The Raw Vegan Network Monthly e-newsletter

March 2012


Editor: Vickie Fisher, co- owner of The Raw Vegan Network

Welcome to The Raw Vegan Network e-newsletter. 

This newsletter is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended for diagnosing, prescribing or healing.

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-Network Happening:

-Raw Vegan Network Members Books

-In the News

-Info from our Raw Vegan Network Members

-Featured Network Member
-Favorite Recipes

-Products: Juicers, distillers, dehydrators, raw recipe e-book


**Please email us with your feedback about the articles and recipes, and what you would like to see in up coming issues.  







**The Raw Vegan Network provides online raw food certifications for those who wish to expand their portfolio of expertise enabling them to serve others in there locale that wish to experience the health benefits of living a raw food lifestyle.  For information:


**We also provide free contact services for people desiring help in there local area for raw food services.  For information:


**Check out the “member’s eventspage at It has the latest on what members are doing, such as raw food classes, retreats, raw food delivery, festivals, etc.


**Need help getting started with incorporating healthy raw food choices into your diet and maintaining the raw vegan lifestyle?  Put together an entire holiday feast or a light meal.  Mostly Raw Recipes by Vickie Fisher (owner of The Raw Vegan Network) is available at


**Get a taste of what raw vegans are eating around the world with “The Raw Vegan Network Member’s Recipe Book Volume 1; A Collection of Our favorite Raw Vegan Recipes from Around the World” available at




Get both "The Raw Vegan Network Member's Recipe Book Volume 1; A Collection of Our Favorite Raw Vegan Recipes from Around the World" and "Mostly Raw Recipes"

only $20.00


Or purchased then separately for only $14.95 each at Vegan Network member Donna M. Beaudoin (AKA Sister Vegetarian) has a new book available for purchase at,, or .


 Black Expressions Book Club will make Sister Vegetarian's book their alternate book selection for March 2012!  



Recognize Your Riches and Make a Blessings List
Vickie Fisher (Raw Vegan Network owner) 
Every January when we begin a New Year, many people make New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more, be friendlier, reconcile 
relationships, make more money and/or save more money, be a better person, etc. These are usually made because we are not satisfied with what we have, 
how we look, or who we are. And as most of us know, these resolutions for the most part are not achieved because we give up or quit in a short time. Did 
you make a resolution this year? If so, have you already achieved it or given up?  I haven’t made resolutions for years, but instead make a blessings list. I like 
to think of this list as recognizing my riches. These lists help me to appreciate what I have and already achieved instead of looking at the negativity of my situation. 
When I realize the positive, it makes accomplishing changes easier and attainable. When writing out your blessings list, take a look at all your blessings and where 
they come from. Putting it in writing, may surprise you of all the blessings/riches you actually have. The following is a portion of my Blessings List.
My Blessings List
1.        Family: (Husband, Children, and Grandchildren) Proverbs 31:28: “her children rise up and bless her; her husband also, and he praises her…)
2.        Health and Healing (Psalm 34:19-20:“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He guards all his bones: not one of them is broken”).
3.       Prosperity (finances, body, soul, spirit, relationships) (3 John 2:“Beloved, I pray that you prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers”.)
4.        Animals (my dog and two horses, all of which were rescued) (Proverbs 12:10: “A righteous man has regard for the life of his beast”)
5.        Success (Deut 30:9:“The Lord your God will make you abound in all the work of your hand, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your land for good.)
6.        Peace (John 14:27: (“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give you”.)
7.        Eternal Rewards (Romans 8:14-16:“For as many are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God…but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, Abba Father. The Spirit Himself 
bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…)
Sometimes we miss out on our blessings because of our shortcomings. The following is a partial list of some of the things that can block those blessings. 
Blessings Blockers List
1.      Doubt
2.      Pride
3.      Compromise
4.      Trap of Debt
5.      Poverty Mind-set
As you make your Blessings List and examine what may be blocking those blessings, resolve to do away with your blessing blockers, and you may find success in
 keeping your New Year’s Resolutions is easier than you thought.
The Potato Project -- Why Organic is Important   potato project

A child's science experiment turns into a lesson on the toxins in our food supply.
Senator pushes for GMO labeling in Washington State

(NaturalNews) Regardless of whether the Republicans or Democrats occupy the White House, federal regulatory officials continue to disregard concerns about genetically-modified
 organisms (GMOs), and stonewall all efforts to mandate proper GMO labeling...
Powerful activism to demand labeling of GMOs - watch 'Labels Matter' and sign the petition now!

