Week Three - Online Raw Certifications

Raw Nutrition Specialist Segment: Healing-Gourmet Raw Food



"Do not eat unless you have a keen desire for the plainest foods" - Dr. Bernard Jensen

Overeating demands heavy energy loss. In this day and age of toxins and depleted foods we can not afford this inefficiency if true health is our aim!

In our society we have an 80% chance of death from cancer, heart disease, and stroke. This is ample evidence that cooking does not support life. We obtain nourishment from proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Fruits and vegetables all contain these essential nutrients, in small amounts, but small amounts are all we need. An excess of protein is the cause of most of our diseases that stem from toxins in the cells. Protein is important. It is the building block of all cells. However, everything that has cells has protein! Therefore all plants have protein. Our protein needs are highest as an infant, the only time at which we double in size in one year. Mother's milk has 2.2% protein. Fruit has 1.7 - 2.4% protein, the perfect amount for an average person's needs.

All nutrients are heat sensitive. Proteins are denatured at 160 degrees of heat. Fats are not usable by our bodies when heated as they form trans-fatty acids which we can't break down. When carbohydrates are heated they form carcinogens and toxins such as acrylamide, which has been shown to cause cancer in scientific experiments. And enzymes are the most heat-sensitive nutrients.

Other carcinogens and mutagens that have been identified in cooked food: 5-hydroxymethyl furfural in breakfast cereal; furfural in bread, coffee and potatoes; the 20 rodent carcinogens in coffee (it used to be 19 until acrylamide was recently found); nitrosamines 67 in bacon and cold cuts; amino acid pyrolysates and polycyclic aro-matic hydrocarbons 68 in grilled beef, fish and chicken; imidazole heterocyclic amines in cooked beef, fish and chicken. According to the scientific agency that compiled this research they could not recommend that these carcinogens were harmful because: "If we were to make a list of foods that do not contain something that has been shown to cause cancer there would be very little left for humans to eat". The researchers merely overlooked all the foods that naturally occur on this planet! This is illustrative of the scientific mind-set of our times!

Healing with foods is one of the most complex and controversial aspects of the Raw Diet. We have all heard cases of miracle cures from people who the doctors had written off. Are there any scientific explanations behind some of the Raw Food Cures that we have all heard about? Let's take drugs for a start. Many of the drugs that we now see as scientific wonder drugs are in fact derived from herbs. There are major pharmaceutical companies who have researchers combing the tropical rainforests the world over looking for new herbs that can bring about wonder cures. They go to indigenous villages and talk with local medicine men and bring back herb samples which they then examine in the lab to find the active ingredients. They then find a way to synthesize it and then produce it in mass quantities. They have found that birch bark reduces tumor growth for instance. There was a recent article in the LA Times stating that broccoli reduces estrogen-fed tumors in certain types of cancers. The list goes on and it is far too large to name here. The theory behind treating diseases through the Raw Diet is that nature's cures are more perfect than our synthesized ones. Due to our limited vision we always seem to run into unpredictable side effects when we try to improve upon nature. There is always the unknown factor that we are dealing with. When we deal with food naturally then the unknown factor is on our side. But when we try to improve upon nature then we often get distorted results.

For instance when we have a cancer growing within our bodies the cancer cells are weak and not as strong as the healthy cells. So the common practice is to use chemotherapy radiation to kill the weaker cancer cells. But of course when we do this the radiation also damages the healthy cells so that the person becomes sick through the cure and the body has to fight twice as hard to regain its balance.

On the other hand when we fast the body first rids itself of waste that it didn't have time to process when we were eating five times the amount of food that we could actually deal with. Then the body rids itself of fat cells. Then it looks around and tries to see what it can burn off next and it finds and locates the cancer cells because they are weaker. While the body is doing this it is not starving. It does not start to starve until it has burned off everything that it can do without. So now at this point you have achieved the same results as chemotherapy without damaging the healthy surrounding cells. At the same time you have eliminated all of the direct causes that created the cancer to begin with. And if at this time you institute a raw diet based mostly on living green juice you can totally heal cancers that the doctors had written off.

Of course it is much more complex than this. Because each person is different and there are many reasons why we experience a breakdown in our bodies before our time. But one of the main benefits of dealing with cancer this way is that you can fast and cleanse your system before you get cancer. And not only that. When you deal with preventive medicine in this manner you are dealing with 20 other debilitating diseases at the same time. When your diet is really bad then three people might be eating the same way but they will develop three different diseases which will require three different treatments. But all of them stemmed from the same source. And the saddest part of this whole modern medicine paradigm is that once the person has undergone some horrible surgery and had actual body parts removed, they go back to eating the same foods that caused the disease in the first place.

A lot of how we deal with Raw Food Healing is based upon the Chinese concept of balance. For instance if you have too much calcium in your system from eating dairy products then a lot of the time the calcium will come out of solution and crystallize around the ends of your joints, which is what we call arthritis. If we add sodium which we can get in abundance from raw celery juice then it will over time cause the excess calcium to go back into solution and the symptoms of arthritis will vanish. But if we have too much sodium in our systems and not enough calcium then in effect the sodium will strip the calcium from our bodies and we will have a major deficiency which will result in bone loss, loose teeth, etc...

