
Offices in Florida area

LPH Consultants, LLC

Jacksonville, FL

Email: LPHconsultants@gmail.com

Phone: (904) 881-5018





Special Services







Have you ever received good advice that you were unable to follow?
Has your doctor ever recommended a lifestyle change that you found to be unsustainable? Have you ever wanted something in your life, but found you couldn’t achieve it alone?

To truly be successful at following a healthy diet and learning to understand the needs of your body can take time and continued effort. Ongoing nutritional counseling can give you the support and guidance you'll need for life long success as you set goals, increase your intake of raw foods, and enhance your nutritional balance. We will will listen
carefully to determine what changes are necessary for you. We focus on integrating emotions, which is a key essential to mindful healthy eating and overall happiness.


Our healthy diet programs are NOT only for those who wish to eat a raw food diet but also are suitable for anyone who wishes to improve their health. We believe that there are many possible nutritional approaches that will lead to improved health outcomes and we can work with you to design a diet that will best suit your needs. The style of diet we advocate is high raw with the inclusion of healthy cooked vegan foods in some cases. We don’t necessarily believe that a 100% raw food diet is always healthy .
for everybody in all situations, physically or psychologically. However for healing chronic illnesses it is often necessary to eliminate cooked foods for at least several months or longer in order to achieve a complete recovery.
Raw vegan diets also have profound value in regards to short-term cleansing and as a catalyst for promoting personal transformation. Your personalized program incorporates more than dietary and nutrition advice, and therefore will radically improve your health and happiness.

Together, we will explore concerns specific to you and your body and discover the tools you need for a lifetime of balance and success.

As a client of Life Prosperity Health and nutrition consulting program, you will…
•set and accomplish goals in a way that is empowering and exciting
•work to achieve and maintain your ideal weight
•understand and reduce your food cravings and compulsions
•increase your energy levels
•learn to listen to and trust your body and its inherent wisdom and knowing
•learn about new foods and how you can easily incorporate them
•improve your personal relationships
•discover the confidence to create the life you want
•connect with your deeper mission and calling in life
•bring the sacred into your day-to-day routine
•feel at home and at peace in your body

We also make specific diet recommendations, devise a meal and exercise plan, and can advise you on how to prevent or manage a chronic disease.

To learn how the Right nutritional counseling session can benefit you,
We invite schedule a 90-minute session with us.
During our focused time together, we will talk about where you are at now, where you want to go, and what's holding you back from achieving your goals and living a life that you LOVE.

Contact us today to schedule your 90-minute session!

Could one conversation with us transform your life?
LPHconsultants@gmail.com or call 904-881-5018.
View our special service page for more information.

Areas of expertise:
Arthritis, muscle and joint pain or stiffness, back pain, neck pain
Cardiovascular disease and lipid management
Celiac disease
Diabetes and Syndrome X
Eating disorders
Emotional eating
Eczema, psoriasis and skin health
Healthy aging
High cholesterol
Food sensitivities, food allergies
Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, bloating, indigestion, gas, acidity, diarrhea, pain, toxins, etc
Insomnia, low energy, fatigue, burnout
Addictions e.g. sugar, coffee, smoking
PMS, menstrual problems, pain, irregularities, menopausal symptoms
Stress, tension, anxiety reduction ,worry, irritability, overactive or over stimulated mind
Headaches, migraines
Depression, low self-esteem, general under-the-weather feeling , lack of direction in life and at a transition where you
want to make a change.
Weight gain and weight loss management
Family Nutrition
Women’s and Men's health issues
Raw food and Vegetarianism