(NaturalNews) The Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA),, the Center for Food Safety (CFS), Stonyfield Farm, the Non-GMO Project,
 and more than 450 other consumer groups, health food companies, and farming organizations have signed...
Vaccination rights attorney Patricia Finn threatened with criminal charges; New York State demands she surrender names of all clients

(NaturalNews) Vaccine rights attorney Patricia Finn is being targeted by the Ninth Judicial District of New York State, 
which has threatened to strip her of her license to practice law and even file criminal charges against her. Finn is one of several...
Dulse is a clinically proven antioxidant, protein source, and plant-based source of iodine and potassium

(NaturalNews) Red or purple in color, dulse is considered a superfood because of its high iodine and potassium content, 
plus a long list of micro-nutrients and phytochemicals. Many herbalists prefer dulse over kelp in green superfood recipes because of...
GMOs with 'stacked traits' exponentially more harmful to humans due to synergistic toxicity

(NaturalNews) Monsanto's pipeline of upcoming genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) includes several new varieties specifically 
engineeredwith "stacked traits," which means they contain multiple genetic modifications and built-in resistance traits as...


By Celinet Ortiz, CHHC

RVN Member Collegeville, PA



A Hidden Jewel


Avocado is a powerful fruit.  They are more than enough protein for a vegan or vegetarian. While avocados are wrongly disdained for their fat content, almost everyone is ignorant of the avocado`s high and complete protein content.

It`s important to understand that a body needs fats, as long as they`re healthy ones. Omega 3 fatty acids are missing in the average western diet. And this missing fatty acid is behind lots of bad health and disease. It just so happens that avocados are high in omega 3 and omega 6. In fact, you can get all the omega 3 you need from daily avocado consumption. There is no cholesterol in avocados. They are a rich source of non-toxic beneficial fats. The notion that avocados are fattening is false. You will be healthier and leaner by using avocados in your diet often.

The sun creates a process of breaking the protein into easily digested amino acids while the avocados are ripening in their trees. Avocado provides all 18 essential amino acids needed by a body to create complete protein. Proteins represented by amino acids are easier to digest.

Avocados' high fiber content there`s no threat of constipation.

Avocados are bursting with enzymes and rich in minerals, including the usually deficient  mineral magnesium, which is involved in over 300 metabolic functions of the body. They help provide the body with glutathione, the important anti-oxidant that helps the liver replenish all other anti-oxidants.

Vitamins A, much of the B complex, K, E and C are also very available in avocados. The nutrient order of importance is enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. Vitamins won`t work without minerals, and neither minerals nor vitamins get into your cells without enzymes.

You can tell when avocados are ripe by color and gentle squeezing. If the normally green skins are turning brownish and you can mush it slightly with a gentle squeeze, those are ready to eat. If you are not using them right away, pick the green hard ones and let them ripen at home. The combination of mashed avocado, olive oil, sea salt, pepper, a little chopped chili, chopped onions and mashed garlic creates a synergistic super food as well as a tasty treat.




Alynn Davis

Puyallup, WA


My Bio I believe what makes us truly unique is being who we are. Being more conscious of who we are and why we stand out. A double whammy of standing out is being one who is deaf. Just because we are deaf doesn't mean we are clueless! My goal is to educate and communicate with every being.

