85 0.20%
7 64 0.15%
8 45 0.11%
9 42 0.10%
10 39 0.09%
11 36 0.09%
12 33 0.08%
13 29 0.07%
14 29 0.07%
15 27 0.06%
16 24 0.06%
17 23 0.05%
18 21 0.05%
19 19 0.04%
20 18 0.04%
21 16 0.04%
22 15 0.04%
23 14 0.03%
24 14 0.03%
25 12 0.03%
26 12 0.03%
27 12 0.03%
28 12 0.03%
29 12 0.03%
30 12 0.03%

Top 20 of 38 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 4 9.09% raw vegan network
2 2 4.55% the raw vegan network
3 2 4.55% vegan personal trainer atlanta
4 2 4.55% vegan specialist ottawa canada
5 1 2.27% become a certified raw food diet chef uk
6 1 2.27% become raw food nutritionist
7 1 2.27% how to become a raw vegan chef
8 1 2.27% i raw food certification
9 1 2.27% kristine thompson/sardis oh
10 1 2.27% mary jean dagostini
11 1 2.27% melissa gilbert vegan
12 1 2.27%
13 1 2.27% naturopathic practitioner in manila
14 1 2.27% network kmtu raw
15 1 2.27% online vegan fitness coaching
16 1 2.27% raw chef certification
17 1 2.27% raw chef online certification
18 1 2.27% raw food certification
19 1 2.27% raw food certification courses
20 1 2.27% raw food chef certification

Top 15 of 983 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 9449 22.36% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +
2 1714 4.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
3 1341 3.17% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; EasouSpider; +
4 1008 2.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
5 980 2.32% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:6.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0.2
6 874 2.07% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
7 773 1.83% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)
8 715 1.69% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
9 694 1.64% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.5;
10 691 1.64% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
11 633 1.50% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11D257 Sa
12 630 1.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
13 603 1.43% Java/1.6.0_04
14 603 1.43% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.143 Safari/537.36
15 518 1.23% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0

Usage by Country for September 2014

Top 30 of 71 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 14868 35.18% 9947 32.31% 308177 38.07% Commercial (com)
2 12529 29.65% 8430 27.38% 159732 19.73% Unresolved/Unknown
3 7412 17.54% 6264 20.35% 158549 19.59% Network (net)
4 1023 2.42% 909 2.95% 43253 5.34% Germany
5 647 1.53% 486 1.58% 10713 1.32% China
6 613 1.45% 573 1.86% 6491 0.80% Netherlands
7 584 1.38% 579 1.88% 12195 1.51% Brazil
8 468 1.11% 437 1.42% 3702 0.46% Romania
9 410 0.97% 387 1.26% 9776 1.21% Australia
10 364 0.86% 275 0.89% 16195 2.00% Russian Federation
11 351 0.83% 303 0.98% 5787 0.71% Canada
12 324 0.77% 318 1.03% 7732 0.96% Ukraine
13 282 0.67% 159 0.52% 2966 0.37% Czech Republic
14 227 0.54% 65 0.21% 1490 0.18% US Military (mil)
15 193 0.46% 181 0.59% 6615 0.82% Mexico
16 168 0.40% 77 0.25% 4604 0.57% Non-Profit (org)
17 117 0.28% 107 0.35% 3212 0.40% Educational (edu)
18 112 0.27% 91 0.30% 1175 0.15% South Africa
19 96 0.23% 89 0.29% 1419 0.18% Estonia
20 88 0.21% 74 0.24% 702 0.09% Italy
21 88 0.21% 87 0.28% 2436 0.30% Portugal
22 82 0.19% 74 0.24% 3823 0.47% Greece
23 78 0.18% 47 0.15% 654 0.08% United States
24 74 0.18% 68 0.22% 2540 0.31% France
25 70 0.17% 67 0.22% 4214 0.52% India
26 69 0.16% 52 0.17% 2438 0.30% European Union
27 69 0.16% 66 0.21% 491 0.06% Ireland
28 67 0.16% 61 0.20% 1412 0.17% Japan
29 66 0.16% 59 0.19% 543 0.07% Switzerland
30 48 0.11% 43 0.14% 282 0.03% United Kingdom

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20