Week Three - Online Raw Certifications

Raw Nutrition Specialist Segment: Healing-Gourmet Raw Food



"Do not eat unless you have a keen desire for the plainest foods" - Dr. Bernard Jensen

Overeating demands heavy energy loss. In this day and age of toxins and depleted foods we can not afford this inefficiency if true health is our aim!

In our society we have an 80% chance of death from cancer, heart disease, and stroke. This is ample evidence that cooking does not support life. We obtain nourishment from proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Fruits and vegetables all contain these essential nutrients, in small amounts, but small amounts are all we need. An excess of protein is the cause of most of our diseases that stem from toxins in the cells. Protein is important. It is the building block of all cells. However, everything that has cells has protein! Therefore all plants have protein. Our protein needs are highest as an infant, the only time at which we double in size in one year. Mother's milk has 2.2% protein. Fruit has 1.7 - 2.4% protein, the perfect amount for an average person's needs.

All nutrients are heat sensitive. Proteins are denatured at 160 degrees of heat. Fats are not usable by our bodies when heated as they form trans-fatty acids which we can't break down. When carbohydrates are heated they form carcinogens and toxins such as acrylamide, which has been shown to cause cancer in scientific experiments. And enzymes are the most heat-sensitive nutrients.

Other carcinogens and mutagens that have been identified in cooked food: 5-hydroxymethyl furfural in breakfast cereal; furfural in bread, coffee and potatoes; the 20 rodent carcinogens in coffee (it used to be 19 until acrylamide was recently found); nitrosamines 67 in bacon and cold cuts; amino acid pyrolysates and polycyclic aro-matic hydrocarbons 68 in grilled beef, fish and chicken; imidazole heterocyclic amines in cooked beef, fish and chicken. According to the scientific agency that compiled this research they could not recommend that these carcinogens were harmful because: "If we were to make a list of foods that do not contain something that has been shown to cause cancer there would be very little left for humans to eat". The researchers merely overlooked all the foods that naturally occur on this planet! This is illustrative of the scientific mind-set of our times!

Healing with foods is one of the most complex and controversial aspects of the Raw Diet. We have all heard cases of miracle cures from people who the doctors had written off. Are there any scientific explanations behind some of the Raw Food Cures that we have all heard about? Let's take drugs for a start. Many of the drugs that we now see as scientific wonder drugs are in fact derived from herbs. There are major pharmaceutical companies who have researchers combing the tropical rainforests the world over looking for new herbs that can bring about wonder cures. They go to indigenous villages and talk with local medicine men and bring back herb samples which they then examine in the lab to find the active ingredients. They then find a way to synthesize it and then produce it in mass quantities. They have found that birch bark reduces tumor growth for instance. There was a recent article in the LA Times stating that broccoli reduces estrogen-fed tumors in certain types of cancers. The list goes on and it is far too large to name here. The theory behind treating diseases through the Raw Diet is that nature's cures are more perfect than our synthesized ones. Due to our limited vision we always seem to run into unpredictable side effects when we try to improve upon nature. There is always the unknown factor that we are dealing with. When we deal with food naturally then the unknown factor is on our side. But when we try to improve upon nature then we often get distorted results.

For instance when we have a cancer growing within our bodies the cancer cells are weak and not as strong as the healthy cells. So the common practice is to use chemotherapy radiation to kill the weaker cancer cells. But of course when we do this the radiation also damages the healthy cells so that the person becomes sick through the cure and the body has to fight twice as hard to regain its balance.

On the other hand when we fast the body first rids itself of waste that it didn't have time to process when we were eating five times the amount of food that we could actually deal with. Then the body rids itself of fat cells. Then it looks around and tries to see what it can burn off next and it finds and locates the cancer cells because they are weaker. While the body is doing this it is not starving. It does not start to starve until it has burned off everything that it can do without. So now at this point you have achieved the same results as chemotherapy without damaging the healthy surrounding cells. At the same time you have eliminated all of the direct causes that created the cancer to begin with. And if at this time you institute a raw diet based mostly on living green juice you can totally heal cancers that the doctors had written off.

Of course it is much more complex than this. Because each person is different and there are many reasons why we experience a breakdown in our bodies before our time. But one of the main benefits of dealing with cancer this way is that you can fast and cleanse your system before you get cancer. And not only that. When you deal with preventive medicine in this manner you are dealing with 20 other debilitating diseases at the same time. When your diet is really bad then three people might be eating the same way but they will develop three different diseases which will require three different treatments. But all of them stemmed from the same source. And the saddest part of this whole modern medicine paradigm is that once the person has undergone some horrible surgery and had actual body parts removed, they go back to eating the same foods that caused the disease in the first place.