So the main purpose of this course is to give you some of the principles involved in Raw Food Healing. We will cover some of the major debilitating diseases and why raw food can be so helpful in either preventing them or curing them and we will cover some of the major raw juice formulas and why they are so beneficial as our front line of defense in treating and healing debilitating diseases.

In this money-driven world we can't blame our fellow humans for this, but it is a sad and true fact that very little research has been done on the healing properties of foods because one can not make money through selling healing foods to the great extent that one can selling vitamins and pharmaceuticals. There have been billions of dollars invested in researching what science can do to heal illnesses, but only a relative pittance to researching what foods can do. Therefore there is not much information available, and much of it is slanted in favor of supplementation and medication. Therefore it is very important and good to cultivate in yourself and your clients an intuitive knowing, being in tune with the body and learning to listen to its nutritional needs, its cravings. It is like tuning in to a baby who can not yet talk. And yet you have a deep connection with your infant and you can sense its needs. Or you use trial and error. But you are attentive and caring, and deeply loving. That is the key.

You have a wonderful and immediate proof of success - your state of health! If you are thriving, then you are doing fine. You can not feel better today and actually be doing something wrong in the long term, as some anti-raw propaganda would have you believe. Not on the true health plane. Not unless drugs are a part of the picture. Then you can feel better on one plane while in reality you are actually damaging the system further.

This week we hope to give you further faith in the raw vegan diet with more scientific facts and evidence of its seemingly miraculous ability to prevent and heal many different kinds of diseases. We will give you examples of ways in which others have been healed. We will give you our ideas of what it is to be a Nutrition Specialist. We will more deeply explore food combining as it relates to the raw vegan diet. We will look at specific illnesses and the foods that can cure them. We will recommend recipes for overall health, optimum absorption of nutrients, and healing specific illnesses. We will cover healing with juices, specific juice remedies, herbs and herbal remedies, and the low-down on fasting and enemas. We will find out what is in food and why it is healing. We will outline a balanced raw diet. And we will look at rejuvenation through raw living foods. We will also provide a list of recommended reading for further study if desired.

"Isn't there something that tells us to choose the cleanest material - the material that comes from plant life?"

Being a Raw Nutrition Specialist

Being a Raw Nutrition Specialist is being a perennial student, a detective. It is ground-breaking research. It is courageous work. It means going out on a limb. It means having a very pure intent. If you are drawn to this field then you probably have a true desire to help, and you will protect that pure intent and it will help you to become a true Nutrition Specialist. It means having and always building your knowledge of the healing foods, the body, the soul, the spirit, and how they work together. It means being an example through your own ever-improving health. And it means being a guide in helping the person to be healed get out of their own way so that nature can do its work.

To be a Raw Nutrition Specialist, you must learn how to study and research. There are innumerable books on health and healing by all sorts of alternative methods. You will be drawn to the ones that will work best for you. Browse the alternative health sections in libraries and book stores, book sections in health food stores, and online at Amazon.com using keywords like raw food, nutritional healing, etc...

In reading various books and hearing people's stories and through your own experiences you will collect cures for various ailments. Some of these are valuable dying folklore. Read all you can get your hands on and collect these cures. You can share them online, as well as read others being shared at curezone.com online. In doing this, do not be distracted from your path as a raw food nutritionist. Collect and adapt the cures to the truths that you hold fast to in your heart.

Many of the authors who's books used in researching this section on healing with raw foods were pioneers in this field. Many were not 100% raw themselves, believed it was the right way to eat, but did not feel that it was viable in this world due to social and other implications. I think the world has changed since then and that now it is not only viable, but absolutely essential.

You may have all kinds of clients, from the terminally ill who the medical profession has written off, to people who simply want to know how to maintain good health and prevent disease.

How this certification works together with the other three

You can choose to be a Raw Nutrition Specialist only. Or you can combine this with other services, such as Raw Lifestyle Coach, Raw Personal Coach, and Raw Chef. The Raw Nutritionist Certification works beautifully with the Raw Lifestyle Coach Certification as you can offer people help in understanding why the diet works as well as helping them to transition to it. As a Raw Personal Trainer you would help clients develop a workout regimen while also consulting them on why raw nutrition works. If the client is ill you can develop a diet and workout regimen for healing. If you are a Raw Chef your knowledge of Raw Nutrition will allow you to create the most healthful and delicious combinations possible. Using all four Certifications together you would develop a workout and a diet for the client while also helping them to transition and creating raw recipes for them. This is the fullest service you can provide for someone, and will be a major support in helping people heal and live completely healthy long lives!

The diseases & their cures. Why they work.

Most diseases are the result of poor diet. Either they stem from being toxic (too much bad food) or deficient (not enough good food) or often both. The medical industry refutes this because they have been deceived by those at the highest levels of industry who benefit from massive disease. Certain concepts have been allowed to thrive to this end. For instance, up until the last two years, doctors have only had 2 hours of nutrition training in their entire training! The concepts that cooked food is good healthy home cooking came about only in comparison to junk food. The concept that it is safer to cook your foods is similar to many of the safety habits our society is obsessed with - they deny death, but at the same time they also deny life. The concept that we must not deny ourselves anything and that we must enjoy life fully through indulging in tasty foods were primarily developed by the advertising industry. And the list goes on.

