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Click Here For More Information about our new raw food retreat house!
Also, new: Power hiking/camping weekends to hot springs and waterfalls!

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| Storm, 55 | Raven, 10 | Shale, 4 | Jome, 8 | Adagio, 8 mo.s | Jinjee, 37 |
Our 100% Raw-Vegan Family

About our family: Storm has been eating a raw-vegan diet of fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables in their unheated natural state for over 30 years. He is experiencing the passing of the years with literally no signs of aging. At 54 he appears decades younger and still successfully competes with college athletes. Jinjee first started eating a raw-vegan diet when she met storm 11 years ago. Her before and after pictures show her radical transformation. At present the whole family is eating a 100% raw-vegan diet and thriving! Out of our family of six nobody is sick or has any health problems. We don't have any medication in our house, not even an aspirin. Our meals are simple, quick and easy to make, satisfying and delicious. We don't claim that this is the perfect diet for everyone, but we have found something that works for us. We are happy to be able to share our experiences in the raw food diet through our website, our eBooks, our DVD, our retreats, and our free daily raw inspiration emails. Thank you for visiting us online. We hope you enjoy our site!


Click for free monthly raw food news..

Jan 27, 2005

Raw Florida Andressohn family still battling to get their children back after 18 months! Click to find out what really happened!

The Daily Raw Inspiration:

Storm's Raw Zucchini Fettuccini with Pesto Sauce

*3 Medium Zucchini, peeled then sliced into thin noodles with a potato peeler. Put in bowl

*3 and a half tablespoons of raw tahini
*2 tablespoons olive oil
*1/2 cup pine nuts
*1/2 cup water
*2 tablespoons honey (optional)
*1 teaspoon cumin seeds
*1/4 cup fresh basil leaves
*1/2 lemon juiced
*other seasonings and spices (optional)
Put in blender and blend until creamy

Top with:
*2 cloves garlic finely chopped
*1 avocado diced
*1 leek finely chopped
*cut wakame (optional)

Mix all together in bowl. Serves four.

Amazingly, the zucchini in this sauce is indistinguishable from pasta!!! Except of course it feels much better in your tummy! :)


Site Update: Check out Raven's
directorial debut, her "Take A Fruit Break" commercial starring Jome. Or Storm talking about raw food anti-aging. Both are Quicktime movies, linked from the bottom of the page here.

News - The Raw Foods Diet:

The Garden Diet Forum! Discuss the Raw-Vegan diet, ask questions and get support online!

Storm's Raw Food documentary film! See photos and clips (includes new pictures of the kids 1/6/05)

Pictures of Adagio, 7 weeks old

"Raw Mountain Retreats with Storm" - Pine Mountain Club, CA. Now ongoing!

Our music: Storm on bass recorder and Jinjee on grand piano. Listen to a clip...

May 10th, 2004 - Mama Jinjee with 10 day old Agadio!

May 1st, 2004 - Welcome Baby Adagio!

Jinjee, 7 months

The Orange Juice Diet eBook - A guide to a 2 week cleanse to launch you into a raw-foods diet. ....order now!

Raw Foods Diet one of Seven most popular diets in the World Today...February 11th, 2004 article in Medical News Today! ...more

Storm's Workout DVD! The Circular Workout - designed for Raw-Vegans to maximize muscle tone without weights!

Daily Raw Inspiration - Subscribe or Re-Subscribe for free by clicking the link above.

NEW eBook! Storm's Story - Autobiography of a long-term raw vegan!

Fight Obesity ~ "Take A Fruit Break" ~ Help us advertise fruit to kids!

"Raising Raw-Vegan Children" eBook by Jinjee and Storm!

In the news! What the media is saying about the raw-vegan diet this month!

Pictures of the kids! The fruitbats gallery!

Storm's Artwork Online to benefit Fruit Break Campaign!

Free Raw Radio! Check it out!

Demi Moore of Charlie's Angels puts raw vegan diet in spotlight! Read article!

The Raw Vegan Network: Find a Raw Food Delivery Service, Raw Personal Trainer, Raw Lifestyle Coach, or Raw Nutritionist in your area. OR become one! Receive Certifications via home-study.

