Love Letter to My Father

I love You so much Lord God Almighty.  I love You so much God and I appreciate all that You have done for me and for watching out for me all these years.  For saving me Lord and for redeeming me Father God I thank You with all my heart.  For loving me I thank You God.  For rescuing me from darkness, God I thank You.  I am glad and I am happy that You Lord want only Your very best for me and that You have caused it all to come to pass for me.  I love You Lord because You first loved me and You chose me to be a part of Your Kingdom family, and for that Lord God Almighty I am forever grateful for all that You have ever done for me and that Jesus is alive forevermore and that He is my Savior.  I thank You God that the Holy Spirit of You lives and dwells in me and shows me and tells me when and what to do and He guides my footsteps every step of the way when I want Him to, when I need Him to, and when I ask Him to. 


This is my love letter to my Heavenly Father Who I am forever grateful that the Kingdom of God and all of the heavenlies are there for me and helps me to fight and do spiritual warfare and undertake spiritual battles on my behalf and for my good does God Almighty cause things to happen for me.  I love Him so very much.  I am forever grateful that even when I mess up, when I miss the mark, when I strive to do my best, and do what I think is right that God is there to forgive me and starts over with me and my mess when I cry out to Him and repent with a true heart of desired forgiveness from Him.  God takes me and my mess and forgives me and causes me to start afresh and anew and He puts me back on track for His perfect will and plans and desires for me to be accomplished in this earth.  I love You so much Daddy God!!!


And for all of you who might be reading this love letter, this letter of thanks and gratitude that I have written to my Heavenly Father, the one, the true, the only living, all powerful, and all knowing God, I invite you to ask Him to be Lord over your life as He is over mine by asking His only begotten Son, Jesus, the Savior of the world, to now become your Savior and that you make him Lord over your life.  If you want Jesus to be Lord over your life and if you want to be filled with the power of the Holy Ghost then say this prayer out loud and ask God the following:


Salvation Prayer

Lord Jesus, I ask You right now to come into my heart and live and dwell inside me by the Holy Spirit of God.  I believe that You are the risen and living Son of God.  I believe that You were born into this earth and that You died and were buried and that in three days You rose up from the grave and that You walked this earth again before You ascended up to heaven to be seated on the throne at the right hand of our Father God.  I ask that You forgive me now of all my sins, cleanse me, purge me, and make me brand new and may I walk in God’s agape love and live my life serving and obeying God.  If I miss the mark may I repent and run to God and ask him for forgiveness and restoration.  May I fulfill my destiny and God’s perfect will for me upon the earth in my lifetime.  I ask You Lord Jesus to save me, to sanctify me, and that I be filled with the Holy Spirit of God.  I believe that I receive these things because I have asked and it shall be done for me.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.  I thank You and I praise You God that it is done.  I decree it and declare it God and I ask that You do it in heaven and that it is established in the earth and in my life.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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