The colon is of significance because this is where nutrients are absorbed and then transported throughout the body. This is an organ that requires special care if it is to last long and be healthy. But it is often the most abused.

Also important to consider and understand briefly is the concept of Acid/Alkaline balance in the system. This is a system of understanding health that was developed in Japan.

Single celled creatures were the first life forms and they got their nutrients from the ocean and expelled their wastes into the ocean. When multi-celled creatures developed, some of the cells did not touch the ocean any longer and so these creatures had to have an ocean-like environment between their cells through which the cells could get nourishment and eliminate waste. This is our internal environment, our bodily fluids. It consists of water, salts, minerals, vitamins, and electricity. The fluids are blood, saliva, sweat, pancreatic juice, intestinal juice, stomach juice, urine, and stool. This environment can become toxic and our cells become toxic, and we become sick. Or this environment can be kept clean and nutrient rich, and our cells become well nourished, and we become healthy.

Our blood can be measured in terms of acidity and or lack of acidity (alkalinity), also known as the pH balance. A pH of lesser than 7.0 is acid, and of higher than 7.0 is alkaline. According to modern biochemistry, sulphur, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium determine the acidity or alkalinity of the body fluids. Seventy percent of our body weight is liquid, which is distributed inside the cells (55%), blood (5%), and tissues (10%). A slightly alkaline environment is important for health. All the foods on the raw vegan diet, all fruits and vegetables, are alkaline forming. (some are acid foods, but nevertheless they are alkaline forming in the body. Foods are either acid or alkaline themselves, but they are separately also either acid or alkaline forming in our bodies. For instance most fruit is acid on its own, but causes our body fluids to become more alkaline when we eat it).

Besides what we eat, moving our bodies daily in vigorous exercise of any kind, sleeping sufficiently, drinking enough water, and our thoughts and emotions all have a heavy impact on our health.

A very important element in health and healing is the mind. Scientific studies now show that our body can affect our mind, and our mind can affect our body. Does our body affect our mind first? Or does our mind first affect our body? It can work both ways. So, it can be very beneficial to health, without question, to have a positive and relaxed mind, to feel strongly and express emotions, and to live with passion and purpose. To this end prayer, meditation, alone time, love, support, and time in nature are becoming more recognized as important avenues to health. As a Nutrition Specialist, you must also take into consideration the client's entire lifestyle and to be able help them in all these areas if appropriate.

Gourmet recipes that heal. What they heal and why. Remedies.

Foods give us nourishment though the Macro Nutrients: Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates (including Simple Carbohydrates which are Sugars and Complex Carbohydrates which are Starches) and through the Micro Nutrients: vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients (plant nutrients of which we have identified an estimated 5%).

The results of many leading edge nutritionists who espouse the raw food diet often point to a diet of either fruits or vegetables as ideal. It is my belief that the current research will show that a diet of both fruits and vegetables are ideal.

Meat is undesirable because our bodies do not produce uricase, the enzyme for breaking down uric acid which is present in meat. Carnivores do produce uricase. Uneliminated uric acid is stored as waste in our bodies, causing arthritis, gout and other diseases. The hydrochloric acid in carnivores is 10 times stronger than in humans. Our bodies are designed to break down tiny amounts of protein. Their colons are far shorter than ours, so waste is eliminated faster. This is because of the toxic nature of a meat eater's waste products.

According to research conducted at John's Hopkins University, all hominids ate exclusively fruit judging by teeth striations. The Bonobo, a great ape, has the exact digestive tract that humans do. They eat only fruit. We have ptyalin - a saliva enzyme that digests starch, whereas carnivores do not. Colon cancer is the fastest growing cancer in our society. Digestion should take four hours. Average time on Standard American Diet is four days. Clearly we are not meant to eat meat.

Simple foods eaten whole are healing. If necessary blending for a softer consistency is also good. Juicing can be beneficial for providing ample nutrients quickly and easily without expending much energy on digestion. Here are some whole foods and what they heal. If three problems exists, create a gourmet recipe using the three foods that heal each of these problems. Any fruits and vegetables combined produce a unique new gourmet recipe. Nature is the chef! You get the credit! Because you are the first person to allow your ego to get out of the way and let nature's flavors exist as they are in all their glory! It is a case of the normal man appearing superhuman because everyone else is below normal (in the arena of diet, where we as humans have exerted much arrogance and ego!)

Alfalfa: rich in nitrogen, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium

Asparagus: rich in silicon, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, manganese, and iron

Beets: potassium, iron, sodium and manganese. Do not drink more than 8 oz. to start out until your body gets used to the strong acids. Good for regulating menstruation, menopause, and to cure constipation

Broccoli: potassium, phosphorus and sulphur, and vitamin A. A cleanser, good for weight loss.

Cabbage: red and white, eat in small amounts. Chlorine, calcium, and sodium, sulphur, and potassium, and iron, and silicon. Cleansing effect stirs up any debris in system which causes the gas. Never use with vinegar, salt or sugar.

Carrots: grated carrot pulp good for colon health. Cleanser of bile and waste in the liver, which can sometimes lead to a not dangerous temporary discoloration of the skin. Carotene, vitamin A, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, sulphur, chlorine, and phosphorus. Heals almost everything, prevents blindness and eye trouble, reduces fatigue, cleanses, good brain food.

