Week Five - Online Raw Certifications

Raw Lifestyle Coach Segment


As a Raw Lifestyle Coach you will be helping people to transition safely to a raw vegan diet, to deal with the physical, mental and spiritual challenges they may come up against, and to motivate people to stay on the raw diet.

How This Certification Works With The Other Three

With this training you will help people transition to the raw-vegan diet. Your Nutritionist, Chef, and Fitness Coach Certifications are all crucial to making the transition successful. You will want to design a diet and exercise regimen and teach your client how to shop for and prepare the recipes you have learned. In addition you will also design a schedule for transitioning safely to the raw-vegan diet with a minimum of detox symptoms. And you will also provide valuable emotional support and a wealth of knowledge about what to expect when going raw, from managing detox, dealing with new levels of energy and health, emotional issues, and social and family issues that inevitably become part of the picture!

Different Raw Strokes For Different Raw Folks

Different people will have different dietary goals. Some may desire to be 100% raw, some of them will just want to learn how to integrate more raw foods into their diets, and many people will fall in-between these two extremes. Although we do like to tell people about the benefits of a 100% raw diet we are also acutely aware that this is not for everyone. Many people feel that a 100% raw diet can not fit in to their lifestyle for social, work, or family reasons. And many people simply do not wish to give up certain comfort foods. Some of these people will change their minds after a time of becoming more familiar with and aware of the delicious flavors inherent in living foods. Some will not. We do not push past or condemn these very personal decisions. Eating even a little bit more living food in your diet will make you a lot healthier. Eating 99% raw will make you a lot healthier. And eating 100% raw will give you a level of health that borders on the supernatural! It isn't supernatural though. It is just the natural state of health. But because the un-natural (SAD diet) appears natural, then the natural (raw diet) appears supernatural.

You can take raw foods to the level that you choose. To the degree that you are raw, your health will generally improve to that degree also. So the first thing to do is to speak about this with your client and recommend a transition to 100% raw as the goal, but then set the actual goal to whatever degree your client is comfortable with. If it is 100%, 75%, 50%, or 10%, as long as it is more than what they are currently eating, that's fine.

If you are dealing with a client who's goal is anything less than 100% raw, then what they leave out of the diet is just as important as what they add. You will want to phase out heavy toxins such as alcohol, cigarettes, meat, dairy, coffee, chocolate, refined sugar, white flour, cooked starches, and heated fats as the diet moves to a greater degree of raw.


There are different types of raw diets to have as your goal. Your goal may shift often as you work out the best way to eat for you. It may be necessary to experiment. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. When you start moving towards a raw foods diet you become increasingly aware of your body’s signals which tell you what foods agree with you and don’t agree with you, and what foods you really crave.

Your diet will evolve as you change your lifestyle, your age, your activity level, your work, your family structure, your living situation, etc… Your growth as a person is affected by your diet and your diet is affected by your personal growth.

Here are some examples of different types of raw diets:

1.) The Fruitarian diet is a branch of the raw-vegan diet in which people eat all or mostly fruit. For a time this is very healing, almost like a fast. Being Fruitarian is more viable when you have been raw for a long time and your body can absorb nutrients well. This diet is also extremely wonderful to do for a season and has been documented as beneficial for even up to three years.

2.) The Fruitarian diet including vegetables. The Fruitarian diet that also includes vegetables is often also called Fruitarian, because technically seed-bearing plants are fruits. And most vegetables, including tomatoes, avocados, green leafy vegetables, cucumbers, etc….do bear seeds. This is also the highest version of the High Raw diet. This diet is also extremely wonderful to do for a season or up to three years. (Although I have no evidence, I do suspect that it would be a wonderful longevity diet if one were to adopt it after years on a high raw diet).