One of my passions is to prepare and make masterpieces with vivid colors and flavors of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Mind you, all that I make and create are not cooked! Animal products are not in my dictionary (for long list of reasons). In other words, I make/prepare Raw gourmet meals, snacks/goodies, desserts, and so on. Living Raw is not just about eating Raw foods. It is about what you do, how you think, how you feel, how you life your life.
Even without these realizations, I was about 80% Raw growing up. Every time my mother offered us four kids something to eat, I always–ALWAYS–opted for fruits and/or veggies. I hated anything sugary, canned, or whatever didn't seem natural. Perhaps I listened to my body, and instinctively knew that eating fresh fruits/veggies is better than eating processed/packaged foods. I have been allergic to dairy since birth (which is a plus!) and became vegetarian/vegan in 1992. 


I transformed my life to Raw-Vegan living on October 13, 2003, two days after my birthday and I've been loving it since!!

What I have done up to now - 

From Dec '10 to June '10, I worked with Rawk Star Cafe, helping them take the steps to opening their doors and managed their kitchen until 2 weeks after opening. For four months in 2008, I was Cosmos of Bliss Manager & Operator at Bliss Cafe & Chocolates in Sedona, AZ. I had spread my wings toward there from Tree Of Life Rejuvenation Center as Co-Head Chef and Chef Instructor for nearly two years (from Sept of '05 to May of '07). Prior to that, I spent my time and spread my lovely energy working for Rawsome! Cafe in Tempe, AZ from Oct '03 to Sept '05. I earned her training and gained knowledge at Ekaya Institute of Live-Foods in Ojai, CA, where I obtained four certifications in Raw Food Chef, Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, and Lifestyle Coach (currently available from ). During and in between these times, I served as personal chef; catered weddings, special Valentine's dinners, events; taught classes; provided/hosted workshops; provide consultation services; and MORE! Not only that, I flit around as an activist and educator for the Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Community, promoting consciousness, speaking volumes about living in the world of eco-haven. I have had fluttered through NY, NC, AZ, FL, just to name a few. 

I am currently now in WA, and my book (first, for there may be a second in the future) is in the works to be published within 30-60 days! It is titled, "Living in Sinfully Pure Way!” Be on the lookout for the e-book!





Alynn Davis

Puyallup, WA


Sesame Power Balls 
2 cups white sesame seeds, grounded 
2 cups black sesame seeds 
2 cups goji berries or raisins, soaked 
1 cup coconut flakes 
¾ cup orange juice or goji juice or raisin juice 
2 Tbsp agave 
1 Tbsp coconut oil 
sesame seeds or coconut flakes for coating 

Process the berries/raisins with fruit juice until pureed. Put into a mixing bowl and add ground sesame seeds along with agave and rest of the ingredients. Mix well and it should form into balls. You can choose to either dehydrate or refrigerate.


Carrot-Squash-Radish Salad with Frenchie Dressing
Slice the following very thin, then slice them lengthwise again to make small long thin strips. (If you have a kitchen appliance that does this, go for it!)
5 carrots
5 radishes
1 zucchini
1 yellow squash
1/8 cup fresh dill or basil or any fresh herb you like
Toss these ingredients together and set aside. The Frenchie Dressing is below.

Frenchie Dressing 
Put the following in your blender and blend. 

Blend and taste! If it needs to be sweeter, saltier, or more sour, just add the appropriate ingredients until you LOVE it.






**Need help getting started with incorporating healthy raw food choices into your diet and maintaining the raw vegan lifestyle?  Put together an entire holiday feast or a light meal.  Mostly Raw Recipes by Vickie Fisher (owner of The Raw Vegan Network) is available at


**Get a taste of what raw vegans are eating around the world with “The Raw Vegan Network Member’s Recipe Book Volume 1; A Collection of Our favorite Raw Vegan Recipes from Around the World” available at


** Order both books together at



 **The Raw Vegan Network is offering juicers, distillers and dehydrators for sale. Products are available at .





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At no time does The Raw Vegan Network spam anyone nor will your email be shared with any other listing.  If you feel you have received this e-newsletter in error, please let us know at


**Please email us with your feedback about the articles and recipes, and what you would like to see in up coming issues.  