Cauliflower: potassium, phosphorus, and sulphur, protein. Use sparingly.

Celery: sodium, insulin, magnesium, iron, sodium chloride. Cures insomnia, nerves, nervousness, juice helpful in overcoming alcoholism.

Chives: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and sulphur. Blood cleanser. Diuretic.

Cucumbers: potassium, iron, and magnesium, silicon, and fluorine. Benefits gall bladder, liver and kidneys, hair, teeth, and nails. Don't use skin of cucumber.

Dandelion: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium. Vitamins A, B, C, and D. Stimulates glands. Nourishes bone structure. gives strength and firmness to teeth. Stimulates lymph, aiding elimination through the pores. Use the whole plant - leaves, flowers and roots in salads and juices.

Endive: (chicory). Potassium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus. Nourishes optic system. Cleanses liver. Stimulates spleen.

Fennel: sodium, potassium, iron. Loosens up mucous. Stimulates digestion. Diuretic.

Garlic: (take out the core in the center). Benefits lymph. Eliminates waste. Cleans out mucous from lungs, sinuses, and throat. Beneficial for pulmonary conditions, asthma. Diuretic. Cleanses blood. Lowers high blood pressure. Stimulates peristaltic action and secretion of digestive juices.

Horseradish: Potassium, sulphur. most efficient solvent of phlegm, especially in sinuses and nasal cavities. Stimulates appetite.

Kale: sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium. Cleanser, vitamins. Eat it when young and more tender.

Leeks: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, and sulphur, vitamins B and C. Cleansers, stimulate pancreas. Stimulates secretion of digestive juices. Cleansers of blood stream. Stimulating to muscle action.

Lettuce: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon, fluorine. Almost all the necessary vitamins. Stimulates metabolism. Aids in digestion.

Mustard Greens: sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium. Good cleanser. Laxative.

Nettles: rich in vitamins, potassium, calcium, sodium.

Okra: Good for inflammation of intestines. Soothes irritation of colon, bladder and kidneys.

Onions: Rich in carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, silicon, phosphorous. Beneficial to the mucous membrane.

Parsley: potassium, calcium, magnesium and chlorine. Limit to 4 ounces of the juice at one time. Good for optic system, kidneys, bladder, inflammation of urethra and genital organs. Stimulates secretion of digestive juices and helps in disturbances of the liver and spleen.

Parsnips: carbohydrates, potassium, silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine. Active effect on urinary system, helpful in conditions of bladder and kidney stones.

Peas: potassium, magnesium.

Peppers: high silicon and fluorine content. Good for skin, nails, and hair.

Potatoes: carbohydrate and protein, potassium, vitamins A, B, and C. Can be grated and eaten raw.

Pumpkins: sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, chlorine, phosphorus. Laxative. Diuretic.

Radishes: potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, sulphur, silicon. Dissolve mucous or phlegm, enzymes aid the secretion of digestive juices. Diuretic. Cleansing kidneys and bladder.

Rutabagas: vitamins B and C, and A. Potassium.

Spinach: finest quality organic iron obtainable. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Good for entire digestive system and eliminative organs.

Squash: grated in salads.

Turnips: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium. Grated turnip roots in salad.

Watercress: sulphur, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine. Powerful cleanser. Use as garnish or ingredient. Juiced it is good for hemorrhoids.


Apples: Rich in magnesium, iron, and silicon, potassium. Aid in digestion. Stimulate activity of lower intestines. Fresh apple juice helps fever and inflammations.

Apricots: one of the best sources of organic iron for building up red corpuscles of the blood. Silicon.

Avocado: best source of organic fat, rich in minerals. Good to use in place of butter.

Bananas: carbohydrate, potassium, sodium, and magnesium.

Berries: rich in potassium, minerals, natural sugars which aid in cleansing the system.

Cherries: magnesium, iron, silicon. Blood cleansers. Stimulate secretion of digestive juices and of the urine. Effective cleansers of the liver and kidneys.

Currants: potassium. Beneficial in stimulating the secretion of various glands. Currant juice beneficial to kidneys and inflammatory conditions of the body. Good for alleviating mucous conditions of the intestinal tracts.

Dates: natural carbohydrates, potassium, chlorine.

Figs: High potassium, calcium and magnesium. natural laxative.

Grapes: Rich in potassium and iron. Aids in the elimination of uric acid from the system. Stimulate the secretion of digestive juices. Cleansing. Good for weight loss.

Grapefruit: Potassium, Salicylic acid which aids in removal or dissolving of inorganic calcium in joints, such as in arthritis.

Lemons: Antiseptic for cuts. Cold remedy: juice two lemons in 4 ounces of water every hour or two for one or two days.

Malva: This wild weed grows heavily throughout the United States and elsewhere. One pound has 50,000 units of natural vitamin A which is so important in clearing up infections. Malva is tasty in salads. Clean the leaves well, soaking in cold water for five minutes and then hand-scrubbing each leaf individually. It is one of the least bitter of the dark leafy greens. Wild foods have far more nutrients than even organic vegetables and fruits!

