In 1995 I started seriously wondering why I didn't have energy like a lot of successful and vibrant people have. Magically, a book came into my life (a friend's Christmas present I saw at her house) which showed me the answer, or at least a huge part of the answer. The book was "Fit For Life" by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. I read it straight through and changed to what they said immediately. Within a week after giving up cheese and other dairy products, for the first time in my life I felt my nasal passages were clear. I could FEEL my breath going through ! That's how I knew it was all real and true.


Even while teaching private English lessons when I lived in Athens (Greece) I often steered the conversation practice to inspiring subjects like health and living a happier, better life. All my students loved learning English that way and did well. I even "converted" one student to the "Fit For Life" way (the book written by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond) which is a 75% raw food lifestyle. That student was thrilled with his results. He lost at least 20 pounds and felt fantastic, and was inspired to keep it up for good. It really excites me to show people what they can do.

Also, I have seen in myself what happens when you try to go all raw - all the stuff you've been suppressing in yourself comes to the surface and you either deal with it or you go straight back to the limiting lifestyle you've had before !  I've had a hard time making the full transition, emotionally speaking. But I know so many things now about the fears and hesitations etc. regarding making a transition, that I can help a lot of people even to go 75% raw (which is a huge step for most people, and very beneficial anyway).

Also, I know now that eating nature's unadulterated foods is the fountain of youth. One does NOT have to resort to cosmetic surgery, for example. That is SO exciting to me.

Plus, I know that the more people eat raw foods, the more the environment will clean up. It drives me insane to think of all the packaging piling up in landfills and choking the earth, when it's not needed at all (or hardly needed). Also, less animals will suffer.