3.) The High-Raw Diet. The high-raw diet consists of 100% fruits, vegetables, and a limited amount of germinated seeds and nuts. People who do this diet tend to need less food after a while, and often tend to eat many mono-meals (meals consisting of only one food at a time), with up to three foods combined carefully if a recipe is employed. Recipes consist often of smoothies, salads, blended salads, and almond, sunflower and sesame seed milks and patées. The high raw diet does not include the use of salt, honey, oils, grains, dehydrated foods, fermented foods, processed foods such as olives, or any kinds of nuts as they are suspected of being heated or dried to prevent molding. (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds and filberts/hazelnuts or freshly harvested nuts are the exceptions as these are generally not treated with heating or drying)

4.) The Natural Hygiene Diet. This diet is similar to the High-Raw diet but more restrictive in that it espouses not eating spicy foods including garlic, onions, and hot peppers, fats including oils, or sulphuric fruits such as Durian and avocado. We have not seen people succeed in the long term on this diet, although it may be good to try for a time.

5.) The Mucous-Free Diet: Similar to a 100% raw diet, but without raw sprouted grains as these are believed to cause mucous in the system. Grains seem to affect some people in this manner, while others find the enzymes in germinated grains cause bloating, while still others experience no negative effects and enjoy the feeling of fullness obtained through eating these grains.

6.) The Fat-Free Diet: Similar to a 100% raw diet, but without any fats, oils, or fatty fruits such as bananas, avocados, olives, and durians. Again, this version of a raw diet is similar to the Natural Hygeine Diet and does not seem to be viable in the long term due to the body’s need for fat. However, this is just our opinion and personal experience. If a client feels the need to cut out fats for a time, they should follow their intuition and see if it feels right.

7.) The Fruit-Free Diet: Some raw teachers espouse not eating fruit or eating very little fruit because they believe that modern day fruit has been cultivated to be un-naturally sweet. This diet may be appealing to some, but I would not recommend being without fruit in the diet for too long. Many studies show that fruit is the main food humans were designed to eat.

8.) The 100% Raw Food Diet: This diet is what it says. All raw foods area allowed. No cooked foods are allowed. However, heating on low temperatures at which you can still put your finger in the food without pain is permitted. Dehydrating and Fermenting is also permitted. Any kinds of combinations are allowed. Many believe that when you eat raw food that food combining is un-necessary. (This may be more true on a high-raw diet however). The 100% raw food diet consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted legumes, germinated grains, raw honey, raw soy sauce called Nama Shoyu, cold pressed flax, hemp and olive oils, Celtic Sea Salt or similar untreated raw salt, and raw tahini (sesame seeds) and almond butter. Grains that will germinate when soaked in water include raw wheat germ, buckwheat groats, oat groats, wild rice, quinoa, amaranth, and others. Untreated natural salt can be identified because it usually has off-white, gray, or beige flecks in it that are minerals. There are many sub-variations of the 100% raw diet that either include or don’t include some of these foods. Some people even include wine as it is a fermented food. We do not recommend wine. And we recommend that Nama Shoyu, sprouted legumes, sprouted grains, and almond butter (store-bought) be used only occasionally, in moderation.

9.) The 75%-90% Raw Food Diet: Usually all that is added to the 100% raw diet here is brown rice and steamed vegetables. Some other foods that will be included are manna bread, which is unleavened bread heated at low temperatures, usually made out of sprouted grains. Others may include cooked ancient grains (kamut, quinoa, amaranth and spelt), home-made bread, goat’s cheese, beans and rice, and/or popcorn. This diet is usually successful when only one to three different cooked foods are allowed.


Your client may want to transition slowly, transition quickly, or transition immediately to their raw goal.

They may want a recommendation from you.

We recommend using the formula that for each year that a person has eaten a toxic diet it will take a month to detoxify. The form of detoxification will also depend on the level of toxicity of the client.