Melons: Potassium. Diuretic. Eat alone. Do not mix with other foods. Very beneficial.

Nectarines: Potassium, calcium, sodium. Cleansers.

Oranges: Potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, vitamin A, B, C. Alkalinizes an over-acid system. Good to fast on. Drink right away when juiced, as they oxidize quickly.

Papayas: Protein digestive elements, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur. Stimulate appetite, aid in secretion of digestive juices.

Peaches: Potassium, calcium, sodium. Stimulate secretion of digestive juices. Laxative. Diuretic. Cleansing kidney and bladder.

Pears: Diuretic. Cleansers.

Persimmons: Potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Laxative.

Pineapples: Potassium, calcium, sodium, sulphur, chlorine. Valuable cleanser. Aids digestion. Diuretic.

Plums: Potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. Laxative.

Pomegranates: rich in sodium, vitamin A, B, and C. Cleansing. Laxative.

Tomatoes: Potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, silicon. Cleansing and vitalizing.


Almonds: protein, fat. Eat in small quantities between meals.

Healing with Juices. Remedies.

Some raw food purists believe that juicing is wrong because it isn't natural, you don't get the fiber and you are basically processing the foods. I agree with this to an extent. However the thought behind juicing is that if we need to get lots of nutrients quickly, as we do if we have been on a standard American diet, then this is the way to do it without having to digest masses of vegetation. The concoctions below are from "The Complete Juice Therapy" book by Thorsons Editorial Board. It is important to drink slowly moving the liquid against the roof of your mouth to stimulate salivation. This will aid greatly in its digestion as it creates the reactions that would occur if you were chewing the foods.

Acne: 1.) 16 oz carrot, 6 oz spinach, 4 oz lettuce
2.) (Salve: mix concentrated liquid chlorophyll with lanolin and add garlic oil from one capsule. The chlorophyll will be about 50% of the mixture. This salve will also promote healing for boils and other skin disorders)

Adenoids: 16 oz carrot, 1 oz horseradish, 10 oz comfrey

Allergies: 1.) 8 oz carrot, 8 oz beet
2.) 2 oz artichoke, 10 oz celery

Anemia: 1.) 2 oz watercress, 1 oz horseradish, 12 oz spinach
2.) 6 oz carrot, 6 oz spinach

Angina Pectoris: 1.) 10 oz pineapple, 6 oz papaya
2.) 9 oz garlic, 8 oz onion, 3 oz parsley, 4 oz orange
3.) 1 oz garlic, 10 oz orange, 5 oz pineapple

Antibiotics: 1.) 10 oz apple
2.) 10 oz cucumber, 1 oz garlic
3.) 10 oz onion, 1/2 oz garlic

Arteries: 1.) 10 oz carrot, 6 oz spinach
2.) 6 oz pineapple, 2 oz garlic
3.) 1 oz horseradish

Arthritis: 1.) 2 pints celery juice a day with one or more of the following:
2.) 10 oz cucumber, 6 oz nettles
3.) 16 oz grapefruit
4.) 13 oz nettles, 3 oz parsley
5.) 8 oz spinach, 2 oz parsley, 6 oz cucumber or nettle

Asthma: 1.) 1 pt grapefruit
2.) 10 oz carrot, 10 oz celery
3.) 12 oz carrot, 8 oz spinach
4.) 4 oz horseradish, 4 oz lemon, 12 oz water
5.) 13 oz carrot, 7 oz radish (root and top)
6.) 8 oz lettuce, 12 oz celery
7.) 12 oz lettuce, 8 oz potato
8.) 5 oz carrot, 5 oz watercress, 3 oz parsley, 7 oz potato
9.) 1 oz garlic

Bad Breath: 1.) 2 oz lemon juice on rising
2.) 10 oz carrot, 5 oz spinach, 5 oz cucumber
3.) 1 pt apple
4.) 10 oz apple, 8 oz celery
5.) 10 oz carrot, 6 oz celery

Bilious Attacks: 1.) 4 oz cucumber, 8 oz carrot, 6 oz beet
2.) 10 oz carrot, 6 oz spinach
3.) 10 oz carrot, 6 oz celery, 2 oz parsley
4.) 8 oz dandelion, 4 oz watercress, 6 oz nettle

Blood Purification: 1.) 16 oz apple
2.) 16 oz beet
3.) 2 oz asparagus three times a day
4.) 8 oz beet three times a day
5.) 8 oz beet, 7 oz cucumber, 6 oz carrot
6.) 4 oz nettle, 6 oz beet
7.) 8 oz spinach, 8 oz beet
8.) 4 oz watercress, 12 oz carrot

Boils, Abscesses, etc: 1.) Papaya pulp or pure honey as poultice, plus juices:
2.) 7 oz carrot, 10 oz beets and tops,

Bronchitis: 4 oz horseradish, 2 lemons in 12 oz water

Cancer: 1.) 2 pt carrot a day Or:
2.) 2 pt beet a day Or:
3.) 1 pt carrot, 1 pt beet PLUS:
4.) 1 pt papaya a day

Cataracts: 10 oz carrot, 5 oz celery, 3 oz parsley, 2 oz watercress

Cholesterol, high: Sprouts lower cholesterol (either juiced or eaten plain). They are one of the greatest dissolvers of cholesterol.