A lot of how we deal with Raw Food Healing is based upon the Chinese concept of balance. For instance if you have too much calcium in your system from eating dairy products then a lot of the time the calcium will come out of solution and crystallize around the ends of your joints, which is what we call arthritis. If we add sodium which we can get in abundance from raw celery juice then it will over time cause the excess calcium to go back into solution and the symptoms of arthritis will vanish. But if we have too much sodium in our systems and not enough calcium then in effect the sodium will strip the calcium from our bodies and we will have a major deficiency which will result in bone loss, loose teeth, etc...

So the main purpose of this course is to give you some of the principles involved in Raw Food Healing. We will cover some of the major debilitating diseases and why raw food can be so helpful in either preventing them or curing them and we will cover some of the major raw juice formulas and why they are so beneficial as our front line of defense in treating and healing debilitating diseases.

In this money-driven world we can't blame our fellow humans for this, but it is a sad and true fact that very little research has been done on the healing properties of foods because one can not make money through selling healing foods to the great extent that one can selling vitamins and pharmaceuticals. There have been billions of dollars invested in researching what science can do to heal illnesses, but only a relative pittance to researching what foods can do. Therefore there is not much information available, and much of it is slanted in favor of supplementation and medication. Therefore it is very important and good to cultivate in yourself and your clients an intuitive knowing, being in tune with the body and learning to listen to its nutritional needs, its cravings. It is like tuning in to a baby who can not yet talk. And yet you have a deep connection with your infant and you can sense its needs. Or you use trial and error. But you are attentive and caring, and deeply loving. That is the key.

You have a wonderful and immediate proof of success - your state of health! If you are thriving, then you are doing fine. You can not feel better today and actually be doing something wrong in the long term, as some anti-raw propaganda would have you believe. Not on the true health plane. Not unless drugs are a part of the picture. Then you can feel better on one plane while in reality you are actually damaging the system further.

This week we hope to give you further faith in the raw vegan diet with more scientific facts and evidence of its seemingly miraculous ability to prevent and heal many different kinds of diseases. We will give you examples of ways in which others have been healed. We will give you our ideas of what it is to be a Nutrition Specialist. We will more deeply explore food combining as it relates to the raw vegan diet. We will look at specific illnesses and the foods that can cure them. We will recommend recipes for overall health, optimum absorption of nutrients, and healing specific illnesses. We will cover healing with juices, specific juice remedies, herbs and herbal remedies, and the low-down on fasting and enemas. We will find out what is in food and why it is healing. We will outline a balanced raw diet. And we will look at rejuvenation through raw living foods. We will also provide a list of recommended reading for further study if desired.

"Isn't there something that tells us to choose the cleanest material - the material that comes from plant life?"

Being a Raw Nutrition Specialist

Being a Raw Nutrition Specialist is being a perennial student, a detective. It is ground-breaking research. It is courageous work. It means going out on a limb. It means having a very pure intent. If you are drawn to this field then you probably have a true desire to help, and you will protect that pure intent and it will help you to become a true Nutrition Specialist. It means having and always building your knowledge of the healing foods, the body, the soul, the spirit, and how they work together. It means being an example through your own ever-improving health. And it means being a guide in helping the person to be healed get out of their own way so that nature can do its work.

To be a Raw Nutrition Specialist, you must learn how to study and research. There are innumerable books on health and healing by all sorts of alternative methods. You will be drawn to the ones that will work best for you. Browse the alternative health sections in libraries and book stores, book sections in health food stores, and online at Amazon.com using keywords like raw food, nutritional healing, etc...

In reading various books and hearing people's stories and through your own experiences you will collect cures for various ailments. Some of these are valuable dying folklore. Read all you can get your hands on and collect these cures. You can share them online, as well as read others being shared at curezone.com online. In doing this, do not be distracted from your path as a raw food nutritionist. Collect and adapt the cures to the truths that you hold fast to in your heart.

Many of the authors who's books used in researching this section on healing with raw foods were pioneers in this field. Many were not 100% raw themselves, believed it was the right way to eat, but did not feel that it was viable in this world due to social and other implications. I think the world has changed since then and that now it is not only viable, but absolutely essential.

You may have all kinds of clients, from the terminally ill who the medical profession has written off, to people who simply want to know how to maintain good health and prevent disease.

How this certification works together with the other three

You can choose to be a Raw Nutrition Specialist only. Or you can combine this with other services, such as Raw Lifestyle Coach, Raw Personal Trai