If a person is 30 years old and has eaten a SAD (Standard American Diet) and has been moderately active all of their life, then it will take an estimated 30 months (a year and a half) to detoxify. If they have been sedentary it will take more time. If they have been active it will take less time. There are many variables and this is not by any means without exceptions. Some people have no detox symptoms at all. In some rare cases, people don't start detoxing until years after they go raw. Quite often, people will experience sudden detox symptoms after many years of being raw, as toxins can be stored away in tissues and organs un-noticed for a long time, deciding to come out as a health crisis for some mysterious reason long after the designated detox period.

Perhaps these toxins might be processed when some deep emotional issues are resolved. According to Chinese Medicine the body creates toxic residues when we hold onto negative emotional states. Chinese Medicine relates various emotional states to various organs. An imbalance in the emotions or the body can affect the other. For instance:

-Excessive negative thinking relates to the stomach and spleen.

-Fear and anxiety relate to the kidneys.

-Joy relates to the heart.

-Depression relates to the liver and spleen.

-Anger and stress relate to the liver

-Sadness and worry relate to the lungs, stomach and spleen.

-Decision-making relates to the gall bladder.

-Emotional imbalances relate to liver and kidneys.

Chinese Medicine also believes that stuck emotional energy can result in tumors. The prescribed cure is to let go of negative energy.


The reasons for a transition schedule are twofold.

1.) Transitioning gradually allows the body to deal with expelling toxins more gradually, lessening somewhat the possibility of experiencing uncomfortable or painful detox symptoms.

2.) Transitioning gradually allows a person to mentally prepare for each new dietary stage on the way to a 100% (or other %) raw-vegan diet.

Importance of Exercise During Transition

Exercise during all phases is essential as this helps eliminate toxins through the sweat and breath, and helps move wastes out through the lymph, digestive and other elimination organs, preventing unwanted detox symptoms that will almost surely arise if sedentary while detoxing.

Overview of Transition Schedule

1.) The first stage of transition is doing a certain amount of time on a vegetarian diet (if coming off a SAD diet), and eliminating toxins like coffee and cigarettes from the diet and lifestyle. A good replacement for coffee is Yerba Mate, a Brazilian tea available in Tea Bags or loose leaf in bulk from any health food store. It has a natural caffeine and a rich flavor, but is extremely healing. Put a teabag in a glass in the sun (or daylight) in the windowsill for about half an hour to an hour to brew. Add raw honey to sweeten if desired. As raw honey is not runny, put a spoon of honey in a little warm water to dissolve and add to the cold tea. Chewing on a licorice root (available at herb stores and health food stores) may prove helpful when quitting smoking. Processed foods should be phased out during this time also.

2.) Next a period of time on the vegan diet is recommended, eating no animal products, eating no processed foods at all, and integrating more raw foods into the diet. Good meals to eat during this time are rice and steamed vegetables, beans and rice, ancient grains, and manna bread, as well as raw food recipes that use sprouted grains, dehydrated foods, and fermented foods. Several glasses of water a day will help start detoxification gradually. It is best to not drink any water for 1/2 an hour before eating and 1-2 hours after eating so as not to dilute the digestive juices.

3.) The next phase is Transitional Raw and should include first one then two raw food meals a day, with the other meal(s) consisting of simple vegan recipes. More simple raw food meals should be used and fewer sprouted grains, dehydrated foods and fermented foods should be used. This phase may be the final goal and lifestyle for some people.

4.) For others, after phase three they are ready to go 100% raw. At this point exercise is highly important. Enemas may also be helpful to eliminate the toxins that are being dispelled into and through the colon. The body is now able to stop working as hard processing and storing away the indigestible materials in cooked food, and is now able to clean house. Using the fresh organic water content in the raw foods, as well as the drinking water which should be taken in liberally, the body flushes toxins from all the cells and eliminates them through the elimination organs. If headaches occur during this time there may be too much toxic waste in the colon being absorbed back into the blood steam and an enema will help. Enema bags can be obtained at drug stores complete with instructions.