Colitis: 1.) 10 oz apple, 8 oz carrot Or:
2.) 6 oz cucumber, 5 oz carrot, 9 oz beet
3.) 1 pt. papaya

Constipation, colon health: 1.) 10 oz carrot, 6 oz spinach
2.) 8 oz carrot, 10 oz apple
3.) 12 oz potato

Diabetes: 1.) 10 oz Brussels sprouts, 10 oz string beans
2.) 3 oz horseradish, juice of 2 lemons, 10 oz water

Digestive System Health: juice of radishes blended with carrot juice.

Diarrhea: 1.) 16 oz beet
2.) 16 oz cabbage
3.) 8 oz beet, 8 oz cabbage

Eczema: 1.) 5 oz spinach, 11 oz carrot
2.) 2 oz parsley

Fatigue: 1.) watercress juice diluted with five times the volume of spring water, 1 dessertspoonful eight times a day and/or:
2.) 8 oz orange, 8 oz apple, 1 oz lemon, 1 oz lettuce

Gallstones: 1.) 10 oz apple, 6 oz celery
2.) 16 oz beet
3.) 6 oz nettle, 4 oz watercress
4.) 6 oz carrot, 5 oz beet, 5 oz cucumber

Gout: 5 oz French or string beans

Headaches: 12 oz cabbage, 4 oz celery

Heart trouble: 16 oz beet

High Blood Pressure: 8 oz carrot, 2 oz parsley

Indigestion: 16 oz cabbage

Migraine: 12 oz fennel

Multiple Sclerosis: Greens from sprouts and other chlorophyll sources do miracles with this disease

Overweight: 8 oz carrot, 8 oz celery

Ulcers: 1.) Lettuce Juice mixed with carrot juice. Aids in digestion where stomach ulcers would otherwise interfere with the digestive processes.
2.) 16 oz cabbage and
pineapple and papaya juice
3.) 12 oz comfrey
4.) 16 oz potato

Respiratory Organ Health: juice of radishes blended with carrot juice.

Rheumatism: 8 oz celery, 8 oz carrot

Sexual Drive - Lost or Weakened: 1.) 16 oz beet
2.) 8 oz beet, 8 oz carrot, 6 oz cucumber
3.) 12 oz celery

Skin - 1.) 12 oz apple
2.) 12 oz beet

Tonsils: 1.) 8 oz onion, 8 oz carrot
2.) 2 oz horseradish, 1 oz garlic, 13 oz pineapple

Healing with Herbs

"Herbs are the most potent of plants. The majority are the same now as they were thousands of years ago. Our familiar vegetables of today started off as herbs, but they have been conditioned by man so much that they have lost in strength what they have gained in size and mildness.

Herbal leaves, barks, roots, and seeds have vital essences of importance to our health and resistance to disease. They are dissolvers, openers of obstructions, eliminators of dead elements and waste materials. They cleanse and purify the whole body. Any inflammation, infection, or purification is resisted by them. They are an antidote to poison; a natural relief from aches and pains.

Genuine herbal methods normalize body chemistry and control cell metabolism. They are a tonic to the whole system".

- from "The Healing Power of Chlorophyll" by Dr. Bernard Jensen

Herbs are available in a special bulk section found in the body care department of most health food stores, as well as at specialty herb stores. Here are some common herbs and the conditions they are helpful for. This is a tiny sampling. There are thousands!

Goldenseal: apply powder directly to skin for infections, cuts, extracting poisons, apply powder directly to tooth for toothache due to infection. Kills germs on contact. Seals wounds. Put pinch of powder in glass of water and drink for colds.

Cayenne: include a pinch with goldenseal in water for colds, or when cold coming on to prevent it. Cleans the blood.

Raspberry Leaf: make a sun tea by soaking leaves in water in the sun or daylight. Good daily drink for pregnant women, to tone tissues in preparation for successful labor.

Echinacea: helpful in preventing and treating colds. Use tincture available in health food stores.

Hibiscus Flowers and Rose-hips: makes a lovely beautiful rosy red sun tea that helps colds, or just tastes good any time, and provides vitamin C.

Rosemary and Thyme: Make a sun tea for colds

Eucalyptus Leaves: crunch up to release the oils, put in bowl with boiling water, put towel over head and inhale. Clears up sinuses.

St. John's Wort: sun tea helps alleviate depression, strengthens the spine

Comfrey: known as bone-knit, a compress will help heal bones and skin

Mugwort: prevents poison oak. It grows often near poison oak. Eating a bud will help prevent poison oak if you come in contact with the poison oak oil on the same day. It was said to be a clairvoyant in folklore. Purifies the blood.

