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LPH Consultants, LLC

Jacksonville, FL

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Holistic Health: Mind, Body, Spirit Connection

Mind, body and spirit are connected. Do you know how? (headliner on the page)

Research over the last several decades demonstrates the fact that you cannot separate the mind, body and spirit in health and healing. The truth is your body was designed to be healthy. Having a good attitude and healthy spirit may have positive physical effects. True health means that you are healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When all 3 parts are equal and balanced you not only feel good but your life
is happier and more complete!

Most healing programs work at the level of the body, forgetting the importance of your mind and spirit. This is why you may find yourself searching out multiple practitioners to support your journey to well-being.

Science and The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection to Health:
Studies in the field of psychoneuroimmunology are demonstrating the effects of the mind and spirit in healing the body.

Placebo effect – In clinical trials, people who got the “sugar pill” or fake drug got better just because they believed
they would. [1]

Attitude and cancer – Dr. H. Steven Greer conducted several studies, including a study with a 15-year follow up on
women with breast cancer, and found evidence that attitude is linked to duration and survival of cancer. [2,3]

Your beliefs affect your health, including your genes – Dr. Bruce Lipton, internationally recognized biologist and article of The Biology of Belief , is a leader in teaching about the science of epigenetic. His scientific experiments prove that your perception or beliefs, affect your health. His studies show that even if you have a gene for a certain
disease, it is your beliefs that can turn that genetic issue off or on. To learn more, read The Biology of Belief.

Here are a few more ways of helping to healing the mind, body and spirit holistically:

Aromatherapy is the use of fragrant substances, called essential oils, to alter mood or improve health.

Art Therapy:
Art therapy is used to help people manage physical and emotional problems by using creative activities to express emotions.

Biofeedback is a treatment method that uses monitoring devices to help people consciously control physical processes that are usually controlled automatically, such as heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, sweating, and muscle tension.

Ra Sekhi Reiki, Ancient Egyptian Energy Therapy:
Ra Sekhi Reiki, is an Ancient Egyptian healing art system, this art form of healing, uses the energy or life force, chi energy to facilitate healing. It includes various techniques and practices such as prayer, chanting herbal medicine, aromatherapy, crystal healing, healing rituals, spiritualism, massage, and psychic healing. This practice of palm healing dates back to indigenous kingdoms in Africa, over 4,000 years ago.

Dance Therapy:

Dance therapy is the therapeutic use of movement to improve the mental and physical well-being of a person.

Faith Healing: Faith healing is founded on the belief that certain people or places have the ability to cure and heal—that someone or something can eliminate disease or heal injuries through a close connection to a higher power.

Holistic Medicine:
Holistic medicine focuses on how the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements of the body are interconnected to maintain wellness, or holistic health.

Humor Therapy:
Humor therapy is the use of humor for the relief of physical or emotional pain and stress.


Hypnosis is a state of restful alertness during which a person uses deeply focused concentration.

Imagery involves mental exercises designed to allow the mind to influence the health and well-being of the body.

Meditation is a mind-body process that uses concentration or reflection to relax the body and calm the mind.

Music Therapy:
Music therapy is the use of music by health care professionals to promote healing and enhance quality of life for their patients.

 Naturopathic Medicine:
Naturopathic medicine is a complete alternative care system that uses a wide range of approaches such as nutrition, herbs, manipulation of the body, exercise, stress reduction, and acupuncture.

Psychotherapy covers a wide range of approaches designed to help people change their ways of thinking, feeling, or behaving.

Spirituality and Prayer:

Spirituality is generally described as an awareness of something greater than the individual self.

Support Groups:
Support groups present information, provide comfort, teach coping skills, help reduce anxiety, and provide a place for people to share common concerns and emotional support.

Yoga is a form of nonaerobic exercise that involves a program of precise posture, breathing exercises, and meditation. In ancient Sanskrit, the word yoga means “union.”

If you are ready to achieve your best health in mind, body and spirit, schedule your appoint with us TODAY!!!