Examples of Transition Schedules

Here are some general guidelines for detoxing three basic types of people:

1.) The Very Unhealthy Person: If a person is overweight, has habits such as coffee and smoking and/or had been eating a SAD diet all their lives, then you will want to use the following plan:
- 3 months vegetarian
- 3 months vegan
- 3 months transitional raw
- then start on the 75%-100% raw diet, whatever the goal is, eating transitional raw recipes or very simple vegan foods such as rice and steamed vegetables for the balance.

2.) The Moderately Healthy Person: If the person is moderately healthy, not overweight, doesn't smoke or drink coffee, is health conscious and has been eating vegetarian, vegan or macrobiotic types of diets including lots of fresh foods or if they eat a SAD diet but eat moderately and exercise regularly, then you can use the following plan:
- 1 month vegetarian
- 1 month vegan
- 1 month transitional raw
- 100% raw for life (or whatever % raw the goal might be)

3.) The Very Healthy Person: If a person is already vegetarian or vegan AND works out regularly, with no toxic habits, then they can safely go 100% right away (we call this The Cold Turkey). If they prefer, however, they can transition for a couple of weeks from vegetarian to vegan, vegan to transitional raw, and then go all raw.


Possible Detox Symptoms:

flu-like symptoms - a flu is a time of cleansing, and a time of cleansing can likewise bring on a flu or any number of flu-like symptoms.

headaches - due to toxins being reabsorbed into the bloodstream from a possible blockage in the colon.

diarrhea - another one of nature's ways of cleansing, done mainly by fruit.

candida, yeast infections - this can flare up due to an abundance of fruit sugars in combination with other sugars and toxins in the system. Once you are 100% raw this usually goes away quickly, even if you eat lots of fruit. In the meantime, if you have any cooked food at all in the diet, you can help it by eating more vegetables and less fruit. Severe or persistent candida may require up to three month's fasting to cure.

skin rashes and break-outs - if these occur, working out can be helpful, as can enemas.

aches and pains - this can be a direct result of detoxing, as toxic deposits are broken up and eliminated from the body.

emotional ups and downs - As your body eliminates toxins, it is very common for the mind and spirit to follow suit. This is a good opportunity to deal with or face any emotional issues as they come up and to let go of any negative emotions you might be holding on to. Keeping a journal, can be helpful during this phase.

Supporting the individual through transition and detox:

Simply being there as an emotional support is extremely effective during transition. Offering assurance that their symptoms are simply detox, and being sensitive to whether there is actually anything seriously wrong is important. There is no reason for anything to go seriously wrong. However, sometimes people can worry themselves into a state of stress in which things can go wrong. This is where you can be very effective in helping to deal with stress and worry through working out, yoga, walking in nature, recommending the personal journal practice, etc...Working out will give the client a sense of strength that will make the transition easier mentally as well as physically. If the client is unable to work out then walking, swimming, or water aerobics should be done as much as possible. If the client is very ill and unable to do even these exercises, then enemas or even fasting may be in order. A supervised fast at a fasting center may be recommended. TangleWoodWellnessCenter.com is a fasting center run by a raw-vegan fasting specialist.

Supporting the individual through initial stages of being raw:

Another problem encountered in the initial stages other than detox might be the flip-side, - too much energy. A person unused to good health might actually feel uncomfortable with the amount of energy they now have. If the lifestyle is not adjusted to make use of this energy, it can cause nervousness, sleeplessness, and a general feeling of discomfort or not being able to relax. The best cure for this is to increase the exercise schedule. Two hours of exercise a day can be a wonderful thing at this time. Another excellent way to channel this energy is in creative endeavors that demand *all* of us, such as following our dreams and making them happen! Writing a book, song-writing, doing a painting, volunteering - giving back in some way, or starting a new business are wonderful ways to harness this abundance of excess energy.