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Our eBooks Special!
The Raw Vegan Circular Workout DVD

and our 10 raw food eBooks for only $39.99!

Order our DVD and receive 10 Raw Food Diet eBooks by Storm and Jinjee Talifero to your inbox today! You'll also receive a short "Daily Raw Inspiration" free direct to your inbox every day! You can click the eBook images below for more information about each one, order an individual ebook for $10 or all 10 ebooks for $20.

a daily short email to help you go or stay raw!
autobiography of a long-term raw-vegan, eBook
How, Why and What to eat raw, w/our favorite staple easy-to-make raw food recipes

A 2 week cleanse to jump-start your raw lifestyle, eBook
Guide to rejuvenation and youthing from Storm! eBook

The Talifero Family Secrets for getting your kids to love raw and thrive!
Kick the junk food habit and get in shape quick with this 8-week online raw food boot camp!

The Extreme Essene Diet - Learn the secrets of living to be 140 years old. This eBook is an introduction to a Long-Lost Biblical Text providing the first known raw food diet plan!

diabetes cure

Jinjee's Raw Food Journal. My battle to stay 100% raw. Updated monthly.

eBook. This year, bring the light inside
Raw Pregnancy, Ecstatic Birth - eBook about the joys of the raw-vegan diet for easier birthing.

Learn how the raw-vegan diet can help you maintain your ideal weight and body shape, restore your youth and health, lengthen your life, and prevent illness without sacrificing the joy of eating a variety of delicious and easy to prepare foods!

Order now for only $39.99 and receive "The Raw Vegan Circular Workout DVD" in the mail as well as a link to our 10 eBooks in your inbox today!
(A $120 total value when bought separately!)

Or mail check, money order, or cashier's check (don't forget to include your EMAIL ADDRESS!) made out to Johanna Garrick for $39.99 to:

Johanna Garrick
PO Box 5355
Frazier Park, CA


Your ebook for recipes is one of the most inspiring and easy to use books on raw foods I have read. I like the way you explain very simply in lay mens terms how the body is not designed for cooked food. I have been researching raw food for three years and yours is only the second I've seen that doesn't require a dehydrator. I look forward to more ebooks from you. Very glad I purchased it. Thank you. Sincerely, Ammon D

I am a first year law student and after a few days on this diet, I stayed up longer and wasn't tired, I was excited about the day (because I didn't have in the back of my mind, when am I going to get the next food fix) and I have been comprehending things in class a lot better. I feel almost like a fog has been lifted off my brain, like things are clearer. Julian

Just a quick note to thank you for the daily inspirational messages you are sending! I started going raw about a month and a half now and I have lost over 25 pounds! Besides the great weight loss so far, I have noticed that my problems with insomnia have vanished, I am no longer depressed, I have much more energy, my skin looks great, and I am just feeling fantastic! I have quite a bit more to lose as I am pretty overweight, but I am very satisfied eating this way, and I am finding that I am able to get by on much less food than I used to eat. I have a feeling of "lightness" that is hard to describe, but perhaps you know what I mean. God bless you and Storm for your work! Mary Caldwell

For a simple, short, and to the point book, excellent. Wish your family all the best. Have a rawsome day, Luigi

If I hadn't seen the photos of you pregnant I would never in a million years believe that you just gave birth. Karleen

May God bless you. Your missives inspire me. As I ascend into the heaven of raw food emanations, my 79-year-old body rejoices. Charles W. Mosser

Have you ever read something that was so "right", that it brought tears to your eyes? Your e-book just made me feel that way! Thanks. Loraine Hill Tampa, FL

I bought your e-books some time ago, went on the orange juice diet which made me feel wonderful and convinced me of the wonders of living foods. Michele

About two months after I decided to start eating raw foods, I ordered your complete e-book set. I read every one of them very thoroughly, and found a huge clearing which has allowed me to super-charge the effectiveness of my raw diet. I now do only organic, and have imitated your sample daily meal schedule using your recipes. It's brought me to a whole new level of wellness and poise! Forever grateful, Sue

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