All herbs and green vegetables contain chlorophyll. The following are the remedial effects of chlorophyll according to Dr. Bernard Jensen:

Builds a high blood count
Provides Iron to Organs
Counteracts Toxins Eaten
Improves Anemic Conditions
Cleans and deodorizes Bowel Tissues
Helps Purify the Liver
Aids Hepatitis Improvement
Feeds Heart Tissues Iron
Regulates Menstruation
Aids hemophilia condition
Improves Blood Sugar problems (diabetes)
Aid in Asthma Improvement
Increases Iron Content in Milk
Improves Milk Production
Helps Sores heal Faster
Eliminates Body Odors
Resists Bacteria in Wounds
Cleans Tooth and Gum Structure in Pyorrhea
Improves Nasal Drainage
Slows Nasal Drip
Lessens need for Underarm Deodorizers
Eliminates Bad Breath
Relieves Sore Throat
Makes Excellent Tooth Surgery Gargle
Benefits Inflamed Tonsils
Soothes Ulcer Tissues
Soothes Painful Hemorrhoids and Piles
Aids Catarrhal Discharges
Revitalizes Vascular System in the Legs
Improve Varicose Veins
Reduces Pain Caused by Inflammation

Healing through fasting. Types of fasts

By fasting we speak here of a complete water fast. No juices of any kinds. No nutrients of any kinds. Fasting is a great way to heal almost any illness. Animals will naturally fast when very sick. It stops the great chore of digestion and frees up your body's energy for healing. The body will clean house, get rid of toxins, and create a state of health in which you will be able to assimilate and absorb nutrients much more easily. It is a great way to jump start a healthy lifestyle. You must prepare to fast through cleaning up your diet, and ease out of a fast gently with small amounts of easily digested foods such as fruit. It is recommended that you do not do anything while fasting. Simply lie in bed and rest. Do as little as possible. TV is considered too stimulating. Fasting should be a complete rest for the system. A fast of at least a week is desirable. For the first 2 to 3 days the body simply uses up muscle tissue as this is the fastest way to obtain the glucose necessary to run the body. However when the body realizes that the fast is going to be longer than this, it starts to burn off the stored wastes and fat. Fasting centers can be helpful. An average person can fast for 60 days without beginning to starve. However if a long fast is desired, then it is good to have a physician or person experienced in supervising fasts to help determine when the fast should be stopped, and to monitor your health.

While fasting you may experience symptoms such as coldness, flu-like symptoms, headaches, diarrhea, blood pressure lowering, getting dizzy when you stand up (so be careful, ease up slowly, and have something to hold on to), and any number of symptoms. Some people do not experience any negative symptoms, and feel great throughout the fast.

According to fasting expert Loren Lockman, who has a fasting center in Maryland, Candida can be cured in three weeks, leaky gut can be cured, and he has cured several patients who were beyond being cured by the medical profession.

Eat fruit and salad only for a week before fasting.

When ending a fast eat small meals such as an orange. A couple of hours later perhaps a piece of watermelon. Continue small mono meals for 2 days.

For the first 8 hours of fasting, our body uses up the food in our system. Then it goes to the liver for glycogen stores for 8 -12 hours. Then it goes to muscle tissue as this provides easily obtainable energy in the form of glucose. After 1.5 to 2.5 days it stops breaking down muscle tissue and it starts breaking down adipose tissue (fat, wastes stored in tissues and cells due to the body having not enough time to eliminate all the wastes - due primarily to overeating).

Most people have 6-8 weeks of reserves of nutrients.

Other types of fasts include single day fasts, juice fasts and single-food fasts, such as eating just one kind of fruit for a day to three days. These can all be beneficial and give the body a rest.

Healing with enemas

See week one for a how-to on enemas. It may be beneficial to instruct the client in the art of giving themselves enemas.

Healing with simple-gourmet raw food

See the healing foods above and use these to create healing recipes. Make these simple recipes look nice with healthful and attractive plating. Use combinations of healing foods and healing edible herbs for flavor. Try to get the client to discover what foods they crave from the natural kingdom. Let them eat as much of this as they want to!

According to Dr. Bernard Jensen: " Chlorophyll is the green pigment that plants use to carry out the process of photosynthesis. Its function is to absorb the light energy used in photosynthesis for the reduction of carbon dioxide to sugars and other plant materials. Heat, water and sunshine are also important parts of the process. Without sunshine things don't turn green".

Lois Mattox Miller writes: "A ray of sunlight strikes the green leaf and instantly the miracle is wrought. Within the plant, molecules of water and carbon dioxide are torn apart - a feat which the chemist can accomplish only with great difficulty and expense. First there are only lifeless gas and water; then, presto! These elements are transformed into living tissue and useful energy. Oxygen is released from the plant to revitalize the air we breathe. Units of energy, in sugars and other carbohydrates, are speedily manufactured and stored in the living plant. Out of the process stems much of what we know as life and growth. Man consumes the energy as food..."

Foods and their properties

The elements below constitute the "dust of the earth" as well as man. These are from The Vegetarian Guide to Diet and Salad - By Dr. Norman W. Walker, D. Sc.