Supporting the individual in being raw in society and with family:

Often the most difficult part of going raw is the social aspect. Friends, co-workers, and family may feel put-off, intimidated, or insulted by your client's decision to go raw. This doesn't seem to happen when people adopt the Atkins Diet or the Zone Diet. I believe that like the vegetarian and vegan diets, the raw-vegan diet is an *evolutionary* diet. The vegetarian diet makes a statement, whether you want to make a statement or not, that you have evolved past the point of killing and eating flesh. Likewise, the vegan diet makes the statement that you do not use any animal products. And the raw-vegan diet makes the statement that you believe that cooked food is toxic and that you don't want to put toxins in your body. Even if you don't mean to threaten people, you will. Their whole way of life may feel threatened. This is because deep inside everyone recognizes the truth when they hear it. The raw-vegan diet has the ring of truth. And yet it is inconceivable to most people at this point to make such a radical change. And yet, there is something within them that yearns for it, that is leaning towards it, and this can be scary for them.

Responses to the Social Problem:

The client must be aware of this, and choose a response. There are many ways to deal with this. If you want to be non-confrontational, you can say that your doctor or nutritionist has put you on this diet, and that will be usually be the end of the conversation. However you might want to be ready to report a mysterious but not-dangerous condition incase the questioner requires further information, or better yet an ailment that you have really suffered from and are addressing with the raw diet. If you enjoy heated arguments and challenging people, or you are driven to spread the word about the raw-vegan diet, you can study all about the scientific proof of the raw diet and facilitate lots of interesting conversations. Or you can be humorous and self-deprecating and say I guess I'm just a fanatic or a kook.

Special problems with Families and Parents:

Here is what you need to inform your client about regarding familly: Family can be a lot more difficult. Parents have often sacrificed much to feed their child what they thought was the healthiest diet. If this child grows up and adopts a raw-vegan diet, this can send the parents the message that the parents did not do a good job. The parents can become deeply sad or angry or threatened and they may even withdraw from the relationship with their raw child. Therefore dealing with parents and family requires the utmost tact and skill. Be open and tell your parents that you are grateful that they brought you up with a healthy diet, and that this is why you have an interest in nutrition and are exploring the raw-vegan diet.

Never use the phrase *cooked food is poison* with your family! Parents don't like the idea that you think they poisoned you. And they can be surprisingly quick to take this type of offense. If you introduce them to the diet with a book, try Karen Curinga’s *The Greatest Diet on Earth* rather than David Wolfe’s *Nature’s First Law*. David Wolfe’s book is excellent and inspiring, but you want to work up to this type of literature slowly with your parents. Curinga, on the other hand, has written the most mainstream version of a raw-vegan introductory book that I have yet seen.


Some common pitfalls that you may encounter when you attempt to go raw are:

Social Problems:
Problems socializing
Problems with co-workers
People worrying too much about your weight loss
People concerned with pregnant mothers and nursing mothers going raw
People concerned with you feeding your kids raw
Problems with your spouse or house-mates
Worry and stress brought on by the above social pressures

Detox symptoms (temporary)
Excessive weight loss
Pain in various organs
Pain in teeth

Deficiency symptoms:
Weight gain (the body’s failed attempts to gain nutrients from food)
Hair falling out
Teeth rotting
Eyes sunken

To support a person going through social problems, do not belittle these very real and sometimes crucial issues. Work with the client to resolve the issues in any way possible, or if not resolvable then help the client find a way to handle or live with the issues. A social network of raw-vegans can be extremely helpful. Raw-vegan households are starting to form. There is a lot of support online via forums on websites, many of them listed below in the Resources section. However, you will often be the main source of support for your client. How well you do your job may determine whether this person is able to make the transition to a raw-vegan lifestyle. Do not underestimate the importance of your work!

To support a person going through detox symptoms it will be helpful to prescribe exercise or design an exercise regimen that you can do together. To be understanding and sympathetic is essential. You must also be aware of the detox symptoms that may be encountered and the difference between the detox and the deficiency symptoms. Often if detox symptoms persist it may be a sign of deficiency.

