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The Raw Deal

Jules Hamland

Cathedral City, California




I’ve been a lacto/ovo vegetarian since about 1983 for ethical and health reasons, but I have been suffering from ill health pretty much my whole life. I have never known a life of vigor, ever. The last couple years I have been particularly suffering health wise and basically hit the wall. A medical intuitive put me on a semi-raw diet at the end of January and shortly after that my mom gave me the 12 step book about cooked food addiction. I’ve had the David Wolfe sun diet book for many years, but it wasn't until I read the 12 step book that everything came together. Upon reading the last page of the 12 step book I made the decision to go 100%. That decision has changed my life. I don't yet feel 100% great, but I feel soooo much better. I walk taller, I have more energy, and my skin is no longer pasty and puffy. I am in love with fruit!! Though I was a vegetarian for so many years, my diet consisted of pasta and cooked veggies -no fruit whatsoever. Chocolate, coffee and beer were my staples. After seeing Al Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth, I was compelled to make a difference in the world.  Even though I have only been raw since March 2006, I know this is what my body and my spirit have needed my whole life. Thank you and I look forward to going forth and spreading the word.


(Jules Hamland is Certified by The Ekaya Institute of Living Foods Education as a Raw Chef, Raw Lifestyle Coach, Raw Nutrition Specialist, and Raw Personal Trainer)