Atomic Elements in the body and what they feed:
Oxygen - bones, teeth, skin, red blood corpuscles, circulation, optimism
Carbon - teeth, connective tissue, skin, hair, nails
Hydrogen - blood and all cells in body
Nitrogen - muscles, cartilage, tissues, ligaments, tendons, lean flesh
Calcium - bones and teeth
Phosphorus - brain and blood
Potassium - blood, bones and all cells
Sulphur - cleanser, blood
Sodium - skin, nerves, mucous membrane
Chlorine - epithelium, nerves, cleanser
Fluorine - blood, skin, hair, and nails
Magnesium - hemoglobin, lymph, spine
Iron - bones, brain, muscles, blood cells, red corpuscles
Silicon - blood, hair, teeth, and nails, skin, nerves, muscles
Iodine - thyroid, blood, spinal nerves, brain, bone, metabolism

Atomic Elements and some of the Foods They can be Found in:
Oxygen - juices of raw fruits and vegetables
Carbon - nuts, olives and avocados
Hydrogen - carrots, celery, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, grapes, raspberries
Nitrogen - Alfalfa and other green leafy vegetables
Calcium - almonds, carrots, dandelions, turnips, spinach, oranges, okra, cauliflower, tomatoes, garlic, parsnips, berries, nuts, apples, potatoes, apricots
Phosphorus - kale, radishes, asparagus, sorrel, watercress, Brussels sprouts, garlic, Savoy cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, squash, cucumbers, leeks, lettuce, turnips, Brazil nuts, walnuts, huckleberries, blackberries, cherries, black Mission figs, oranges, limes
Potassium - carrots, celery, parsley, spinach, beet, cauliflower, leeks, garlic, raw potatoes, sorrel, squash, tomatoes, turnips, oranges, lemons, apricots, bananas, cherries, dates, grapes, huckleberries, figs, pears, peaches, plums, raspberries, watermelon, pomegranate, olives
Sulphur - watercress, kale, horseradish, cauliflower, cabbage, chives, garlic, sorrel, cranberries, raspberries, pineapple, currants, apples, Brazil nuts, filberts
Sodium - celery, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, strawberries, radishes, squash, lettuce, dandelion, leeks, cucumbers, beets, turnips, apples, apricots, watermelon, huckleberries, pears, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, dates, cherries, grapes.
Chlorine - Beets, cabbage, celery, garlic, horseradish, parsnips, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, avocado, dates, pomegranate, coconut
Fluorine - Almonds, carrots, beet tops, turnip tops, dandelion, spinach, celery tops, cauliflower, cabbage, watercress, parsley, cucumber
Magnesium - carrots, celery, cucumbers, almonds, dandelions, garlic, leeks, kale, lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, lemons, oranges, apples, blackberries, bananas, figs, pineapple, Brazil nuts, pecans, pinions, walnuts
Iron - lettuce, leeks, carrots, dandelions, radishes, asparagus, turnips, cucumbers, horseradish, tomatoes, almonds, avocado, strawberries, raisins, figs, watermelon, apricots, cherries, huckleberries, walnuts, Brazil nuts, apples, grapes (concord particularly), pineapple, oranges
Silicon - Cucumbers, lettuce, parsnips, asparagus tips, beet tops, dandelion, horseradish, leeks, okra, parsley, green peppers, radishes, spinach, watercress, strawberries, cherries, apricots, apples, watermelon, figs
Iodine - kelp, sea lettuce, carrots, Irish moss, pineapple (Note: Do not use medicated or liquid iodine as a food or drink.)

Foundations of a balanced raw diet. Food Combining for healing

According to Dr. Walker you can combine any foods with any others except honey. Honey can be combined with vegetables but not with fruits (except bananas, dates, figs and raisins) or nuts. And of course melons should be eaten alone. And fruits should be eaten first if eaten with nuts. You can safely combine fruits and vegetables, and vegetables and nuts.

Although the main rule of food combining is to not combine proteins and carbohydrates/starches this is obviously not true in the raw vegan diet because fruits and vegetables all contain both of these nutrients. So, this rule applies only when you are dealing with heavy amounts of protein such as that in meat. Then combining with carbohydrates or anything else is bad, simply because it is toxic to begin with, as are heated carbohydrates.

Rejuvenation through the simple-gourmet raw diet

To summarize, a sort of "Raw Food 101" statement: "All fruits and vegetables in their natural state contain millions of living cells as well as vital enzymes. When food is subjected to heat these enzymes and cells are devitalized. When the enzymes in fruits and vegetables are killed, our own body must be called upon to compensate by supplying the missing elements. This is a drain on the body's reserves".

I believe that using the raw vegan diet in its simplest form, eating as many simple whole fresh raw organic foods as possible, that all the nutrients needed will be absorbed efficiently for a body that functions optimally, much as a high performance vehicle functions on high grade fuel. I believe that our bodies are made to last at least 120 years and that we are meant to die painlessly when we choose to consciously leave our bodies and surrender to the spiritual journey beyond. Beyond healing our bodies with raw foods, if we continue our raw food path, the healthfulness of this way of life will contribute to rejuvenation and long life. Health and longevity is not just a selfish pursuit. On a planet so in need of healing it would be good to be able to maximize our potential for contributing our wisdom and experience by extending our lives as healthy and vital human beings as long as possible!

Recommended Reading:

The Healing Power of Chlorophyll from Plant Life - By Bernard Jensen, D.C., Ph.D., Nutritionist

Green Leaves of Barley-Dr Mary Ruth Swope

Spiritual Roots of barley-Mary Ruth Swope

The Vegetarian Guide to Diet and Salad - By Dr. Norman W. Walker, D. Sc.

The Roots and Fruits of Fasting- By Dr. Mary Ruth Swope

Acid and Alkaline - By Herman Aihara

Fasting (video of talks) - By Loren Lockman - http://www.tanglewoodwellnesscenter.com