To support the person who is deficient, if the person is eating a well rounded raw diet and is not absorbing the nutrients, deficiency will result. Deficiency could be due to a colon that is lined with plaque or toxins that make the colon inefficient at absorbing nutrients into the body. If enemas don’t seem to help the situation, then colonics, a cleanse such as the Rise and Shine Cleanse, or a fast may be recommended. Deficiency can be recognized most often through the list of deficiency symptoms above.


A common result of the stress of going raw is Emotional Eating. This is a problem when it results in overeating. Overeating is another common cause of deficiency. When we overeat we overtax our body and it must spend more time processing and digesting food, healing overtaxed organs, and eliminating the waste products generated through digestion. Because of this extra work, the body is less efficient in doing its more important work of nutrient assimilation.

Emotional eating can be a vicious cycle, as any addiction, causing the eater to have poor self-esteem which can lead to further emotional eating. The cycle can be broken by addressing either the self-esteem issue or the overeating issue or both. It is beneficial to be easy on oneself and speak kindly to oneself, which can be accomplished through being conscious, in-the-moment, and observant of oneself. Or it can be accomplished through journal writing. Keeping two journals is recommended for this problem. One journal for a record of the food you eat. The other to explore the emotions that you are feeling and to practice speaking kindly to yourself in writing.

Many emotions and issues may come up as you start out on and progress on the Raw Diet. Anger, sadness, hurt, resentment, fear, love, and other emotions may come up for short or long periods of time. Sometimes the emotions may be more extreme than you have felt before when you were too busy just surviving to explore these deeper issues.

Many people experience major shifts in their values, goals, dreams, and the way they see the world. These are usually very positive. However sometimes they can be negative, as one sees more of the truth and can be angered greatly by the state of the world. Remember that these angry and negative feelings can create negative states of health even if you are eating all living foods! Practicing acceptance while also channeling your anger into positive actions that will change the injustices you are angry about are ways of healthfully dealing with these emotions.

The emotional eating habit can be extremely difficult to break. Perhaps a self-destructive streak is just part of human nature. But perhaps if we recognize and accept this fact then we can more easily move past it. How one can transition from self-destruction to self-care is a mystery and a very personal matter. Perhaps essential is a spiritual practice. Prayer and meditation have been helpful for many people to make major shifts in their way of being. The process can be lengthy. But it is a worthwhile journey and not one to give up on lightly! As long as you are still fighting, you haven’t given up. As long as you haven’t given up, you haven’t lost. Sometimes a break in the fighting is needed. But never give up on yourself.

Major life changes may be appropriate, such as changing careers, living spaces, and even the people you surround yourself with. But often the work that can be done on the inner level is more powerful. Alone time, time in nature, writing a journal, creative expression, yoga, meditation, prayer, giving back, loving, self-care, inspirational books, making your living space beautiful, doing things you love, and having a support person or network are all helpful in fostering wholeness.

Overworking is another self-destructive tendency that can be dealt with similarly.


Also essential to conquering Emotional Eating, and to general health, is eating consciously. A temptation with raw food is to eat on the go. This can also lead to stress, emotional eating, and poor nutrient absorption. Food should not only taste good but also look good and be served in a nice environment. Taking a deep breath before eating can focus you on your food. Sit down even if you eat alone and don’t do anything else while you eat. Eating in the sunshine is always my preference, as the raw food lights up as it catches the rays of the sunlight. Breathe while eating. Focus your attention in your mouth. Think about the place where the food was grown. Keep a positive attitude while eating. Visualize an inner smile along the latitude of your stomach stretching from one of your sides to the other. Keep good posture. Your home is where you eat often, so make it nice. Any space can be made beautiful with some care, attention, and imagination.



