About Rick Kump

For every raw foodist, there is an experience, and each of ours is unique. Trying to find my way in an unnatural world, I have come across many challenges and resistance. Not only have I overcome most of these, but I have used them to my advantage. Raw foods have made me stronger in every way I know.

Raw foods immediately forced me to analyze my lifestyle. My previous diet consisted of approximately  zero percent fresh fruits and vegetables and consisted mostly of soy, grain, and condiments. I am still adjusting my diet and lifestyle to my needs. It is a wonderful process.

Unlike soymilk, vegan cookies, and meat substitutes, my raw food diet does not give the impression of denial. No longer am I living just without meat, dairy, eggs, etc. but I am living with raw fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds!

Transitioning to a raw food diet has been the biggest challenge of my life. I was doing this because I wanted to be healthy, strong, and live naturally. I wanted to be happy. The change in eating habits was hard, but not the most difficult part for me. Despite  setbacks, I persevered. 

 Raw foods have revolutionized my life and thinking.  I am now more active than I have been in my entire life. I lift weights, hike, climb trees, jog and much more. Slowly I am gaining muscle. My senses have sharpened, especially my sense of thought.

It has only been recently, with raw foods and free time, that I have begun to reach out and explore the world. I have discovered so many new interests, and I am meeting many people. For a year, I had no raw support other than online. Now, I am meeting raw people everywhere, but only since I’ve started looking! I even found an organic buying group very close to my home.

Raw foods let me live a real life. The things that I’m learning now will help me in the future, but I’m living for the present. I volunteer at a local forest, and I have begun to involve myself with activism. I recently started a garden. I am looking for a healthy, meaningful job and aspiring to become a professional writer. I look forward to becoming a strong contributor to the raw food movement.