All of us have heard the silver bell of truth and have answered the clarion's call. This is why we have stopped putting our food in the fire. But it is not that simple. Very few people are able to successfully transition from cooked food to raw food and stay raw with good results for a long period of time. It is maybe different for each person. So we have formed this network because we feel that something big is afoot. Some might call it the evolution of the species. Since the first man put his food in the fire and reduced it to a state of toxic ashes the human race has been in a state of decline. And now that decline is reaching critical mass. And finally more of us are saying that maybe it is not such a good idea to put our food in the fire after all. However, this sets us into almost completely uncharted waters!

What we are hoping will come from this Network is a critical mass. Our aim is for anyone who wants to go raw to have access to people who are trained to make the process smooth, pleasant, and a little easier. We believe that when people are able to call upon a Raw Lifestyle Coach that this will give them the emotional and spiritual support also needed to stay on the raw path after the initial excitement wears off. Raw Lifestyle Coaches are there to help more people go raw, stay raw!

I think that the way we eat and what we eat is one of the biggest issues of our time. It is going to determine weather we degenerate as a species and drown in our own sludge or rise above it all and take our rightful place in the Universe.

If you give a healthy man a wish he may take his time and think of a hundred things that he wants. But if you give a sick man a wish he will answer you without hesitation that he only wants one thing – to be healthy.

Our Vision For the Raw Network

What we would like to see happen with this Network is for people to use the Internet to locate local raw resources. As the movement grows a lot of people will want to try raw food. But there will be very few resources available in their areas. They might not have the skill to create a meal for themselves. But if they could call a number in the area where they live and have a raw-vegan meal delivered to them much the same way as a Domino's Pizza, then I think that this will make it easier for people to go raw. I think that in the beginning a lot of people will avail themselves of this service and that more and more restaurants will also open up across the country to serve this fast-growing movement.

Another thing that I envision happening is that people who are really sick will turn to raw food as more and more people are cured of chronic debilitating diseases through raw foods and the word spreads that many illnesses which were once thought to be hopeless are in fact curable by 1.) removing the cause (toxins in cooked food) and 2.) balancing and nourishing the body with raw foods.

As a raw lifestyle coach you will be called upon to answer many questions whose answers lie in an intangible region. We do a lot of counseling and we are always finding ourselves in a position where we have to do a lot of research or call upon different people who have experience in different areas of specialty. As a part of the "Raw Vegan Network" we hope to be able to provide you with the resources that you will need to be able to supply people quickly with the information that they may need to avoid the pitfalls inherent in starting out on a new uncharted diet.

On a practical level here are some of the things that we are working to bring about.

1. We are going to rely extensively on the Internet to establish our main international communication for the Raw Vegan Network. But we will also send you videos and DVDs. The first video is about the Circular Movement Workout, by Storm Talifero (you will receive this with your post graduate material). We feel that one of the critical parts of being raw is that you have a workout system, and since the raw diet is a low protein diet a lot of people lose weight and have low muscle mass and tone. This can all be corrected by working out correctly.

2. We also have an open consultation policy for our Raw Vegan Network. So if you have any questions at all about different things that you or your clients are experiencing then you can contact us via the Internet and we will either help you or refer you to someone who can such as a Raw MD, specialist, or Naturopath.

3. We also would like a special website of recipes and juice formulas solely for the use of The Raw Vegan Network. This list will grow as time moves on. This list of tried and proven recipes will enable you to offer people a variety of different meals so that they can find fulfillment in their eating patterns. One of the main reasons that people go off of the raw diet is that they just get tired of eating the same things day in and day out.

4. We would like to create a two-way bulletin board where people who are interested in finding a raw food counselor in their area can just look it up on the board and where we can post the services of people in our Network.



Shazzie - Shazzie's Detox Delights

Parasites-C M Hawker

Online Support Groups:

http://rawfoods.com           Raw Vegan Bulletin Board
http://www.therawworld.com        Raw Q & A Forum
http://www.thegardendiet.com      28 Day Transition-to-Raw Program (a 100% raw vegan transition menu) and The 21 Day Raw Cleanse